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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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The Lib Dems' route to gaining more constituencies is through winning disgruntled Labour and Tory voters. It would be political suicide for Swinson to say to these same voters that she would ever consider making Corbyn PM, as that is the one thing they absolutely do not want to happen.

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11 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

The Lib Dems' route to gaining more constituencies is through winning disgruntled Labour and Tory voters. It would be political suicide for Swinson to say to these same voters that she would ever consider making Corbyn PM, as that is the one thing they absolutely do not want to happen.

So party before country for the Lib Dem’s?  Fair enough, but let’s call it for what it is and let them take their share of the blame.

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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

So party before country for the Lib Dem’s?  Fair enough, but let’s call it for what it is and let them take their share of the blame.

I mean, maybe, but basically all politicians believe that the country is best served by their party remaining a viable electoral force. 

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What we've got here is a VONC in the guy who is trying to push forward a VONC.

The Lib Dems have got some nerve I'll give them that. 

Corbyn should call it and then we will see how deeply the LDs care about stopping No Deal.  

If any party prevents the Corbyn proposal it's got to be because they fear a general election. If that's the case, it is because they are unsure they'll change the opinion of the people. If they can't change the opinion of sufficient numbers, they don't have a mandate anyway - at UK level anyway. 

And anyone who thinks Labour are going to throw Corbyn under a bus for the sake of Jo Swinson is deluded.

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3 hours ago, dorlomin said:

Such self sacrifice. After a vote of no confidence parliament could simply extend article 50 without appointing Corbyn as PM then dissolve for a general election. (Or they could extend A50 then have a vote of no confidence in Bozo).

He also does not offer a more neutral caretaker. The sole purpose of this is Corbyn trying to secure his base for a general election, look (wink wink) I am trying and they are rejecting me (lulz).

For those supporting this, this is not the result of reaching out to the other groups in Parliament to find a workable solution. A government of "unity" dictated to other groups in parliament;. Its deliberately set up to fail. Perhaps with half a mind to trying to secure Labour's small number of seat in Scotland and bring some of those leaning Green back to where they can have their politics dictated to them. 

We can't extend A50 - we have to go to the EU and ask if they could extend it for us and give them a valid reason (eg a General Election).  After a VONC, (if Johnson steps down) someone would have to be appointed a  "leader" or spokesman on behalf of Parliament - (acting temp PM) in order to approach the EU with enough of a mandate to get the extension and once agreed, dissolve Parliament.

Johnson could do this himself but won't want to be seen to be the one to delay Brexit any further and risk seats going to the Brexit Party at the GE.

Agree that Corbyn is also looking to save seats in Scotland by mentioning that he wouldn't/couldn't flat out stop an indyref2 but would be against it.

Edited by dee_62
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10 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

YUMMY, YUMMY, Chlorinated Chicken coming to a plate near you very soon...................



This is why we threw off the yoke of Gallic and Teutonic oppression, so that scientific questions of food hygiene can be decided for us by a redneck  called Zippy. 


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7 minutes ago, coprolite said:

This is why we threw off the yoke of Gallic and Teutonic oppression, so that scientific questions of food hygiene can be decided for us by a redneck  called Zippy. 


You really couldn't write it, I just feel as if everyone (or nearly everyone) has gone completely mad.

It would be comical if it wasn't so serious.

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7 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Why don't we just tell them either they give us a decent trade deal with no chlorinated chicken or NHS plundering or they get their missiles, army, air force, navy and NSA spies the f**k out of the UK?

A: Because the UK has been a military vassal of the US for oh, sixty years now.

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9 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Why don't we just tell them either they give us a decent trade deal with no chlorinated chicken or NHS plundering or they get their missiles, army, air force, navy and NSA spies the f**k out of the UK?

Unfortunately that will never happen. We'd have to grow a spine first.

We will do what they want.

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4 hours ago, Detournement said:

The Lib Dem position seems to be this.

No Deal can only be blocked if the Labour leadership accept that left wing politics are illegitimate and have no place in government. 

Conversely no one is allowed to critique Swinson and her policy of supporting austerity and war. 

I genuinely believe she is taking this position to hold the Tory Party together. The elephant in the room about the VONC is that if Hammond, Clark etc vote to bring down Boris they won't be Tory candidates in the next election. She is taking the pressure off them. 

Swinson is a Tory in Lib Dem’s clothing if you’d paid attention this shouldn’t surprise you really.

Shes also got a very bad gum to teeth ratio. Can’t be trusted.

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18 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Why don't we just tell them either they give us a decent trade deal with no chlorinated chicken or NHS plundering or they get their missiles, army, air force, navy and NSA spies the f**k out of the UK?

Trump would take that deal like a shot. As in moving their military out and force feeding us chlorinated chicken and buying up the NHS.

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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Trump would take that deal like a shot. As in moving their military out and force feeding us chlorinated chicken and buying up the NHS.

That wouldn't be an option. It's a Good Trade Deal vs F**k Off Home Yankee Scum binary. 

Seamus M will sort this out when Jez becomes PM in a few weeks.



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30 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

Swinson is a Tory in Lib Dem’s clothing if you’d paid attention this shouldn’t surprise you really.

Shes also got a very bad gum to teeth ratio. Can’t be trusted.

At the last GE the Lib Dem’s got 7.4% of the vote.  They are hardly in a position to start dictating terms to anyone.

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What puzzles me are the people who think it would be a disaster if Jeremy Corbyn became Prime Minister - the economy would go downhill, the pound would take a hit, foreign investors would move out, people would lose their jobs, there would be food shortages and general chaos everywhere.  Totally unacceptable.

However if the No-Deal Brexiteers offer a similar scenario to ensure we get out of the EU - well that's fine, bulldog spirit, the people's will and all that.

If Jeremy Corbyn was the leader of a unity government that would be very different to a Labour majority government.  The other parties could say "we are not part of your party, we will not agree to everything that you want to do.  Let's make a deal."

At the moment, the EU must be looking on dumbfounded.  The ruling party can't make a deal with itself about what to do.  The opposition likewise.  Yet after the UK leaves, the UK will supposedly be doing deals all around the world.

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