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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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And yet, still no comment in the press about the EU continuing it's clampdown on accounts in tax havens like the Cayman Islands, Liechtenstein, Taiwan, the Virgin Island etc.....not of course that that had anything to do with Johnson switching from Remain to Leave in the first place, or the views of Rees-Mogg and Gove...

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It will definitely be interesting to see how that affects any deal that is reached over financial services given how much money laundering is involved in that in a City of London context.  Also amusing to watch how Brexiteers react on twitter when they read the small print on fishing and see what the EU can do in retaliation after any future changes on fishing quotas beyond the 25%. Any adjustment after 5 years is more likely to be in the EU's favour in exchange for concessions elsewhere, such as not being quite so strenuous on going after the Cayman Islands and BVI where the Old Etonian spivs that rule us have all their assets squirreled away.

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1 hour ago, Jedi said:

And yet, still no comment in the press about the EU continuing it's clampdown on accounts in tax havens like the Cayman Islands, Liechtenstein, Taiwan, the Virgin Island etc.....not of course that that had anything to do with Johnson switching from Remain to Leave in the first place, or the views of Rees-Mogg and Gove...

What clampdown is this? 

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1 hour ago, Jedi said:

And yet, still no comment in the press about the EU continuing it's clampdown on accounts in tax havens like the Cayman Islands, Liechtenstein, Taiwan, the Virgin Island etc.....not of course that that had anything to do with Johnson switching from Remain to Leave in the first place, or the views of Rees-Mogg and Gove...


6 minutes ago, coprolite said:

What clampdown is this? 

^^^ f11dd1215b08c3a5b0e59dfea65dbd56.gif

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58 minutes ago, coprolite said:

What clampdown is this? 

Something that's been happening for a few years but is unlikely to feature in the news as reported by any mainstream media outlet in the UK to any huge extent, especially those of a tabloid variety. There's a move globally to force tax havens to provide much more info about who owns what in terms of overseas assets, so tax evasion and money laundering becomes more difficult. If it ever gets extended effectively from Swiss style bank account secrecy to trusts, the UK elite's traditional way of doing business in offshore jurisdictions, so that tax is something that only the plebs have to worry about, will be under serious threat:


It wasn't exactly a shock that David Cameron did what is mentioned in the above link after what appeared in the Panama papers:



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8 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Something that's been happening for a few years but is unlikely to feature in the news as reported by any mainstream media outlet in the UK to any huge extent, especially those of a tabloid variety. There's a move globally to force tax havens to provide much more info about who owns what in terms of overseas assets, so tax evasion and money laundering becomes more difficult. If it ever gets extended effectively from Swiss style bank account secrecy to trusts, the UK elite's traditional way of doing business in offshore jurisdictions, so that tax is something that only the plebs have to worry about, will be under serious threat:


It wasn't exactly a shock that David Cameron did what is mentioned in the above link after what appeared in the Panama papers:



Oh right, i thought you meant the EU was doing something we'd got out of. We are subject to DAC6 requirements from January through domestic law and i think thats the most up to date EU provision. 

I doubt we'll be as keen on transparency as the EU in the future, but it looks like "the deal" leaves plenty of scope for them to make us jump though hoops for City access to financial markets. 

What we probably won't have to do is worry about how we can influence the rules that apply to our companies. 

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On 24/12/2020 at 23:45, Bishop Briggs said:

Not sure about the Tories.

I got the impression, during the referendum results, that Laura was pro-Brexit. She started to toe the BBC line soon afterwards.

In any case, she's a Jags fan... 😎

After her knee to knee with Johnson documentary a couple of years ago which echoed the 'at home with the Camerons' one done

by Nick Robinson just prior to a previous election.., I'm generally in agreement with the tweeter who said.....

"....  I used to have a lot of respect for Robert Peston, but throughout this election he's been so far up Boris Johnson's arse he can see Laura Kuenssberg's feet..."

[ Except for the bit about Robert Peston. He's always been a showboater. ]

Edited by beefybake
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3 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Fat drunken tosspot Foulkes is pushing "The SNP are voting for no deal Brexit!!!" hard on Twitter after a few early morning drams.

They all are...its basically so they can say you voted for it when it goes pear shaped 


Edited by doulikefish
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