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39 minutes ago, Bay Citizen said:

I have to admit, I was disappointed when I saw the line up on Saturday as like you I was looking for a comfortable win to build a bit of confidence after recent results. 

I get the thought process as we’re picking up injuries and don’t really want to add to it as trying to stay in League 1 is our top objective, but the record books will still show a pumping by East Kilbride.

I’m not hitting the panic button just yet as we’ve played 3 full time teams in our first 5 but we need to start picking up points in the next 4 as 0 points after playing each team once will be unacceptable.

Good point about the full time teams. Saturday is massive and will really show where we are as a side this season. I think Cove at home is winnable the week after(eventhough I think they are full time?)but I also said that about newly promoted part time team Annan who haven't really strengthened that much and we chucked that.


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17 minutes ago, Good Citizen Bad Citizen said:

Good point about the full time teams. Saturday is massive and will really show where we are as a side this season. I think Cove at home is winnable the week after(eventhough I think they are full time?)but I also said that about newly promoted part time team Annan who haven't really strengthened that much and we chucked that.


Yeah, Annan was very disappointing, as we had opportunities to kill the game but didn’t take them and got punished for it.  Definitely by far the worst result of the season.

I think there’s points to be taken in the next few matches and we do have the team for it but they need to close out the games.

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17 hours ago, Good Citizen Bad Citizen said:

We also must leave Meadowbank at the end of this season to survive as a club in my opinion. 


That's an interesting point, and I absolutely agree with you! 👍

It's been absolutely dire at Meadowbank this season and I've only been to a few of the games.

Where could we go though? That's the huge problem.

Not many other grounds available in Edinburgh for us.

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1 hour ago, Tenkay said:

That's an interesting point, and I absolutely agree with you! 👍

It's been absolutely dire at Meadowbank this season and I've only been to a few of the games.

Where could we go though? That's the huge problem.

Not many other grounds available in Edinburgh for us.

Meadowbank has been a disaster and I was one of the biggest celebrators of us returning home. I even argued with you on here about it. You were right all along. The only good thing about it is the pubs nearby. I have a season ticket and have only been once all season, I just won't go again whilst we are there for League games it's the worst place I've ever watched football. Edinburgh Leisure have screwed us over and the previous owner annoyed so many people and burned so many bridges it's backed us into a corner we can't seem to fight our way out of 


As for another place to play,  hopefully we can convince the powers at Edinburgh Leisure that we would be much more worthy tenants of Meggetland than Tynecastle but I doubt it.

Whats really concerned me was an article released a few weeks ago. It said something along the lines of "we don't want to have to go and share at Livingston". Why was Livingston even mentioned? Funny one that and too alarming to be ignored. Has a share there been discussed in the past without majority knowing? Are we going to have to go there when Meadowbank inevitably fails the grading which is being brought into effect next season? There is literally nowhere left in Edinburgh, we can't upgrade Meadowbank or even afford to, so could there be something in this? 

We've got better owners now and fan representation but we are in a dire situation, worse than ever, which isn't the current boards fault at all

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On 11/09/2023 at 18:05, Good Citizen Bad Citizen said:

2 wins in 20 odd games. We also must leave Meadowbank at the end of this season to survive as a club in my opinion. 

I post this as an Away Supporter and as a football than that also floats around random games with my son, simply enjoying other footballing experience away from Stirling and Scotland and I have to whole heartedly agree with this. Edinburgh City will never be an attractive proposition whilst you play there. Obviously a coupe, of your own fans have posted above saying they've not been there and talked about the experience, if Edinburgh as a club can not keep your current fan base, attract Away Supporters like myself along....then it goes without saying that you're in trouble. That's without even mentioning growing a fanbase or getting further into the community and attracting others along.

I know a good number of people who'll not be at the Edinburgh v Stirling games, paying the money for that kind of matchday experience just isn't priority, so it's a game a good number of general Away supporters would most likely leave.

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I must say that I don’t really see where Edinburgh City go as a club from here.

Being local it’s been interesting to see Spartans focus in on the North Edinburgh support base and it seems to have worked to some extent.

And not far from Edinburgh, both Bonnyrigg and Tranent have engaged their local communities and it would appear they have done well with that in recent years.

What sort of identify do Edinburgh City want?  There seemed to be a bit of a narrative to push them as ‘Edinburgh’s 3rd team’, maybe somewhere that Hibs and Hearts fans would go if their team, was away and didn’t want to travel.  I doubt there is much mileage in that really. 

Meadowbank is clearly not great, but would there be many more locals wanting to watch them if they moved to somewhere like Meggetland, which is a great place to watch a game? I’m not sure it would really boost support all that much.

In short, sadly don’t see a great future for Edinburgh City.

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34 minutes ago, Cowdenleith said:

I must say that I don’t really see where Edinburgh City go as a club from here.

Being local it’s been interesting to see Spartans focus in on the North Edinburgh support base and it seems to have worked to some extent.

