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5 minutes ago, gannonball said:

As much as the board and previous boards have been basket cases with statements and claims/demands in the past, especially since the hiring of Jabba, I can’t really criticise them for this.

They have told their fans to wisen up or f**k off, whether they are shitting it or not from Uefa over financial implications they have done the right thing. Now they have taken further action with the second hit so fair play for me.

We'll see how they respond to what will no doubt be a very loud response from their "fans" on Sunday, then we can gauge their seriousness or not on the matter. 

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I don’t think you’re wrong, but does it matter? If this poison is cut out of Scottish football, twenty years from now no one will give a f**k that Rangers had their fingers crossed behind their backs when they wrote the statement. They’ve been guilty of issuing absolute abortions of statements in the past, credit where it’s due that this wasn’t another example.

Actually it does matter because when the SFA do f**k all about it they'll go back to not giving a shit. Same way as they don't care about their animal fans attacking people, jumping on the disabled shelter, running on the park, illegally breaking into stadiums.  


They certainly don't deserve praise anyway.


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6 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

We'll see how they respond to what will no doubt be a very loud response from their "fans" on Sunday, then we can gauge their seriousness or not on the matter. 

A very good point, I suspect a bit of crowd conflict on Thursday too.

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Not sure about the closed door thing. I'm sure I remember them singing racist/ sectarian pish at a game vs Inter Milan where they had no* away fans.

*just club officials and the family and friends of the players....

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7 minutes ago, TommyDickFingers said:

yeah @WeWereThePeople is up late on a school night apparently.

Once upon a time, my opening post in the big Rangers administration thread was over fifty green dots... now sitting at -1 red.

I find it extremely entertaining. Busy wee bees, those Sevconians. Can’t fault their dedication to the dot. 😀

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33 minutes ago, TommyDickFingers said:

yeah @WeWereThePeople is up late on a school night apparently.

He even red dotted one of mine which is actually backing the current board on this. His head is either gone that much he is red dotting everything he sees without considering the content or he is disgraced by the boards attack on his ‘kulture’.

Does the thick little bigot actually post on here or just likes joining up the dots?

Edited by gannonball
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As much as the board and previous boards have been basket cases with statements and claims/demands in the past, especially since the hiring of Jabba, I can’t really criticise them for this.
They have told their fans to wisen up or f**k off, whether they are shitting it or not from Uefa over financial implications they have done the right thing. Now they have taken further action with the second hit so fair play for me.

They can be criticised for this though. Rangers are happy to encourage this ‘celebrating their history’ shit when it suits them. They allow orange kits, put Union Jacks out on seats a few years back when playing Celtic etc because they know that this brings the fans, and that brings the money.

The club can’t spend years, decades even, encouraging this divide where their history is completely intertwined with sectarian bigotry, turning a deaf ear on all the songs which are sung by many week in and week out, then suddenly go ”oh that’s terrible, don’t sing this anymore” and start banning people.

They just appear now to be trying to look like they care and are doing something, in reality, they are as bad as the fans they are banning.
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6 hours ago, gannonball said:

He even red dotted one of mine which is actually backing the current board on this. His head is either gone that much he is red dotting everything he sees without considering the content or he is disgraced by the boards attack on his ‘kulture’.

Does the thick little bigot actually post on here or just likes joining up the dots?

His username admits to the very thing he tends to red dot.

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It's simply baffling to think that in the 21st century there are people who actually support Rangers. It's so obviously a club that exists purely to serve as a lightning rod for the bigoted dregs of Scottish society that haven't yet managed to drag themselves into the modern world.

The Rangers Media thread is another example of what I mentioned earlier in the week. Most Rangers fans are simply thick bigots who fully intend to carry on being racist at every game their club plays, and frankly are too thick and bigoted to understand why they shouldn't. There is no hope for them.

Of course, Rangers Media is on the extreme wing of what is a pretty extreme support, but even 'real-life' Rangers acquaintances tend to subscribe to the view that their club is unfairly persecuted. It's bizarre.

Other Rangers fans are fighting the good fight and trying to stop the racism. However, it's always done from the angle of the songs harming the club. It's vanishingly rare to see anyone connected with Rangers ever say that singing the billy boys is just plain wrong. This is why the Rangers problem will never be fixed. Rangers people don't see a problem. They see a conspiracy against them and an agenda against their culture. It's fucking insane, but that's their world view.

It's simply a terrible football club and one that would be doing society a huge favour if it shuffled off and died (again) and didn't come back. An utter embarrassment of an institution.

