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Going on a bender after some bad news is understandable. I know I've done it in the past. Homophobic language etc is still out of order though.

I suspect the club probably dealt with it at the time which would explain his absence from the team for months at a time when we were complete fucking shite. 

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1 minute ago, craigkillie said:

All of the other stuff from Slattery can be written off as being daft, drunk and upset, but there has to be a line on homophobia (or racism, sectarianism or anything else), and I don't think fans should be defending that.

I'm not sure anyone has defended it. He's been given a second chance and I am sure if there is a repeated instance people will reassess the situation.

Any form of bigotry/xenophobia/racism is of course unacceptable. He's been very stupid.

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48 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

All of the other stuff from Slattery can be written off as being daft, drunk and upset, but there has to be a line on homophobia (or racism, sectarianism or anything else), and I don't think fans should be defending that.

As has been said, nobody is defending his choice of homophobic language, but you knew that.  People are understanding of the fact that a young lad, who doesn't normally drink, went on a bit of a bender after receiving some horrendous news and made a c**t of himself in public.  He's been criticised for his use of language and he'll face the consequences of that, and rightly so.

Trying to compare this to the situation with the Lafferty one says more about you than it does anyone else.  Mile-oot behaviour.

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11 minutes ago, Desp said:

As has been said, nobody is defending his choice of homophobic language, but you knew that.  .

There are 4 upvotes on this post which specifically revels in his use of homophobic language. I'm not directly comparing it to Lafferty (which I agree was worse), it was just a high profile recent example involving my own club.


17 hours ago, Leith Green said:

That story is fucking hilarious - he deffo wins "footballer on the lash bingo"

Do you know who I am? I earn more than you. Calling the poliswummin a dyke. Calling them all kunts. Running away and tripping over the kerb.

Absolutely brilliant, made me laugh out loud, the boy may be a bam, but hes a funny as f**k bam !!


Edited by craigkillie
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2 hours ago, craigkillie said:

Just like Kyle Lafferty's bigotry can't be waved away with a "well he was provoked", Slattery's homophobic language requires more than a "he was going through a hard time".

6 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

I'm not directly comparing it to Lafferty

Bore off, Craig.

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I don't think anyone is defending Slattery's language. It was out of order and he's been dealt with by the courts, and presumably by the club having been binned out the team around the time of the incident. People are, rightly, just more understanding of a young lad in his early 20's going a bit off the rails one evening after having been given some awful news, and as a result are willing to give him a second chance. 

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41 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

There are 4 upvotes on this post which specifically revels in his use of homophobic language. I'm not directly comparing it to Lafferty (which I agree was worse), it was just a high profile recent example involving my own club.


As all the Motherwell lads who greenied the post know, I was having a laugh at what I - very specifically - called "footballer on the lash bingo".

As for "revels in his use of homophobic language"................not sure I can respond to that one in a way that wont get me a ban.

However, just in case my post offended anyone, I will delete it.


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13 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

As all the Motherwell lads who greenied the post know, I was having a laugh at what I - very specifically - called "footballer on the lash bingo".

As for "revels in his use of homophobic language"................not sure I can respond to that one in a way that wont get me a ban.

However, just in case my post offended anyone, I will delete it.


Don’t let some virtue signalling p***k trying to draw a false equivalence censor you mate.

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1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

There are 4 upvotes on this post which specifically revels in his use of homophobic language. I'm not directly comparing it to Lafferty (which I agree was worse), it was just a high profile recent example involving my own club.



It is possible to condemn the homophobia, agree that he should punished (as he has been), have a chuckle at the absolute chaos and also have some sympathy for the guy. 


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2 hours ago, craigkillie said:

All of the other stuff from Slattery can be written off as being daft, drunk and upset, but there has to be a line on homophobia (or racism, sectarianism or anything else), and I don't think fans should be defending that.


I don't think you'll have see one person defending the specific use of any language like that. It's possible to give the young lad a 'pass' overall (as I said in my post) or someone's amusing post an uptick and still not be defending all elements of Slattery's behaviour. Also, it's a fucking fitba forum we aren't writing up his rehab recommendations. 

As for comparing to Lafferty. The 35 year old fully grown mature man who should know better to Slattery. Be better than that.

