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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, vikingTON said:

Yeah that's why migrants are living in an absolute tip constructed on the outskirts of Calais and being killed in the Channel tunnel and in the back of lorries. If only they had heard of Ryanair or Easyjet, then they could take advantage of that fabled "open borders policy" of the UK.

Another day, another set of fantasist claims made by yourself. 

Your talking about African and Middle Eastern economic migrants who haven't made a formal application for entry in to the UK, as is the correct procedure, and mixing them up with EU citizens who are entitled to jump on Ryanair and EasyJet in their hundreds of thousands, nay, millions and pitch up her without a job, qualifications,money or accommodation or being able to speak the language.

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Your talking about African and Middle Eastern economic migrants who haven't made a formal application for entry in to the UK, as is the correct procedure, and mixing them up with EU citizens who are entitled to jump on Ryanair and EasyJet in their hundreds of thousands, nay, millions and pitch up her without a job, qualifications,money or accommodation or being able to speak the language.

How does she feel about being pitched up?
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1 hour ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


The context for the "Emergency Budget" is "If we quit the EU"

We haven't yet.

It was widely assumed at the time that a leave vote would lead directly to prime minister Boris starting the process immediately. An assumption that turned out to be wrong but you can hardly blame the remain side for the brexiteers being a shambles with no plan to deal with the result going their way.

Osborne stated that a brexit would require "immediate action by the government".  It is disingenuous to state that the emergency budget would be when we left the EU when everyone knew that we wouldn't be leaving the same week.  If there was to be a need for a budget the year after or even 18 months after the vote then it can hardly be classed an emergency.  Further proof that the budget was not about when we left the EU can be found when he answered questions after his 3 day disappearance, stating that an emergency budget would be put in place in the Autumn.  This statement was made despite there being no prospect of us being out of the EU by then.

On the highlighted part - Why would this be the case when Cameron stated categorically before the vote that he would be remaining as Prime Minister?  Even if he did start the process immediately, what would have been different from where we are at now?

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Your talking about African and Middle Eastern economic migrants who haven't made a formal application for entry in to the UK, as is the correct procedure, and mixing them up with EU citizens who are entitled to jump on Ryanair and EasyJet in their hundreds of thousands, nay, millions and pitch up her without a job, qualifications,money or accommodation or being able to speak the language.

No, you're just too thick to understand what an "open borders policy" actually means. If the UK had open borders then no such distinction could possibly be made. Fail for you, fail for your fellow, delusional fantasist.
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27 minutes ago, strichener said:

Osborne stated that a brexit would require "immediate action by the government".  It is disingenuous to state that the emergency budget would be when we left the EU when everyone knew that we wouldn't be leaving the same week.  If there was to be a need for a budget the year after or even 18 months after the vote then it can hardly be classed an emergency.  Further proof that the budget was not about when we left the EU can be found when he answered questions after his 3 day disappearance, stating that an emergency budget would be put in place in the Autumn.  This statement was made despite there being no prospect of us being out of the EU by then.

On the highlighted part - Why would this be the case when Cameron stated categorically before the vote that he would be remaining as Prime Minister?  Even if he did start the process immediately, what would have been different from where we are at now?

100% correct .

Cameron had stated he would remain as PM whatever the outcome of the Referendum. He let the country down badly and added to the uncertainty by doing so. Sturgeon's pathetic attempt at sucking up to Brussels in the immediate aftermath was  also a bad decision and gave succour to our adversaries in the  upcoming Brexit negotiations.

Luckily Theresa May has done a  reasonably good job since becoming PM and has delivered positive leadership.

The emergency budget was supposed to be implemented immediately after a Leave vote. Nobody could've been in any doubt about that.

Personally I think it's time we all  got with the programme. We are leaving the EU.


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20 minutes ago, vikingTON said:



No, you're just too thick to understand what an "open borders policy" actually means. If the UK had open borders then no such distinction could possibly be made. Fail for you, fail for your fellow, delusional fantasist.


I'm sure everyone's thick in your delusional little world. Therefore I'll take that as a comment to be expected not an insult.

As you know, the open borders comment is used to describe uncontrolled immigration from the Eurozone. To use it in relation to any other type if migration is both false and disingenuous.

I'm sure the French could settle the Calais migrants ....it's a bloody big country! If I was you I would get angry at the French for allowing that camp  to exist, to grow and to fester and for doing nothing to help them.

Failing that, after independence we could move the camp from Calais....to Carter Bar !


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I'm sure everyone's thick in your delusional little world. Therefore I'll take that as a comment to be expected not an insult.

As you know, the open borders comment is used to describe uncontrolled immigration from the Eurozone. To use it in relation to any other type if migration is both false and disingenuous.

