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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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4 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Given that most newspaper polls invariably publish results that suit their paper's agenda, I'd recommend interpreting the findings of these polls with extreme scepticism.

Says the guy who thinks discussions with randoms in the pub is “proof” of something.



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Absolutely no indication from either the chart or the article as to what question was actually asked here.

I voted Remain, would vote Remain again, and want to Remain in the EU now. But if you’re asking me what I think should happen? I think leaving the EU and joining the EEA or similar is a practical solution - that would actually respect the referendum result, both in the sense that Leave won, but that 48% of the country do not want to leave.

I’ve said it before but the Tory approach would’ve been the equivalent of Remain dissolving the UK in favour of an EU superstate, adopting the Euro and hanging the Queen.

Anyway, point is. Tory pollsters can f**k the f**k off.
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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Says the guy who thinks discussions with randoms in the pub is “proof” of something.



Randoms in pubs have as much right to express opinions as you have. You can glean whatever you want from whatever poll you want to believe in.

I still maintain that a significant number of "randoms" in this area, are switching from Labour to Tory, simply because Boris has pledged to take the UK out of the EU by October 31st - come what may. 

If Corbyn was to jump off his fucking fence and support a 2nd referendum, I suspect even more (in this area) would switch from Labour to Tory. Corbyn is obviously painfully aware of that thanks to talks with Len McLusky's Unite, who, I'm sure you will be aware are Labour's biggest backers.

I find it very hard to understand how anyone can believe a single word uttered by B.Johnson, especially when the cretin clearly has no idea as to how he'll get the UK out of the EU and cares not a jot for the possible consequences.

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Randoms in pubs have as much right to express opinions as you have. You can glean whatever you want from whatever poll you want to believe in.
I still maintain that a significant number of "randoms" in this area, are switching from Labour to Tory, simply because Boris has pledged to take the UK out of the EU by October 31st - come what may. 
If Corbyn was to jump off his fucking fence and support a 2nd referendum, I suspect even more (in this area) would switch from Labour to Tory. Corbyn is obviously painfully aware of that thanks to talks with Len McLusky's Unite, who, I'm sure you will be aware are Labour's biggest backers.
I find it very hard to understand how anyone can believe a single word uttered by B.Johnson, especially when the cretin clearly has no idea as to how he'll get the UK out of the EU and cares not a jot for the possible consequences.
Sorry but appeasing gammony racists - and that's what they are - because they think that Brexit will mean less Pakis - is utterly the wrong thing to do.
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I feel sorry for those folks, lied to to vote for brexit in a place brought to its knees by tory apathy and then they inevitably bring about their own unemployment by believing the lie, no wonder people become disillusioned by politics.
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I feel sorry for those folks, lied to to vote for brexit in a place brought to its knees by tory apathy and then they inevitably bring about their own unemployment by believing the lie, no wonder people become disillusioned by politics.

Turkeys voting for Christmas.
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I’ve been out and about the last couple of mornings and have been listening to the Hunt/Johnson coverage on 5 Live which is very good.
The Johnson/No Dealers are the biggest right-wing zealots I have heard in a long time.  To a man and woman they are totally dismissive of any rational questions about the potential impact.
It is reminiscent of religious fanatics who have total faith in an ideology despite their being no empirical evidence that such faith is justified.
Like the Yoons
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I feel sorry for those folks, lied to to vote for brexit in a place brought to its knees by tory apathy and then they inevitably bring about their own unemployment by believing the lie, no wonder people become disillusioned by politics.
f**k them. They're probably blaming the Poles as we speak.
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Turkeys voting for Christmas.

Look I agree a downturn in industry was pretty obvious to folks with a degree of political/economic awareness. But ultimately look at the job losses in Wales, North of England etc, places where BJ et al said would thrive post brexit etc have been utterly shafted. Desperate people fell for the lies and are now being laid off, its horrible. I used to take the view ‘fcuk them’ but doing that just drives folks further to the right.
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41 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Look I agree a downturn in industry was pretty obvious to folks with a degree of political/economic awareness. But ultimately look at the job losses in Wales, North of England etc, places where BJ et al said would thrive post brexit etc have been utterly shafted. Desperate people fell for the lies and are now being laid off, its horrible. I used to take the view ‘fcuk them’ but doing that just drives folks further to the right.

Right wing politicians f**k up the economy.  Right wing politicians then blame something else on this (the EU, immigration, etc.).  People who are not politically savvy and may have been brought up in a climate of institutional racism fall for the deceit.


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11 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Na I don't buy it. Anyone with a modicum of sense can tell when a political class is at it. The idea this is some super rare skill only we blessed few possess is a pile of shite. They wanted rid of Muslims and Poles thought this was a way to do it. Nothing else mattered.

Exactly this. Whilst it's tempting to think that Leave voters are all hopeless simpletons who didn't really know what they were doing, it's quite clear that a huge number voted Leave simply because they'd get rid of Johnny Foreigner. These c***s are still going to believe that foreigners are the root of all their problems and will stick a right wing voting pattern. Having sympathy for these dafties isn't going to suddenly open their eyes to reality.

f**k them, I'm delighted brexit (in this case) has bit them on the arse in the most ironic way possible 😂

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Look I agree a downturn in industry was pretty obvious to folks with a degree of Common Sense. But ultimately look at the job losses in Wales, North of England etc, places where BJ et al said would thrive post brexit etc have been utterly shafted. Desperate people fell for the lies and are now being laid off, its horrible. I used to take the view ‘fcuk them’ but doing that just drives folks further to the right.

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The UK has been de-industrialising for 35 years.

That can't be put down to Brexit. Nissan will close because the EU signed a deal allowing Japan to import cars into the single market tariff free. Ford is closing because they want a lower wage workforce for the next generation of vehicles.

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