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Edinburgh City

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2 hours ago, AllyMonc said:

On the social club owning the name stuff my general thoughts are:


Seems there was a letter in place from the social club saying we could use the name - not a guarantee but a 'comfor letter' (In banking terms, a written assurance often provided by a parent company in respect of its subsidiary's financial obligations to a lender. It is usually used where the parent company is unable or unwilling to give a guarantee but wishes to give some comfort to the lender in respect of the subsidiary's ability to perform its obligations. It is not usually intended to be legally binding but it may give rise to a legally binding obligation depending on the wording. Therefore, care is needed when drafting a comfort letter)


Our lawyers have looked at that and said 'that's not worth the paper it's written on, you need to do something about it'. We've asked the social club for a formal guarantee or transfer of the name, they've dingied us. We've then used that as an excuse to kick off the rebrand. I don't think there was any material change in circumstances and no indication the social club was going to pull anything from us. 


As I think I said earlier - the excuse that we couldn't consult the fans on the name change because we had to act super quickly doesn't wash with me. The board knew the name they wanted and weren't prepared to risk ending up with something else (Edinburgh Jakey's FC for example?) so used the social club entity name stuff as an excuse (albeit one with a degree of truth).


Should say I live just down the road from the social club, never go in and this isn't making me any more likely to do so.

If the name had to change, the obvious alternative for me is City of Edinburgh FC

Retains the City name and retains the Edinburgh 'Brand' that the club are so keen on. I'm 100% convinced if this name had been pitched to the fans in advance most would have accepted it as a viable alternative.

A quick scan on Companies House tells me there is no football club Registered in this name either.

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1 hour ago, Otis Blue said:

Think my last trip to Meadowbank was for a cup tie with City (2-0 win for Queens I think) a few years back. Just had a wee look at the Edinburgh Leisure website for Meadowbank.  Has that 3 rows of seats (499?) stand in the photo replaced the old big grandstand?  If so, it reminds me of East Kilbride's K-Park where my lad's team used to train - pretty limited for senior league requirements I'd have thought.  Not great.


Answer to your question re stand is yes.  And it is 499 seats. Deliberate planning I understand as 500 seats or above brings into play additional safety requirements.  Windowed area just above stand roof is potential hospitality area with room for around 50 to 60 punters.

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I'll be honest, when it broke on Twitter yesterday that there was evidence on Companies House that the name was changing to FC Edinburgh, it gave me the boke. I hoped all day at work that there would be an explanation, then came the leaked Evening News exclusive mid-morning to set the scene for the upcoming stream and to make sure we were aware in advance. Some of the lads already were from the infamous marketing brochure a few years ago - therein lies the issue, some in that boardroom always wanted it to be FC Edinburgh.

I had a degree of sympathy with the board of the club for some of the hurdle's they've had to come up against, and I've messaged the Chairman personally today to say that. However, I've also highlighted my displeasure at the name - it's stupid. Utterly stupid. We are not a lower league Spanish team side and it screams "students from Europe come on down". It's optimistic at best, but is somewhat delusional for me.

Last night, it was the fault of the Social Club, the lawyers, the SPFL, Edinburgh Council and Edinburgh Leisure - a perfect storm if you will. It lacked any responsibility from the folk that run the club and quickly became a sales pitch - an expensive one at that considering the price hikes we are expected to deal with right when we appear to be heading towards a recession.

I don't think I'll turn my back, but I won't blame any of the guys that do. I myself contemplated Spartans or Musselburgh Athletic last night and it's not completely off the table. It's the sheer lack of communication and "we had to act fast" that is pissing me off the most. As Ally says, it's easy to see through and so disappointing.

The badge is crap as well...

I won't get started on our return "home" - I'll feel like we are squatters at this point.

Edited by Pete83
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43 minutes ago, Boris57 said:

Answer to your question re stand is yes.  And it is 499 seats. Deliberate planning I understand as 500 seats or above brings into play additional safety requirements.  Windowed area just above stand roof is potential hospitality area with room for around 50 to 60 punters.

Cheers for clarifying.  Doesn't make great reading though.

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7 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Every time I see it it’s making me think of Barcelona and it is doing my nut in.

But Barcelona are CF Barcelona not FC Barcelona.

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Bit embarrassing them still holding on to the 1928 thing, not that they had any connection to the original Edinburgh City anyway.


it's a moot point. I think they did in that the Edinburgh City Football Club Limited carried on as a Social Club in a non-playing sense and a footballing side was reformed in 1986. Penicuik Athletic didn't play for about 10 years but carried on as a non-playing entity and no-one questions their date of formation (feel free, Bonnyrigg fans, feel free!)

It can be argued now though that FC Edinburgh :yucky have as much to do with 1928 as other clubs have to do with 1872,,,

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Might as well throw my tuppence in.

FC Edinburgh is a terrible name and the fact that fans weren’t given any say in the matter and had to find out via rumours on twitter and then leaked to the Evening News is really disappointing from the board. Even if they had a very short consultation with the supporters club members or season ticket holders, it might have been slightly more palatable but the way it’s been done, it’s a name I don’t think I’ll ever be happy with. Personally, I’ll still be calling them City, I’m pretty sure the fans will probably continue to sing ‘City’ chants and wave the ‘City’ flags and thankfully the Citizens Supporters Club have already confirmed they’re not changing their name and we’ll all still be calling ourselves citizens.
The new badge looks like it’s been designed by a 14 year old on their iPhone during a school break.
Even if they kept the detail lines on the castle that were on the previous one it would have looked better. If you’re officially dropping the Edinburgh City name and breaking links to the social club you’ve lost the right to say you were formed in 1928 and it should no longer be on there. On the plus side regarding image, the new strips are pretty smart and I especially like the black away one.
The farce at Meadowbank is clearly not the clubs doing and I appreciate the time and effort the chairman has made to try and make it happen. I hope they can get the issues resolved around building the new stand as soon as possible as I think it will be a pretty poor experience until it’s done. Hopefully we can avoid any of the contingency plans.
Finally, I know a few fans have decided to ‘chuck’ it because of the name change and while I respect their decision I personally don’t see it as anywhere near as bad as when Meadowbank Thistle f**ked off to Livingston and I chucked it. I still see them as the same team and club I first saw play at Meadowbank for the first time 20 years ago.

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9 hours ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

It was great too, having an "Edinburgh City" back in the league, for football history buffs it was a great story, the unlikely resurrection of an epically dreadful team from decades ago as a new league club.

The no consultaion with fans is really appalling and I am not sure what the purpose of this rebrand is. The possibility of non-legal action from a social club which has beningly tolerated the "new" City since 1986 makes it all sound like a shaggy dog story to me.

Sadly I can see City falling apart and back into non league in the next few years. I was looking forward to seeing new Meadowbank at some point next season but think I'll pass.

I can assure you that Sons fans will wear the fact that we were the last team beaten by Edinburgh City as a lasting badge of honour !

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