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Hopefully the lad has indeed taken ownership of his actions and has since managed to sort himself out from whatever stresses he was under at the time.

He's obviously went off the rails having had a bad spell in his personal life and has made a rip-roaring cnut of himself in the process...I'm sure all of us have had similar episodes in our lives in the past.

I imagine the chaos that ensued to be not too dissimilar to the rather famous photo below, which, somewhat conveniently for this post, appears to have taken place on the spectacularly named "Well Street".


Edited by KirkySuperSub
Dodgy Spelling
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4 hours ago, craigkillie said:

Just like Kyle Lafferty's bigotry can't be waved away with a "well he was provoked", Slattery's homophobic language requires more than a "he was going through a hard time".

2 hours ago, craigkillie said:

 I'm not directly comparing it to Lafferty (which I agree was worse), it was just a high profile recent example involving my own club.



Having seen these comments and also the ones you made on Twitter, you are clearly comparing the two separate incidents and are advocating a 10 match ban in line with Lafferty’s potential punishment. 


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53 minutes ago, Handsome John said:

Having seen these comments and also the ones you made on Twitter, you are clearly comparing the two separate incidents and are advocating a 10 match ban in line with Lafferty’s potential punishment. 



A 10 match ban is the minimum for offences where players "use offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or actions which include(s) a reference, whether express or implied, to any one or more of the following :- ethnic religion, colour, race, nationality, religion or belief, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation or disability".

Whether you agree with that or not (and I personally think there should be more nuance, particularly in off-field cases), if Slattery is found guilty of the legal charge then he clearly meets the SFA criteria above and should be banned.

The Lafferty one is a precedent in that it was an off-field incident which the SFA have intervened in. A 35 year-old getting involved in that sort of nonsense based on a minor provocation is clearly worse than Slattery doing so whilst drunk and emotionally charged, but ultimately both are miles out of line and that ban is the minimum specified for such offences.

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31 minutes ago, craigkillie said:


A 10 match ban is the minimum for offences where players "use offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or actions which include(s) a reference, whether express or implied, to any one or more of the following :- ethnic religion, colour, race, nationality, religion or belief, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation or disability".

Whether you agree with that or not (and I personally think there should be more nuance, particularly in off-field cases), if Slattery is found guilty of the legal charge then he clearly meets the SFA criteria above and should be banned.

The Lafferty one is a precedent in that it was an off-field incident which the SFA have intervened in. A 35 year-old getting involved in that sort of nonsense based on a minor provocation is clearly worse than Slattery doing so whilst drunk and emotionally charged, but ultimately both are miles out of line and that ban is the minimum specified for such offences.

Just to be clear then, the earlier denial about comparing the actions of both was just bull then? 

Slattery does not need to be found guilty of the offence as he pled as such if you’d read the full article. 

A difference in the incidents I suppose too is that Lafferty’s offence was whilst being away with his national team and possibly still within the terms of being “on-duty” if you like. Not sure if that is a factor in the SFA’s thinking? 

if 10 games is the minimum and Lafferty’s offence was clearly worse, would you accept a 15 match ban for Lafferty and 10 for Slattery? 

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I'm not "comparing" in the sense of suggesting they were equivalent. I'm comparing in the sense that both are footballers who were involved in discriminatory behaviour away from their jobs, and both stories have come out recently. If I hadn't mentioned Lafferty someone would have inevitably lashed out with some whataboutery (as though I was somehow responsible for Lafferty's behaviour, which I've already condemned), so I thought it was worth doing.

I missed that he'd pled guilty to the homophobia, seems like an open and shut case for the SFA in that scenario. In terms of the different lengths of bans, that's fair enough if they want to do that (though players still get a 2 match ban for violent conduct whether they kick someone in the leg or punch them full force in the face, even though one is clearly worse than the other). However, it's hard to see how Slattery can avoid punishment here in the context that stuff away from the pitch is clearly fair game for punishment (rightly or wrongly).

None of that was the purpose of my posting though, the point was that I was disappointed to see fans on here (and especially on Twitter in the replies/quote tweets to that STV article) excusing or ignoring his homophobia.

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