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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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Ordering a takeaway and then deciding yours is more interesting than hers.

I see yours and I raise you:-

Me: What takeaway do you want?

Her: I'm not fussed, you decide.

Me: I'll just let you pick, I'm honestly not bothered.

Her: No you pick, I don't mind.

Me: Just make a decision.

Her: No you decide!

Me: Awright fine. Pizza and pakora then?

Her: *Screwed up face* Uh, a was hoping for a chinese.

Just f**k off!

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Sharing videos of annoying bairns on Facebook.

Borrowing my bank card because she can't remember the pin number of her own and saying "But what do you need money for?"

When she asks you to explain the offside rule.

When she repeats the same stories she told you in the car - only an hour afterwards.

The way she uses people's names at her work and expects you to remember who they are.

Each year says that's it for Christmas shopping then proceeds to spend several hundred pounds more on the children and grandchildren.

She complains about your driving - "You drive like Nigel Mansell!" - you suggests she gets the bus and you get the "die you b*****d" look.

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I told my girlfriend that I suffer from a condition which means that two sets of conflicting audio in close proximity to each other makes me physically ill and I need to go and take a lie down. So far so good and she has been much better with it recently.

I suppose it's partially true though. I've got a real thing with avoiding noise pollution and can't bring myself to watch a video on my phone or laptop without earphones. I want to fucking snap the thing in half when I hear some loud screeching screaming Snapchat shite of some utter fuckwit in search of an audience.

I detract but there's a special place in hell for the person who coded the screechy voice filter on Snapchat. It distresses me that grown adults think it's acceptable for use. It's pretty much close to that awful high pitched noise that evolution has spent hundreds of thousands of years perfecting to be as uncomfortable as possible to bring their parents distress so they won't ignore them.

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7 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:



I see yours and I raise you:-

Me: What takeaway do you want?

Her: I'm not fussed, you decide.

Me: I'll just let you pick, I'm honestly not bothered.

Her: No you pick, I don't mind.

Me: Just make a decision.

Her: No you decide!

Me: Awright fine. Pizza and pakora then?

Her: *Screwed up face* Uh, a was hoping for a chinese.

Just f**k off!




Sounds like you've got it lucky. Usually the last sentence in this scenario doesn't happen and it just continues ad infineum until you eventually manage to guess what she's wanted all along.

Edited by Honest_Man#1
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On 6/27/2017 at 14:41, Ross. said:

I'd suggest my missus is the one playing above her natural level as far as that goes. Not a great deal in it all the same. I'm most definitely a 7/10 and she is probably a 6.5.


On 6/27/2017 at 15:08, Ross. said:

Wedding? I'm still keeping my options open. It's only been 6 and a half years.

Tell her you've been seeing her for as many years as she has points out of 10, and that to continue seeing her she'll have to up her game and maintain parity.

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9 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The way she uses people's names at her work and expects you to remember who they are.

I don't even pretend to know who she means when she mentions names. Strangely, I know most of them by their nationality. Her team at work has an Austrian girl, a Swedish girl, an Indian guy, a Spanish guy, an Ecuadorian guy and her boss is the Venezuelan guy. Met her team a few months ago when they were out for a drink and I blended in well as "The indecipherable guy".

4 minutes ago, milton75 said:

Tell her you've been seeing her for as many years as she has points out of 10, and that to continue seeing her she'll have to up her game and maintain parity.

Seems I don't need to. This year she has taken up Pilates, TRX(??) and running. Either she is trying to up her game or she is looking to improve her rebound options.

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9 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Sharing videos of annoying bairns on Facebook.

Borrowing my bank card because she can't remember the pin number of her own and saying "But what do you need money for?"

When she asks you to explain the offside rule.

When she repeats the same stories she told you in the car - only an hour afterwards.

The way she uses people's names at her work and expects you to remember who they are.

Each year says that's it for Christmas shopping then proceeds to spend several hundred pounds more on the children and grandchildren.

She complains about your driving - "You drive like Nigel Mansell!" - you suggests she gets the bus and you get the "die you b*****d" look.

And these two, also.

I know most of her stories better than she does.

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She refuses to use the plastic guard thing when taking a shower so her hair constantly clogs the drain, which is annoying and it leaves a horrible soapy residue on the bottom of the bath. I need to go fairly frequently and plunger the shower drain like I'm wanking off the Hulk.

I leave one minuscule beard hair in the bathroom sink after shaving and the whole place is disgusting.

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Interupts my stories with pointless shite, I was telling her about something that happened after work the other day and I said that we went to the pub for a pie and a pint and this team of guys walks in obviously looking for a bit of bother and she says "wait, was the pie hot?".

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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Think Div should rename this site Pie & Boot. Looks like DA Baracus already is the logo covered.

I think we should invite Mumsnet in to read about what their DH's really think about them.

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I reckon this thread will never die!

I could fill it but I'll put my biggest grievance in here the now and I'm sure I've put it in the PTTGOYN topic before.

I'll have a day off and she'll be working. So I've had a good relaxing day with the wee one. She'll come in in bad fettle and I'll ignore it for so long. She'll speak to me with an attitude but again I'll get on with it and be polite as I've had such a good day I don't want to get into a bad mood. But after an hour or so of her being home and doing that rhetorical moaning narration that they enjoy doing so much I'll eventually be grounded down and my mood will go from really happy/content to fucking internal rage. By some mysterious natural occurrence this tends to be when the demon leaves my Mrs and she returns back to her normal self. So I'll now be sitting absolutely fucking raging and she's back to everything being rosy. And the thing that infuriates me most in this whole situation is around about this time she'll ask - "What's wrong wae your face?!"

At times I'm grateful I don't own a firearm.

Preach brother.
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Here's another one: filling the fridge with things that manifestly do not need to be kept in the fridge. Tomato ketchup, bread and chocolate are regulars.

Ketchup should be kept in the fridge once opened.

No excuse for the other two.
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Made lasagne the other day that looked... liquidy.

She says when serving it, "it looks absolutely terrible, didn't think it would turn out like that".

I should have known better than to compare it to Winston's microwaveable lasagne in still game, as apparently any response that wasn't "it looks amazing you're the best I love you so much" was the incorrect one.

Then she takes a huff because I fucking agreed with her.

*it was actually really nice

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Mine does something worse - she starts playing Facebook videos at full volume while I'm watching my favourite programmes - she usually gets the hint when I either bump the volume up or put subtitles on.

Was away to post this. I was watching TV last night when she got back from work. She starts interrupting asking who that guy is, what did that guy do etc which was annoying. But then she starts watching Ru Paul's Drag Race on her phone at a volume louder than the TV.

Another thing my mrs does is lose things and then accuse me of it. The TV remote once appeared in her make up drawer and she still blamed me.

The most infuriating thing above all else for me though, is when I ask her a question and she doesn't respond. So I ask again, assuming she hasn't heard me and she snaps at me. Sometimes she even says she responded the first time when she hadn't.
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