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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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St Mirren fans in the play off thread responding to posts by calling folk gay.

We're at two and counting. 

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St Mirren fans in the play off thread responding to posts by calling folk gay.
We're at two and counting. 
Haven't looked yet but I'm predicting Demented Zebra is one of them.
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Guest Moomintroll
It isn’t really a heads gone as such but anyone who wants to see Dryhorce at his best head over the Ayr thread.
The mods have a lot to answer for by letting him stay on here after that bigoted pish a couple of weeks ago, love his claim that his magnificent scouting abilities allow him free entry to every ground in Britain. Now I have read that I will stick him back on ignore, absolute fucking roaster.
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1 hour ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Didn't know Tammy was Dryhorce. That fits I suppose, he certainly hasn't got any cleverer.

Was he the reason Div stopped folk being able to alter the text sizes and fonts? 

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3 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Was he the reason Div stopped folk being able to alter the text sizes and fonts? 

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4 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Darvel thread hotting up.  A vicious accusation of one poster having "back tits" has been lodged.  Yet to hear from the accused.

The population of Darvel and surrounding area is predominantly of the *** persuasion. Most folk have back tits in Darvel

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