I'm sure the French could settle the Calais migrants ....it's a bloody big country! If I was you I would get angry at the French for allowing that camp  to exist, to grow and to fester and for doing nothing to help them.

Failing that, after independence we could move the camp from Calais....to Carter Bar !


The UK does not have an "open borders policy" then chump. Nor does changing the UK's relationship with the EU impact the majority of immigration, that isn't actually coming from the EU.

Thanks for playing anyway.
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49 minutes ago, vikingTON said:


The UK does not have an "open borders policy" then chump. Nor does changing the UK's relationship with the EU impact the majority of immigration, that isn't actually coming from the EU.


That's a crap post, TBH.

We get more migrants from outwith The EU.  Almost all are welcome.  Brexit supporters don't appreciate this.

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8 hours ago, vikingTON said:



The UK does not have an "open borders policy" then chump. Nor does changing the UK's relationship with the EU impact the majority of immigration, that isn't actually coming from the EU.

Thanks for playing anyway.


Leaving the EU means we  can change the 'open borders policy' from within the EU ya minter. How you can say that doesn't exist is beyond me. You're  either a lying p***k or being totally disingenuous. Or maybe you're simply a thick c*nt.....Or maybe all three! 

As for non EU immigration, that most Brexiters are also fully aware is being abused, that is a far more complicated issue and will need looking at also.

Sham marriages, bogus colleges/language schools, foreign students not returning home, foreign workers overstaying, people smuggling , illegal entry. The problem is real. It's massive. It needs looking at.

In your world that makes me a racist.  ( Not that you will find a single racist comment in any of my posts however hard you look.)

In my world that makes me a responsible citizen.

Thanks for playing, son. Hope you're a good loser, ha ha!


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1 hour ago, Colkitto said:

Those were the days eh?  Where is the £pound sitting at the moment? 



A lot of people in business are really happy the pound has  fallen as it was overpriced anyway. That's the problem with having a strong, vibrant economy, stable democracy , a well educated work force with good worker's rights and access to unlimited cheap labour.

This fall is, in part, a correction. Inward investment , already high, could now increase ( if people stopped being negative about Brexit it would happen sooner,) The cost of our goods is now cheaper within foreign markets. Great for exporters. More foreigners will visit the UK because of the low pound. Great for anyone who is involved in tourism.

Every cloud has a silver lining so stop yer fretting.

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42 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Leaving the EU means we  can change the 'open borders policy' from within the EU ya minter. How you can say that doesn't exist is beyond me. You're  either a lying p***k or being totally disingenuous. Or maybe you're simply a thick c*nt.....Or maybe all three! 

As for non EU immigration, that most Brexiters are also fully aware is being abused, that is a far more complicated issue and will need looking at also.

Sham marriages, bogus colleges/language schools, foreign students not returning home, foreign workers overstaying, people smuggling , illegal entry. The problem is real. It's massive. It needs looking at.

In your world that makes me a racist.  ( Not that you will find a single racist comment in any of my posts however hard you look.)

In my world that makes me a responsible citizen.

Thanks for playing, son. Hope you're a good loser, ha ha!


You'll be a bit pissed off at the Tories cutting the Border Agency to f**k then.



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Ahh a massive government U turn on an article 50 vote.  Decent chance Brexit won't happen now, hope that makes them furious.

Court case coming up too, apparently the government made a massive error in their position claiming that the Brexit vote was an instruction, effectively legally binding, when of course it was advisory. 

The shambles is falling apart nicely.

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1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

A lot of people in business are really happy the pound has  fallen as it was overpriced anyway.

 The cost of our goods is now cheaper within foreign markets. Great for exporters. More foreigners will visit the UK because of the low pound. Great for anyone who is involved in tourism.

Quick, get this man on Newsnight to explain these things to everyone.

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2 hours ago, McSpreader said:

Leaving the EU means we  can change the 'open borders policy' from within the EU ya minter. How you can say that doesn't exist is beyond me. You're  either a lying p***k or being totally disingenuous. Or maybe you're simply a thick c*nt.....Or maybe all three! 

As for non EU immigration, that most Brexiters are also fully aware is being abused, that is a far more complicated issue and will need looking at also.

Sham marriages, bogus colleges/language schools, foreign students not returning home, foreign workers overstaying, people smuggling , illegal entry. The problem is real. It's massive. It needs looking at.

In your world that makes me a racist.  ( Not that you will find a single racist comment in any of my posts however hard you look.)

In my world that makes me a responsible citizen.

Thanks for playing, son. Hope you're a good loser, ha ha!


You think folk are in favour of people smuggling?

All over the shop.

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