And not far from Edinburgh, both Bonnyrigg and Tranent have engaged their local communities and it would appear they have done well with that in recent years.

What sort of identify do Edinburgh City want?  There seemed to be a bit of a narrative to push them as ‘Edinburgh’s 3rd team’, maybe somewhere that Hibs and Hearts fans would go if their team, was away and didn’t want to travel.  I doubt there is much mileage in that really. 

Meadowbank is clearly not great, but would there be many more locals wanting to watch them if they moved to somewhere like Meggetland, which is a great place to watch a game? I’m not sure it would really boost support all that much.

In short, sadly don’t see a great future for Edinburgh City.

The wanting to be the team for Hearts and Hibs fans when their own team is away has always enraged me. We will never get our own identity when we advertise games as "No Hearts and Hibs today so get ya self down to Meadowbank" etc on Social Media. I understand we need people through the gate but this rhetoric has been going on too long. Of course, Hibs and Hearts fans are welcome at our games, we have no rivalry with any of them as we know our station, but to rely on them to build a fanbase really does wind me up. 

I understand hits hard because Hearts and Hibs run generationally through this city, and during the post war boom period for football we asa club went bust and didn't rear our ugly heads again until 1986. So as a result, we missed out on 2-3 generations of fans and we've never been able to grow any sort of fanbase since reformation from EOSL until present day apart from a loyal band of 20 or so(that's literally our entire core support). 

We have an ever expanding international migrant population and those who have migrated here from other parts of this Island that might be looking for an identity locally and something football wise here to make them feel more a sense of belonging. That's our market, and so are students who might want to settle here after graduation. Other than that we don't have the clout to break the green and maroon grip on this city and we need to grow our fanbase immediately to survive. 

Two men plus a couple volunteers can't keep everything going eventhough they've put everything they can into the club and worked extremely hard to keep us going



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After being a regular for a few years, I have now completely drifted away. The whole name change shambles was the start of it, but the matchday experience of Meadowbank is probably the main reason i've stopped attending.

What sets football apart from other events, is the atmosphere and participation from the supporters. Meadowbank is so poorly laid out, that these key ingredients are just never there. Even adding a stand on the other side IMO will make no difference. It's just completely souless.

Living on the edge of Edinburgh, I have various lowland league/EOS clubs within easy reach and almost all of them offer a superior matchday experience than whats currently on offer at City. 

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On 11/09/2023 at 23:00, Good Citizen Bad Citizen said:

Saturday is massive and will really show where we are as a side this season. 


Well sadly a 5-2 defeat at Montrose kinda sums it up ! 

I know the manager can only work with the players he's got but I reckon he must be wholly fed up with the form since January. Worrying times indeed. 

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34 minutes ago, GordonD said:

If you're looking for a historical precedent then Meadowbank Thistle's first victory came the week after a defeat by Montrose...

At Brechin - a bloody dreadful game from memory.  

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Vote of confidence for Maybury from the chairman today - but don't think anyone is under any illusion that Saturday is a must win.


I think our expectations for this season were far too high and based on an unrepeatable run of form early last season and on that basis as well as the credit he has in the bank I'm not calling for him to go. Obviously if he gets punted he can't really complain when you look at the run we're on but would certainly give him Saturday and take it from there.


Echo all the comments above about the suitability of Meadowbank and the real challenge it poses to City's future but don't see any obvious solutions. Only thing I'd say is that the board appear to be fully aware of this and will be trying everything possible.

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On 19/09/2023 at 11:25, AllyMonc said:



Echo all the comments above about the suitability of Meadowbank and the real challenge it poses to City's future but don't see any obvious solutions. Only thing I'd say is that the board appear to be fully aware of this and will be trying everything possible.


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I’ve seen some complaints on here and social media recently regarding season ticket seating.  Just to confirm if you haven’t seen any of the communications sent out by the club.

All home fans now enter from the east side of the stadium (car park side).  There’s now a season ticket holder section beside hospitality which starts just before the half way line and runs back along the 2nd and 3rd rows towards the sports centre rear entrance.  There’s also sizeable labels stuck to the back rest of the seats to clearly mark them out but you do have to pull the seat down a bit to read it.  I used it for the first time yesterday and it works quite well and had the best view of a game I’ve had all season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybury gone.


Must admit thought City looked pretty decent against us and fancied you to get something against Alloa. A draw not a bad result at the Recs but I'm guessing what preceded those last 2 results was always going to be challenging to come back from.

Mark Kerr to take over. Think that will be permanent or temporary?


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Disappointing but not surprising.  I did think that things were starting to turn around over the last couple of games but 2 points from our first 8 games was just not good enough.

He’ll still be remembered as a legend at City, thanks to guiding us through the play-offs into League One and for proving the critics wrong by being in the Championship play-off spots for  most of last season.

That night in Annan is still the best feeling I’ve ever had at a football match.

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