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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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It turns out Keith Brown and Mike Russell were the good guys to the baddies Sturgeon, Murrell and Oswald. With Brown proposing governance changes in 2021 via a 41 page report. With none of the changes being implemented. Blocked by? You've guessed it, Sturgeon, Murrell & Oswald.


It's long past time to empty the stables. Over to you, Humza.

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6 hours ago, George Cowley said:

This’ll be the same Humza that took the DFM post off, erm…, Keith Brown? 

John Swinney was DFM.

Keith Brown is Deputy Leader of the party, as elected by the membership in 2018. He was Justice Secretary before Humza came in.

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Appreciating that nobody has been charged yet, but -

A couple of years ago, most people (indeed many unionist commentators) grudgingly talked about Sturgeon as possibly the most competent and certainly the most trusted politician around. She was roundly lauded for her honesty during Covid etc etc.

We are now in a position where - if all the revelations are true, her husband perpetrated a financial fraud, they both shut down any questions or inquiries on the subject - and it seems inconceivable that she was unaware of what was going on.

What I struggle with is the notion that Sturgeon (who, regardless of your political persuasion, you cant deny came across as pretty smart) thought they could "get away" with this............

I have worked in places where people have been captured for fraud, and usually there is some underlying reason (gambling, relative with drug debts etc) and they are usually relieved to be caught.

But this seems so utterly bizarre and incomprehensible - I mean, if she discovered he had his hands in the till just for greed, she could have called the polis and divorced the baldy auld man and come out of it (if not smelling of roses) with her reputation almost intact.

Like I said, taking away any "Indy / Unionist" bias or "I fuckin telt ye so" shite - does anyone else find this case incredibly strange?????

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17 minutes ago, Leith Green said:


What I struggle with is the notion that Sturgeon (who, regardless of your political persuasion, you cant deny came across as pretty smart) thought they could "get away" with this............

I have worked in places where people have been captured for fraud, and usually there is some underlying reason (gambling, relative with drug debts etc) and they are usually relieved to be caught.

But this seems so utterly bizarre and incomprehensible - I mean, if she discovered he had his hands in the till just for greed, she could have called the polis and divorced the baldy auld man and come out of it (if not smelling of roses) with her reputation almost intact.

Like I said, taking away any "Indy / Unionist" bias or "I fuckin telt ye so" shite - does anyone else find this case incredibly strange?????

The thing that I can’t really understand is the great big grandstanding resignation press conference - I just couldn’t do it anymore, I knew at the funeral of an SNP stalwart that I’d have to quit, we need to be kinder in public life. She must have known this was all coming but did it anyway. Either she thought she could ride it out and nothing was going to come of the case or she just wanted her moment in the spotlight, the prose, the glowing comment pieces. Neither option is really flattering to her.

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13 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

does anyone else find this case incredibly strange?????

Yes, yes I do.

There is no doubt about her debating and communication skills but something has gone seriously wrong and at the very least, that prompts me to start on a reappraisal of her leadership. Her defacto referendum announcement and the immediate kickback to it was puzzling and everything ever since is baffling.

Are there any decent pieces of journalism that can help?

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2 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

The thing that I can’t really understand is the great big grandstanding resignation press conference - I just couldn’t do it anymore, I knew at the funeral of an SNP stalwart that I’d have to quit, we need to be kinder in public life. She must have known this was all coming but did it anyway. Either she thought she could ride it out and nothing was going to come of the case or she just wanted her moment in the spotlight, the prose, the glowing comment pieces. Neither option is really flattering to her.

Yep, and - again - it seems completely baffling that this would be done in the sure knowledge that her husband was "at it" and about to be huckled !!

I cannae get my head round it, but the film is going to be fantastic......

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3 hours ago, Leith Green said:

Appreciating that nobody has been charged yet, but -

A couple of years ago, most people (indeed many unionist commentators) grudgingly talked about Sturgeon as possibly the most competent and certainly the most trusted politician around. She was roundly lauded for her honesty during Covid etc etc.

We are now in a position where - if all the revelations are true, her husband perpetrated a financial fraud, they both shut down any questions or inquiries on the subject - and it seems inconceivable that she was unaware of what was going on.

What I struggle with is the notion that Sturgeon (who, regardless of your political persuasion, you cant deny came across as pretty smart) thought they could "get away" with this............

I have worked in places where people have been captured for fraud, and usually there is some underlying reason (gambling, relative with drug debts etc) and they are usually relieved to be caught.

But this seems so utterly bizarre and incomprehensible - I mean, if she discovered he had his hands in the till just for greed, she could have called the polis and divorced the baldy auld man and come out of it (if not smelling of roses) with her reputation almost intact.

Like I said, taking away any "Indy / Unionist" bias or "I fuckin telt ye so" shite - does anyone else find this case incredibly strange?????

Yeah it is difficult to fathom, the why? and at times I wonder how much there is to it still. However there are so many things now that that adding up look to be pointing to something dodgy that has happened and both were aware. An example, the answer to the question to NS about the Murrell loan where she clearly in advance what seems knowingly now distances herself from it, looks well dodgy, it looked dodgy at the time but now with hindsight it looks even more so.


Its all bizarre and to some extent we will just have to wait and see what comes out of it. As im still not sure is it just incompetence that got out of hand or a sense of "we run this and we can do what we want" and nothing corrupt was intended but lines were clearly crossed and abuses of power done in regards control of the finances or something where intentional criminal financial activtives were done(which I still at this moment maybe naively think is the least likely option)

Edited by ScotiaNostra
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5 hours ago, Leith Green said:

Appreciating that nobody has been charged yet, but -

A couple of years ago, most people (indeed many unionist commentators) grudgingly talked about Sturgeon as possibly the most competent and certainly the most trusted politician around. She was roundly lauded for her honesty during Covid etc etc.

We are now in a position where - if all the revelations are true, her husband perpetrated a financial fraud, they both shut down any questions or inquiries on the subject - and it seems inconceivable that she was unaware of what was going on.

What I struggle with is the notion that Sturgeon (who, regardless of your political persuasion, you cant deny came across as pretty smart) thought they could "get away" with this............

I have worked in places where people have been captured for fraud, and usually there is some underlying reason (gambling, relative with drug debts etc) and they are usually relieved to be caught.

But this seems so utterly bizarre and incomprehensible - I mean, if she discovered he had his hands in the till just for greed, she could have called the polis and divorced the baldy auld man and come out of it (if not smelling of roses) with her reputation almost intact.

Like I said, taking away any "Indy / Unionist" bias or "I fuckin telt ye so" shite - does anyone else find this case incredibly strange?????


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52 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Murrell to be played Stanley Tucci.

No chance. He weighs about 8st when soaking wet.

My suggestion…?



Edited by George Cowley
Meh, tried to hide in a spoiler on my phone. Didn’t work. Muppet.
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