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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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42 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:



Sadly I've just returned from a swift half and and a half at my local hostelry and can report that this (above) is exactly how the locals view the events of the evening.

I ended up shouting at several locals tonight trying to point out that the EU is not some big foreign country who tell us what we have to do - it is an amalgam of 28 countries, and one whose parliament we elect members for.

I don't think I got barred tonight, but it did come very close.

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Sadly I've just returned from a swift half and and a half at my local hostelry and can report that this (above) is exactly how the locals view the events of the evening.
I ended up shouting at several locals tonight trying to point out that the EU is not some big foreign country who tell us what we have to do - it is an amalgam of 28 countries, and one whose parliament we elect members for.
I don't think I got barred tonight, but it did come very close.
Some Leave voters are genuinely thick as pig shit.

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1 hour ago, pozbaird said:

Why is not wanting Scotland to be independent bottling it? Personally, I voted ‘yes’ in the independence referendum, and would do so again, but I know many people who voted ‘no’, and they are intelligent, rational educated people, who told me why they were voting they way they were. They weren’t bottling anything. 

Yes they were. Explain the positive case they voted for.

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I’d like to see the Labour Party be as ruthless as the Tories.  It would be a nonsense if Hoey or Mann was allowed to stand as a Labour candidate at the next election (though Hoey has supposedly ruled herself out).

However the same goes for Kinnock and others if they try to bring back May’s deal for another vote.


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6 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Some Leave voters are genuinely thick as pig shit.

I'd substitute "some" for "most". I've genuinely never seen a positive case from a Brexiter for leaving other than hiding their obvious dislike for foreigners behind a desire to "take back control".

Anyone who still wants Brexit either has a vested financial interest or is a racist thicko. 

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7 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:


The unbiased BBC has just shown the 'mornng's headlines' featuring ONLY the Daily Torygraph, The Daily Sexpress, The Daily Fail and the Sore -away Sun.

Nothing from ANY other paper.   And the quitters think it's biased toward remain.

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They will be in no rush for a GE with that news as they are numbers wise now driving the bus. Why go for a GE when they are in effect the majority.

The whips are sacking every tory who voted yes tonight. If Corbyn can give up the caretaker PM role to someone less toxic to the right, a VONC would work. Probably a centrist which would get [mention=74940]Detournement[/mention] screaming to his Putin and Trump posters for revenge.
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7 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Sadly I've just returned from a swift half and and a half at my local hostelry and can report that this (above) is exactly how the locals view the events of the evening.

I ended up shouting at several locals tonight trying to point out that the EU is not some big foreign country who tell us what we have to do - it is an amalgam of 28 countries, and one whose parliament we elect members for.

I don't think I got barred tonight, but it did come very close.

Where the hell do you drink? How in the name of all that's holy could anyone watch that crew of entitled aerseholes throw their collective toys from the pram and come to the conclusion that the good guys had lost?


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Those NASTY Europeans are at it again.


The British government is facing growing outrage from the European commission and five EU member states over its plans to leave some decommissioned oil rigs in the North Sea, with one senior German official describing the UK’s proposal as a “grotesque idea” that amounts to a “ticking timebomb”.

No doubt the Dire Daily papers will put an anti-EU spin on it.

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Much as I enjoyed the utter humiliation of Johnson last night, it very much comes with a feeling of "careful what you wish for". 

The 22 MPs lost to the Tories yesterday are pretty much guaranteed to be all gone if there's an election. Phil Lee won't win Bracknell as a Lib Dem and there are many of them that have massive majorities. They'll be replaced by Dominic Cummings approved stooges. I doubt any will make it back as an independent. 

An election is inevitable but fighting a proxy referendum in a FPTP election could end in utter disaster. The harsh reality is that Labour and the Lib Dems need to give serious thought about standing down in certain seats and I don't think either will do that. The trouble is the Brexit party will do that for the Tories once all their candidates are committed to no deal. 

We have also been here before with Parliament taking control and it didn't work. Whether the actual threat of no deal will be enough to focus minds, I don't know. 

The main issue is that Cummings and Johnson will happily burn the country to the ground to leave the EU. Force Johnson to extend A. 50 and then no confidence him if he refuses. Then I think we have the election (which really would be a proxy referendum). 

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7 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Where the hell do you drink? How in the name of all that's holy could anyone watch that crew of entitled aerseholes throw their collective toys from the pram and come to the conclusion that the good guys had lost?



This one last night and it is a great pub, but it could have been anywhere in Accrington.


Don't you find the same in Yorkshire? I lived in Leeds for a few years (a long time ago) and I'm pretty sure it would be the same there.

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44 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

I'd substitute "some" for "most". I've genuinely never seen a positive case from a Brexiter for leaving other than hiding their obvious dislike for foreigners behind a desire to "take back control".

Anyone who still wants Brexit either has a vested financial interest or is a racist thicko. 

Absolutely this.

Back in those balmy, pre-referendum days I would have argued against this point, as there were arguments to be made for and against - as there are for a lot of issues.

Three years of electoral fraud being exposed, absolutely incompetent "negotiators" treating the EU - still to be a major post-Brexit trading partner - as enemies, and being unafraid to say so in public;

Three years of the "easiest deal in history" leading us to "sunlit uplands of opportunity" becoming "there should be enough water and medicine. Oh, and bodybags";

Three years of "we will be in the best trading position"  becoming "it won't be as bad as some doomsters are saying":

and the only people who could possibly support this cluster f**k are

a) Those with a vested interest.

b) Those who are unemittingly racist

c) Those too proud to admit their error*, and

d) The very, very stupid.

There is a massive overlap in groups b )and d), of course, who atre going to get really upset when the realise that the EU didn't send all those brown people to Britain - and the way we're going, we're going to need a loyt more brown people to replace the EU citizens who have gone.

* There's a small chance these might use the anonymity of the polling booth to assuage their conscience, but I wouldn't bet on it.

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