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1 hour ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

:lol: The thing I find funny is treating the two as if they're mutually exclusive things. Surely about 95% of people on here also have accounts on Steelmen?

Aye. They're generally complementary, horses for courses and all that. That particular thread, though, is reminiscent of the Chuckle Brothers just phoning one in.

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1 hour ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

:lol: The thing I find funny is treating the two as if they're mutually exclusive things. Surely about 95% of people on here also have accounts on Steelmen?

That's almost certainly true although I'd imagine the % of people who actively use their accounts is probably different.

Having just checked I posted twice on SO in 2022 and have posted 0 times in 2023 to date. Which isn't to say I don't check in now and again but from the looks of things 2018 was the last time I posted with any regularity.

I think it's fair to say that the two platforms have different energies but as @Busta Nut pointed out that's just generally the tension you find when it comes to club specific forums. Said it before but there's a one-eyedness that's a natural consequence of a forum built with a singular common interest and focus.

If you look at other clubs threads on here you'll see similar criticism of BAWA, WAP/Banter Page etc. so it's not just a SteelmenOnline thing.

44 minutes ago, Doctor Manhattan said:

Any particular reason why you redacted the already anonymous user names? Is it like a Betelgeuse thing?

:lol: - tbh it was because it was more about being tickled by the content than having a dig at the poster if that makes sense? I've no real inclination to dunk on anyone there.

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1 hour ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

:lol: The thing I find funny is treating the two as if they're mutually exclusive things. Surely about 95% of people on here also have accounts on Steelmen?

Probably…….but the vast majority of ‘well known’ and decent posters seem to have sacked SO a long time ago. Maybe it’s the impact of social media etc. having an effect on forums but having read a fair bit of SO, including lots of fair and balanced opinions from it’s early days to about 2014/15 when I stopped visiting it, it just seems now to be populated by a very small number of posters just lobbing childish insults at each other. I’d say with confidence a number of the ‘well known’ posters have either moved here under a different/similar name, transferred to twitter/facebook, or after being put off SO by a few overbearing posters, haven’t  bothered picking up somewhere else.

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16 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

I think it's fair to say that the two platforms have different energies but as @Busta Nut pointed out that's just generally the tension you find when it comes to club specific forums. Said it before but there's a one-eyedness that's a natural consequence of a forum built with a singular common interest and focus.

If you look at other clubs threads on here you'll see similar criticism of BAWA, WAP/Banter Page etc. so it's not just a SteelmenOnline thing.

As I've probably said before - if you look at other one club forums (Jambos Kickback or any of the Dons forums for example) - they are *miles* worse than SO for wild takes and supporters slagging each other - SO is actually pretty sane and respectful compared to these (and I dread to think what OF forums are like as I visit them as often as I do Ibrox and Parkhead).

I think the irony is that WTFC.net was set up as a reaction to the (perceived or real) constant negativity on Ye Olde Fir Park Corner and for a while, it was definitely that. Importantly it also had a much younger demographic (a lot of whom knew each other IRL) at that point but it feels now that SO is similar in age profile and content to the thing that it set out to replace/compliment in the first place.

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Look, there’s a place for both forums.

The Heavy Hands, Empty Stands thread - I’ll own what I’ve said on there. Everything could be backed up & it finished yesterday with some sport if you like. Passionate subject. I’m not involved, but, get it/them. it’s the lack of understanding  of the demographic of that section of support and Bois/pyro bad, holier than thou/über fans good that spurred response.

Anyways, learned a lesson here a few months back on differing opinions so took stock.

The nudge-nudge, wink-wink accusations keep getting levelled. I post in a certain way, much to the displeasure of some. I make no apology for that, but, think most generally do understand why, there’s plenty on both forums who know me could concur.

I’m told the Facelessbook pages are off the scale with wild takes.

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8 hours ago, Swello said:

As I've probably said before - if you look at other one club forums (Jambos Kickback or any of the Dons forums for example) - they are *miles* worse than SO for wild takes and supporters slagging each other - SO is actually pretty sane and respectful compared to these (and I dread to think what OF forums are like as I visit them as often as I do Ibrox and Parkhead).

I think the irony is that WTFC.net was set up as a reaction to the (perceived or real) constant negativity on Ye Olde Fir Park Corner and for a while, it was definitely that. Importantly it also had a much younger demographic (a lot of whom knew each other IRL) at that point but it feels now that SO is similar in age profile and content to the thing that it set out to replace/compliment in the first place.

This is pretty much it and it is ever thus when this topic invariably rolls around.

Without wanting to patronise anyone SO has a number of good, well-intentioned posters and it's not different to other similar sized club forums and nowhere near the level of shitshow in comparison to your afcchat etc.

Rightly or wrongly, I've always had the impression that along with attracting a certain type of poster due to the single club nature of the forum the core user group on SO skews slightly older. Which isn't a ding on anyone but it would probably account for why there often feels like there can be a frustrating disconnect at times and speaks to your 2nd paragraph in terms of time line and the natural evolution from it initially setting about to be a corrective to what it is now probably informs the current experience.

There's probably a broader conversation in terms of changes in online culture from the point it launched and to @YassinMoutaouakil's point about 95% of posters on here have a SO account it raises the question of why many no longer post there or @Quatermass' post about why regular posters have migrated elsewhere - being middle-aged and realising that there are other things to do in life beyond posting on a fitba' forum is a perfectly acceptable answer like.

Ultimately if it's not your flavour then no one's being forced to post there (as I mentioned earlier I pretty much sacked it in 2018) although equally there's nothing to stop someone having an opinion on the content.

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7 minutes ago, Marinello said:

Couple of rumours circulating that KVV might be off to China in next few days!

Seems we should be discussing Chinese food then.

Special fried rice is epic stuff, a lot of the rest is meh. Hiked up a hill in Hong Kong for highly rated dim sum, its was all knuckles and gristle the locals loved gnawing on.

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If there's anything in the KVV rumours then it's going to be too lucrative a deal for him to turn down at this stage of his career and could really set him up financially. Would be a huge blow to us though, to lose him before we're sure of safety.

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