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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

What is swatting?

3 hours ago, BFTD said:

It's more "SWATting". When you phone the polis to say that a serious crime is taking place at an address, and the perpetrators are armed. In many parts of the US, they'll send in the Special Weapons and Tactics team to murder the shit out of everyone at the premises. At the very least, they'll kick the doors in and tear gas everyone.

A side effect of the militarisation of Sheriff Billy-Bob and Deputy Cletus.

This has been happening for a few years, so they've perfected the routine. The call is placed to the local 911 with a spoofed Caller ID for that area and the house they want to SWAT. When the police operator answers they use some version of "I just killed my wife and kids, and I'm armed". The intent is to get full response versus a typical 2 officers to check it out. Most departments now have local notable residents addresses flagged so the operator will see that when they dispatch and can advise the responding task force of the possibility of a swatting incident. As such, there have been a couple of incidents where people in vacation rentals have been swatted, to avoid such a check, after posting pictures or videos sufficient to identify the location.


3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Fucking hell

With people having died, that's an understatement. The really sad thing is Caller ID spoofing is relatively simple to stop, but the phone companies don't want to because they make money off it. There are a limited number of situations its legal, and the phone companies have no interest in both cutting the revenue from the hordes of spam calls using spoofing and spending the money to identify the legal calls.

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I'm sad enough to have watched most of the Atlanta case where Trump and co's lawyers are trying to get the DA barred for have a relationship with one of her staff. His side have around 8 lawyers who take it in turn to interrogate the witnesses, then her side get one go. The Trump side's case seems to be not that she had this relationship, which is legal and public knowledge, but that she hired this member of staff as a bribe so he would take her out for meals and holidays, so when they started having sex is a big deal. On the face of it it's all nonsense and nobody's business, but the judge is allowing granular questioning of when they first did the dirty and who knew about it, when. The big witness is someone who was a law partner of the boyfriend who also acted as his divorce lawyer, so privileged lawyer/client information is a big deal for his testimony, but it turns out he started blabbing to the Trump mob when he got sacked from his law firm for sexually assaulting an employee and had to leave $20,000 in an escrow account to pay her off. It all looks a bit off, all of the Trump team's lawyers are white, as is the judge and even the DA's (the state), but the DA, her boyfriend and the main witnesses are all black. It might be a mistaken view from an outsider looking on, but it's sure got a flavour of white Georgia looking to take that uppity black bitch down a peg or two. The next session will be behind closed doors, so the big witness will have to say what he knows despite of any lawyer/client privileged information, and the judge will decide whether to seal any evidence or release it, undoubtedly Trump's lawyers will leak it out, whatever. The judge had the option of refusing the appeal as it has nothing to do with the case of trying to subvert an election in Alabama, just about whether the DA got friendly with a man before or after her department hired him. It's a fishing for dirt excuse to postpone proceedings as is Trump's MO every time he goes to court.

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Trump will have to post a $355 million bind to appeal, it’s an open question if he has that cash.

His statements after the decision attacking the judge, courts and system are likely to hurt his appeals.

That’s now around $444 million Trump has to post to appeal three cases, plus another $8 million for twiddledum and tweddledee.

In a deposition about a year ago, Trump reported $400 million in cash. If is doubtful any bondsman would be willing to post a bond for Trump without full surety (titles to unmortgaged properties or such) due to his history.

His increasingly erratic behaviour may be related to stress from this financial bind, and he may start looking into his inner circle to find people to blame.

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14 hours ago, orfc said:

A very poor fine, very poor, I can say that fine is very poor and so is the judge, very weak, a weak judge, I could pay this fine, very easily, but I won't be,because it's a very poor fine, when i am president this fine will be redacted, this very poor fine 

I am confused.  Are you saying the fine judge is not a fine judge?



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5 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Fun piece in the Guardian today about Donald's rise to fame and infamy. Bit surprised that nothing came out in the New York trial about undervaluing his properties for tax purposes.

Statute of Limitations. You can get around that with testimony that shows a pattern, but this is too tenuously connected to risk that, as they had plenty of current examples.

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The fun bit of the GoFundMe is people don't comprehend just how large these numbers are. If he continued to receive about $126,000 a day, it would take about 2,817.5 days to raise the fine, without considering interest alone on that fine is about $87,535 per day. It's roughly 14 years to pay it off completely,

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I read recently (sorry don't have the link) that donations to his legal bills was around $50 million. I'm not sure it was explicit like funds specifically for it or he just used regular donations. May be off but even if off by $49 million it's mind boggling.

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47 minutes ago, BillyAnchor said:

I read recently (sorry don't have the link) that donations to his legal bills was around $50 million. I'm not sure it was explicit like funds specifically for it or he just used regular donations. May be off but even if off by $49 million it's mind boggling.

It got complicated after he officially stood for election as it meant that political donations were supposed to be ring fenced from his legal expenses, maybe another court case in the offing.

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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

It got complicated after he officially stood for election as it meant that political donations were supposed to be ring fenced from his legal expenses, maybe another court case in the offing.

That's why he wants control of the RNC, they can use funds to pay that...of course, they started this cycle almost broke. Even better, Lara Trump, Donald's "Suggestion" for the new RNC Chairman (they're Republicans, its still "man") said "Every dollar will be spent electing the next President. This means losses down ticket as funding dries up.

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