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P&B Bird Watch


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On 09/01/2022 at 23:07, tamthebam said:

Starlings are the wee neds of the bird world. If they were human they'd be watching your car for you, mister.

I've liked them since I saw two of them nicking grapes outside a greengrocers.

The little egret I saw a couple of years ago seems to be residing at Aberlady Bay. I saw it from the bridge there at dusk today.

Egrets seem to be year-round residents in Aberlady. My auntie, a keen bird-watcher, lives there and is always mentioning them. I've seen them in North Berwick too.

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11 hours ago, afca32 said:

Egrets seem to be year-round residents in Aberlady. My auntie, a keen bird-watcher, lives there and is always mentioning them. I've seen them in North Berwick too.

Yeah there are quite often 3 or 4 near the road halfway between the village and the LNR. Unfortunately it's not really safe to stop the car if you want photos.

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4 hours ago, The Mantis said:

Yeah there are quite often 3 or 4 near the road halfway between the village and the LNR. Unfortunately it's not really safe to stop the car if you want photos.

I'll just hire an Audi or a BMW and stick the hazards on. It'll be fine... 

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Picture the scene: I see a sparrow drinking a tiny bit of residual water on a cover and decide to fill up the bird bath water bowl thing, which is indeed bone dry.  A min or so later, a robin flies into it (kicking off the sparrow already on it), takes a drink, turns around and then shits in the water.  Dirty robin bas*ard.

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On 13/01/2022 at 13:56, Hedgecutter said:

Picture the scene: I see a sparrow drinking a tiny bit of residual water on a cover and decide to fill up the bird bath water bowl thing, which is indeed bone dry.  A min or so later, a robin flies into it (kicking off the sparrow already on it), takes a drink, turns around and then shits in the water.  Dirty robin bas*ard.

Robins are utter twats.


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On 31/12/2021 at 12:02, Ewan8472 said:

Scotland needs a Spoonbill

We got one May at Hogganfield last year - first one ever in Glasgow, mostly hanging about in the trees on the island. Naturally, it only stayed for a few hours and had done a bunk by the time I got there :(

Here's a photo taken by one of the lucky ones who saw it:


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2 hours ago, jamamafegan said:


Built this owl box with my old man today. Need to put a lock on the “inspection hatch” and she’s good to go. Need to find a good woodland for it. Will update on progress of the box in due course.

I hope you get an owl but I can't help thinking you'll get squatting squirrels instead!

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Delighted to see my first ever bearded tit today down the Tay reed beds. I could hear them around me in the reeds but they weren't for coming out into the open for about 3hrs until this male finally appeared. Also had a water rail calling just metres away from me but I couldn't see it for the reeds. Another one to tick off another time.

Superb spot, great photo too! [emoji122]
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On 14/01/2022 at 22:13, tamthebam said:

If you put a toy robin in the garden they'll attack it as they're territorial wee b*****ds 

They're not the only ones right enough. I vaguely remember watching an Attenborough documentary where they put a little stuffed hummingbird on a perch in the territory of another one. The live bird started off with a threat display which progressed to it giving the "intruder" a wee dunt as it flew past. When that didn't work, it tried a different approach and attempted to shag it, and when that failed the little sh*t landed on top of the stuffed bird and speared it clean through the noggin with its bill.

I nearly ended myself laughing.

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12 hours ago, Rizzo said:

They're not the only ones right enough. I vaguely remember watching an Attenborough documentary where they put a little stuffed hummingbird on a perch in the territory of another one. The live bird started off with a threat display which progressed to it giving the "intruder" a wee dunt as it flew past. When that didn't work, it tried a different approach and attempted to shag it, and when that failed the little sh*t landed on top of the stuffed bird and speared it clean through the noggin with its bill.

That's exactly the same sequence Sun Tzu recommends.

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Anybody do the Big Garden Birdwatch this year? 

I got loads more sightings than usual which I put down to getting up earlier and providing more variety of feed. The storm on Saturday might have brought a few more birds out too.

Highlights this year were greenfinch, siskin, song thrush and bullfinch. 

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Spent ages filling up the feeders today, and also putting suet block feeders out, along with some mealworm and fatballs  on the bird table. Only the regular visiting robin appeared briefly,  before 6 huge rooks took over and trashed the place 😂

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Anybody do the Big Garden Birdwatch this year? 
I got loads more sightings than usual which I put down to getting up earlier and providing more variety of feed. The storm on Saturday might have brought a few more birds out too.
Highlights this year were greenfinch, siskin, song thrush and bullfinch. 
I had siskins and long tailed tits which we haven't had before.
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