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16 hours ago, sureiknow said:

Divorced once.

Was OK. 

2nd marriage over but not divorced. 

Bit of advice needed. Now my 2nd wife dosent want me to make a will.

As it stands if I die it all goes to her.

I've got a terminal illness, maybe 2 years left at best.

I want to leave half of my estate to my 3 kids.

What should I do? 



I've been thinking. Why don't you spend the lot and leave them all a pile of debt. Drink, drugs and hoors should get you through it.

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2 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

That's fucking rotten, and I'm sorry. Get to a solicitor and get your will sorted ASAP - you shouldn't have to be thinking about this kind of shit in the time you've got left. Make sure they all know what they're getting, and that you don't want to hear any bitching about it.

...then make sure to spend everything on hookers and blow  ;)


6 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I've been thinking. Why don't you spend the lot and leave them all a pile of debt. Drink, drugs and hoors should get you through it.

I think P+B is reaching a consensus.

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My girlfriend wants to get married but I'm just not interested, mostly due to the fact that a split/divorce would be a b*****d to go through.

Also won't marry her until she has nailed the 3 F's both proactively and without complaining:

Feed me
f**k me
Let me play FIFA

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10 hours ago, Dindeleux said:

My girlfriend wants to get married but I'm just not interested, mostly due to the fact that a split/divorce would be a b*****d to go through.

Also won't marry her until she has nailed the 3 F's both proactively and without complaining:

Feed me
f**k me
Let me play FIFA

Stay strong

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22 hours ago, Dindeleux said:

My girlfriend wants to get married but I'm just not interested, mostly due to the fact that a split/divorce would be a b*****d to go through.

Also won't marry her until she has nailed the 3 F's both proactively and without complaining:

Feed me
f**k me
Let me play FIFA

The only F you need to worry about is 'Find her keys'

If you can manage to do that for her all other F's will come to you.

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I tend to agree with folk earlier in the thread with regards people just being scared to be alone. I've always thought in order to be content with someone you should have had the chance to be content on your own. If all you've ever known is who you are when you're with someone then you don't actually know who you are as an individual person.

I often get looked down upon (not always obviously, but the way folk talk to you sometimes) for having been single for a couple of years but some of those folk have been with their Mrs since high school and some of them have cheated on each other plenty times. Glad I've had a few years of being single and living on my own. Think it makes you a much better person. But of course I'd say that [emoji23]

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On 12/26/2016 at 21:26, Dindeleux said:

My girlfriend wants to get married but I'm just not interested, mostly due to the fact that a split/divorce would be a b*****d to go through.

Also won't marry her until she has nailed the 3 F's both proactively and without complaining:

Feed me
f**k me
Let me play FIFA

You sound like a real catch!

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2 hours ago, Big Fifer said:

I tend to agree with folk earlier in the thread with regards people just being scared to be alone. I've always thought in order to be content with someone you should have had the chance to be content on your own. If all you've ever known is who you are when you're with someone then you don't actually know who you are as an individual person.

I often get looked down upon (not always obviously, but the way folk talk to you sometimes) for having been single for a couple of years but some of those folk have been with their Mrs since high school and some of them have cheated on each other plenty times. Glad I've had a few years of being single and living on my own. Think it makes you a much better person. But of course I'd say that emoji23.png

You get people on both sides of this who are adamant that the way they've lived is the only way to "truly know yourself" or some bollocks like that. You've got people who have been in relationships for years and look down on single people a bit and then people who can be extremely wanky about how if you've not been single then you don't understand life or some shite - both sets of these people are utter bores.

Some people like being with someone, others like being single. People need to stop trying to convince others (and really themselves IMO) that their way is the only way to live.

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10 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

You get people on both sides of this who are adamant that the way they've lived is the only way to "truly know yourself" or some bollocks like that. You've got people who have been in relationships for years and look down on single people a bit and then people who can be extremely wanky about how if you've not been single then you don't understand life or some shite - both sets of these people are utter bores.

Some people like being with someone, others like being single. People need to stop trying to convince others (and really themselves IMO) that their way is the only way to live.

Absolutely. People will live the way they want to live. I'm not saying for a second I want to stay single till I'm 80, but by christ I'm delighted I am at 23. I couldn't live the way some of my mates do, but then if they enjoy their relationships then that's what they like. Quite a few couples I know would barely be able to live an adult life if they split up they're so reliant on each other.

Edited by Big Fifer
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