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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, Jacksgranda said:

Their vote might "surge" but would that translate into seats?

If you believe a Hard Brexit is possible then there would be a move from the Tories to other parties and/or abstentions.  That would be enough to cause the Tories to lose seats.



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2 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Their vote might "surge" but would that translate into seats?

Hope not. I was a long time LD voter till I saw how they behaved in power.  They haven't in any way redeemed themselves since then.

And the fact that their former leader is now the PR man for Facebook says it all. 

Edited by beefybake
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2 hours ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
2 hours ago, Fullerene said:
So Jeremy Corbyn says Brexit will still happen even if Labour wins a snap election.
He is happy to do what the Labour members want - provided they want what he wants.
Great.  Still going off a cliff but maybe we get to choose a different cliff.

Corbyn would love a hard Brexit.

I am not sure.  I think he would just like to get Brexit out of the way so we can talk about more important things.

Probably sees himself following in the footsteps of Clement Attlee who wanted to get the Second World War out of the way for similar reasons..

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Hmm. I’m unsure why people are suspicious of the People’s Vote lot.

I think we need a bit of context here; for a start, which publication or website did this appear in ? Secondly, the writer cleverly intersperses direct quotes from Global whatever with his own assertions in order to have it appear as a policy statement or press release, which it patently is not.

I don't therefore think it reflects very much at all on anyone advocating a Peoples Vote.
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8 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:



I think we need a bit of context here; for a start, which publication or website did this appear in ? Secondly, the writer cleverly intersperses direct quotes from Global whatever with his own assertions in order to have it appear as a policy statement or press release, which it patently is not.

I don't therefore think it reflects very much at all on anyone advocating a Peoples Vote.


I agree but the "Peoples Vote" is the worst branding in history. The stench of Blair is overwhelming and Mandelson getting involved doesn't help. 

Edited by welshbairn
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9 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

This I think. She was a Remainer, I think she'd be quite happy if we stayed. That's assuming a second referendum went the "right" way, of course...

It was a bit of a surprise when May backed REMAIN as she had been considered to be on the LEAVE side and was even considered as a possible leader of the LEAVE campaign, She was pretty low profile during the campaign itself making only one speech IIRC - clearly positioning herself for a potential leadership challenge in the aftermath every bit as much as BoJo.

Well she got what she wanted although she may (sic) wish that she hadn't now!


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I agree but the "Peoples Vote" is the worst branding in history. The stench of Blair is overwhelming and Mandelson getting involved doesn't help. 
Aye, at a time when the country needs a robust Labour opposition we are cursed with yesterday's men in one corner and nobody's idea of future man in the other.

Even in Scotland we have the same setup, only it is The Great Clunking Fud and Def Leonard up here.
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Corbyn really is intent on blasting the ball into his own net as often as possible. His attempt to rule out a 2nd Ref from Lab's point of view is presumably designed to simply appease Leavers, whom he hopes to court at the next GE. It shows a complete lack of leadership though. His chat about 'I would go to Brussels and negotiate a better deal before March' utter nonsense, as a) there won't be a GE before then as the Tories won't vote themselves down with a VONC, and b) even if that could happen the Tories would still win the election as he is Labour leader.

He knows full well that Lab will vote down May's deal, and what is left then? Support for a no deal? Why would enough Labour MP's ever do that? So, only remaining option a 2nd Ref. If he ends up blocking that from his side...no deal it is, and he and Labour will be just as culpable as the Tories if that happens.

On the subject of the Lib Dems...agree that their support won't change much between now and the next GE. If only in 2010 they had stayed out of coalition with the Tories, and gone for a confidence and supply deal instead, whereby they weren't still tainted as the Tories lap dogs, they could have been in a great position (in England anyway) now. Almost forget that they even still exist.

Edited by Jedi
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10 hours ago, Billy Rubin said:

If May's half-way house brexit manages to pull through parliament then it's perfectly possible we'll see England split on nationalistic grounds like Scotland did in 2015.    UKIP + Tommy Robinson pulling in 30% of the electorate?  

I voted stay in EU originally, stupidly. I voted for Scotland to leave UK Stupidly.  After everything the snowflakes have been crying about i want a UK and i want us to leave EU and i want strong links with Trumps vision of how a country can thrive, and i want the SNP to f**k off and stop telling us what to do. 

Tommy Robinson simply has been showing how stupid the electorate has been, myself included on various issues and the way the far left has gone, The crazy left is here as you will see after this comment using 'nazi' or 'racist' as some slur. it is insane  and it saddens me this site that used to be quite good fun is policed by such a bunch of bigoted bunch of idiots.

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Just now, stuckinthecarpark said:

I voted stay in EU originally, stupidly. I voted for Scotland to leave UK Stupidly.  After everything the snowflakes have been crying about i want a UK and i want us to leave EU and i want strong links with Trumps vision of how a country can thrive, and i want the SNP to f**k off and stop telling us what to do. 

Tommy Robinson simply has been showing how stupid the electorate has been, myself included on various issues and the way the far left has gone, The crazy left is here as you will see after this comment using 'nazi' or 'racist' as some slur. it is insane  and it saddens me this site that used to be quite good fun is policed by such a bunch of bigoted bunch of idiots.

Fuckin tell them mate. LEAVE MEANS LEAVE.

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3 minutes ago, stuckinthecarpark said:

I voted stay in EU originally, stupidly. I voted for Scotland to leave UK Stupidly.  After everything the snowflakes have been crying about i want a UK and i want us to leave EU and i want strong links with Trumps vision of how a country can thrive, and i want the SNP to f**k off and stop telling us what to do. 

Tommy Robinson simply has been showing how stupid the electorate has been, myself included on various issues and the way the far left has gone, The crazy left is here as you will see after this comment using 'nazi' or 'racist' as some slur. it is insane  and it saddens me this site that used to be quite good fun is policed by such a bunch of bigoted bunch of idiots.

Yes. You are special.

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