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4 hours ago, capt_oats said:

I mean, yes.

No Tories thanks.

Given the backgrounds of various folk who've been on our board and run our club over the years, I'd imagine we've had more than a few already.

Edited by Gallus Numpty
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SPFL chief operating officer Calum Beattie confirmed the contingency plan was always for the game to be played next Wednesday, and no other solution was found after discussions with both clubs.

"This decision gives this vital fixture the very best chance of being played in front of both sets of supporters and also gives us a week to finalise further contingency planning in the event that the weather unexpectedly deteriorates in the interim."


No Monday afternoon behind closed-doors at Airdrie, then? I wonder why.

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6 hours ago, Vietnam91 said:

Apparently the WS board is too left wing

6 hours ago, Vietnam91 said:

one member one vote provident society which focus' on the collective community good

I mean that sounds like communism to me. No wonder we've got a wealthy American suddenly interested. Hope there's no oil in that Viking burial ground under the pitch...

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6 hours ago, santheman said:

I've always thought you should have to pass some kind of intelligence test before they let you have a social media account. 

That'll be Facebook fucked then.

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8 hours ago, redstarcvedza said:

One of the advantages of football (Old Firm excepted) is that in general it is apolitical. As Motherwell fans do we really give a monkeys about the private politics of our players, owners, management team or fellow fans ? 

100% with @capt_oats's statement. I don't think you can say that we are apolitical given how much the Ravenscraig has been at the forefront of a lot of things we've done.

That's why I was surprised that Nick Mackie guy stood for the 'Well society given he's a current Tory staffer.


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7 hours ago, Swello said:

Dundee -Rangers being off takes a bit of heat out of Saturday (but also ensures that it remains meaningful for us). Good news is that the Hampden Beaks will want Dundee's pitch so far away from the Top 6/OF that Aberdeen are getting 8 penalties.

Ach, I was looking forward to the Saturday afternoon shootout. Those scenarios don’t come round too often. 

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1 hour ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

100% with @capt_oats's statement. I don't think you can say that we are apolitical given how much the Ravenscraig has been at the forefront of a lot of things we've done.

That's why I was surprised that Nick Mackie guy stood for the 'Well society given he's a current Tory staffer.


Im sure people of all political persuasions watch Motherwell. Im as left wing as you get but it's irrelevant to me what the politics of people on the Well Society board are. Or prospective candidates. 

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1 hour ago, Wellin said:

Im sure people of all political persuasions watch Motherwell. Im as left wing as you get but it's irrelevant to me what the politics of people on the Well Society board are. Or prospective candidates. 


I don't doubt that they do. My point was that I don't think you can call the club apolitical. The voting demographic of the area, the community ethos of the club and the continuous nods to deindustrialisation definitely point to a left of centre narrative. 

A lot of that will contribute to why people take pride in supporting Motherwell, a fan owned club in a working class area. Someone's political leanings don't infer how good a job they would do on the 'Well Society board, however they perhaps would infer how well they would uphold values that make people buy into what the club does and what the 'Well Society does.

I'm not saying that Nick Mackie shouldn't have stood - I questioned why he bothered wasting his time doing so - his LinkedIn page was floating about very publicly at the time, which showed people who his current employer is and I certainly know enough 'Well fans personally who would be put off by that. Again, that's down to an individual's choice whether that puts them off or not.

We had a marketing campaign for season tickets not long ago (which I actually found to be quite crass, personally), in which the synopsis of the video was basically "the Ravenscraig closed, people from here are resilient, we are putting our prices up". You simply can't use that as a selling strategy and then say the club is apolitical. Furthermore, doing that and having a 'Well Society board member who works in Holyrood for the Tories does have an air of hypocrisy.


I do agree that football and politics is a dangerous cocktail (I think my last post earned me my first red reaction ever on p&b 😂) but in many cases they can't help but overlap. 

Edited by crazylegsjoe_mfc
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I'm sure the "well society needs capitalists" crowd are the same venn circle as the "scrap the women's team" ghouls.

In reality, how much money woild genuinely push us to the "next level"? And what even is the next level? We have St. Mirren and Killie enjoying their turn doing what we do every 5 years or so, then it will be a different two when those teams either sell their good players or try to be too clever, like we normally do at the end of our good cycle.  If we wanted to guarantee top 4 and cups, we'd need to spend more than Hearts, hibs and Aberdeen, but they're as unpredictable as everyone else. So how much more money than those three teams would we need to absolutely guarantee 3rd every season? My back of a napkin calculations suggest it would be a fucking shit load.

So even though punting the women's team and telling the community teams to buy their own strips could make us the  millions we need to get third, it's only fucking third, and now the weans are crying and weve pissed off half the planet.  We'd have to stop maintaining the ground and challenge the OF just to make it worthwhile.

Won't go too much into politics, but if you're not a millionaire but you're a tory, you're a gimp.

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6 hours ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

We should get Tommy Sheridan to do the half time draw again

One of the weirdest bits of half time entertainment since they had an injured Colin O'Neil going round the pitch on a speedway bike. My memory has it that he shouted "'Mon the Celts!" at the end of it (Tommy, not Psycho for obvious reasons).

5 hours ago, rowsdower said:

In reality, how much money would genuinely push us to the "next level"? And what even is the next level?

As you point out, there is no next level for us - we tried that and it didn't end brilliantly. Our next level is "have a similar budget to the teams that we think are the same size as us" which doesn't feel outrageous and would be fixable with some outside cash under the right terms.

It honestly feels like a lot of of people are losing the plot with all this investment & 'Well Society stuff - within ourselves, we're financially stable with money in the bank and are only carrying the 20 year Govt. soft loan as debt - which would be one of our better positions over the past 50 years (the time of the McLean-McLeish handover was probably the last time we could say anything like this).

The idea that we need to rip everything up, or invite Michael Gove onto the Society board seems at odds with the fact that we are heading for a comfortable mid-table finish with our current budget while (if the AGM chat was to be believed) operating at break-even for the year.

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20 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

Where can I find the tweets about the board being too left wing, I would like a giggle.


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