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It's simply baffling to think that in the 21st century there are people who actually support Rangers. It's so obviously a club that exists purely to serve as a lightning rod for the bigoted dregs of Scottish society that haven't yet managed to drag themselves into the modern world.
The Rangers Media thread is another example of what I mentioned earlier in the week. Most Rangers fans are simply thick bigots who fully intend to carry on being racist at every game their club plays, and frankly are too thick and bigoted to understand why they shouldn't. There is no hope for them.
Of course, Rangers Media is on the extreme wing of what is a pretty extreme support, but even 'real-life' Rangers acquaintances tend to subscribe to the view that their club is unfairly persecuted. It's bizarre.
Other Rangers fans are fighting the good fight and trying to stop the racism. However, it's always done from the angle of the songs harming the club. It's vanishingly rare to see anyone connected with Rangers ever say that singing the billy boys is just plain wrong. This is why the Rangers problem will never be fixed. Rangers people don't see a problem. They see a conspiracy against them and an agenda against their culture. It's fucking insane, but that's their world view.
It's simply a terrible football club and one that would be doing society a huge favour if it shuffled off and died (again) and didn't come back. An utter embarrassment of an institution.

Great post. Couldn’t have put it better myself.
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It's simply baffling to think that in the 21st century there are people who actually support Rangers. It's so obviously a club that exists purely to serve as a lightning rod for the bigoted dregs of Scottish society that haven't yet managed to drag themselves into the modern world.

Tremendous post from JTS98.

I have read that first paragraph many times as I think it perfectly encapsulates the place at which the vast majority of non-Rangers football fans have now arrived with regard to this repellent institution and it’s followers.

It begs the question as to when the administrators of the Scottish game, both SFA and SPFL, will engage their moral compass and show leadership (I know.....) and condemnation of the behaviour, both racist and sectarian, for which UEFA is now holding the Govan club to account.

Back in 2012, another spineless blazer at Hampden called Stuart Regan claimed there would be “social unrest” if Newco were not allowed access to the top flight.

I could envisage “social unrest” at various football grounds in Scotland if Rod Petrie, Neil Doncaster, Iain Maxwell and co. don’t grow a pair and start using points deductions to bring the bigots to heel because frankly, we’re scunnered with ‘the peepul’ from the 17th Century.

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6 hours ago, JTS98 said:


Other Rangers fans are fighting the good fight and trying to stop the racism. However, it's always done from the angle of the songs harming the club. 

If you want to get through to people who probably see nothing wrong with the songs then it's way to go. If you care about the club then don't sing them.


2 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:



I could envisage “social unrest” at various football grounds in Scotland if Rod Petrie, Neil Doncaster, Iain Maxwell and co. don’t grow a pair and start using points deductions to bring the bigots to heel because frankly, we’re scunnered with ‘the peepul’ from the 17th Century.





If only there was legalisation which dealt with offensive behaviour at football, that would sort the bigots out.


Would points deductions also apply to Hibs, if Hibs fans were to attack players on the pitch?


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7 hours ago, JTS98 said:

It's simply baffling to think that in the 21st century there are people who actually support Rangers. It's so obviously a club that exists purely to serve as a lightning rod for the bigoted dregs of Scottish society that haven't yet managed to drag themselves into the modern world.

The Rangers Media thread is another example of what I mentioned earlier in the week. Most Rangers fans are simply thick bigots who fully intend to carry on being racist at every game their club plays, and frankly are too thick and bigoted to understand why they shouldn't. There is no hope for them.

Of course, Rangers Media is on the extreme wing of what is a pretty extreme support, but even 'real-life' Rangers acquaintances tend to subscribe to the view that their club is unfairly persecuted. It's bizarre.

Other Rangers fans are fighting the good fight and trying to stop the racism. However, it's always done from the angle of the songs harming the club. It's vanishingly rare to see anyone connected with Rangers ever say that singing the billy boys is just plain wrong. This is why the Rangers problem will never be fixed. Rangers people don't see a problem. They see a conspiracy against them and an agenda against their culture. It's fucking insane, but that's their world view.

It's simply a terrible football club and one that would be doing society a huge favour if it shuffled off and died (again) and didn't come back. An utter embarrassment of an institution.

This post can only be made by someone completely removed from human nature.

I honestly wish it were this simple. It never is. I'll never look at folk decent who support Rangers as anything other than decent. I won't look at them as backwards.

You only have to look at this forum and every single club thread to see the tribal nature of it all. I've been lambasted for saying I hate how tribal it is. By many of the idiots who are saying to tar them all with the same brush. It's fucking pathetic tbh.

I wish it was that easy.

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