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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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2 minutes ago, M0rtonfc said:

I'm always in the hoose from work before my missus, she then gets in and after about 10 mins she goes "how was your day", I reply almost the same every single time "ayeee was alright, bit busy", she then waits for me to ask her the same question, if I don't she replies almost every single time "my day was fine, thanks for asking". Now this might be nice for some people that your other half asks how your day was but for me it's fucking annoying as most of the time she babblers on for 10 mins about what happened in her stressful day.

In other news, last night I was informed that Donna from her work (the woman she introduced me to last year who I have no idea who she is but nod as if I do) is preggers, WHO CARES WOMAN!

My wife has a habit of mentioning people whom I haven't a clue about as if I should know their life history. I, too, just nod while thinking "Who? What? Why?".

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2 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

My wife has a habit of mentioning people whom I haven't a clue about as if I should know their life history. I, too, just nod while thinking "Who? What? Why?".

My wife and Mother in law both tend to do this, tell me fairly innocuous stories about people I don't know.

If you're telling me a story about someone I don't know then it has to be pretty spectacular for me to be interested.

Why you think I'd be interested that your friend Mary got lost on the way into work one day is totally beyond me. 

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2 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

My wife has a habit of mentioning people whom I haven't a clue about as if I should know their life history. I, too, just nod while thinking "Who? What? Why?".

Aye it's always the same line " oh listen to this, so Lucy from my old job, you remember Lucy, the girl who went out with Martin, you know Martin I was in Uni with"

"oh aye that's right, Martin's ex"

*I have no idea who the f**k Martin or this Stupid Lucy is*


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She’s going to get ideas about what else she doesn’t need you for. What else she can do better herself. I give it 3 months until you’re out on your ear.
Bookmarked. If this doesn't happen you'll be hearing from my solicitor.
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32 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Surely no one actually did that? There can't genuinely have people who were such cretinous little wrecks?

I didn’t even get pocket money

28 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
32 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:
Surely no one actually did that? There can't genuinely have people who were such cretinous little wrecks?

My mate who is about 60 and worked in the shipyards said on pay day there was a queue of wives outside the gate ready to do exactly that, since had they not, the weeks money would have gone directly to the pub.

This was a regular thing with fishermen, hilarious to watch. If they hadn’t done it they’d have had nothing to live on.  When we went all fancy and got paid straight into the bank, instead of cash, the amount of lads that went beserk was unreal, their wives hadn’t a clue exactly how much they earned. 

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2 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

I didn’t even get pocket money

This was a regular thing with fishermen, hilarious to watch. If they hadn’t done it they’d have had nothing to live on.  When we went all fancy and got paid straight into the bank, instead of cash, the amount of lads that went beserk was unreal, their wives hadn’t a clue exactly how much they earned. 

My old man was involved in running the social club of a well known engineering firm back in the 70's. At the time, it was a "men only" club and the wives weren't allowed in. He reckons that when they finally changed and opened it to all, it probably caused more domestics than any other event in history. All of a sudden the wives got to know each other and found out what all the other husbands had said they were earning!

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2 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

I didn’t even get pocket money

This was a regular thing with fishermen, hilarious to watch. If they hadn’t done it they’d have had nothing to live on.  When we went all fancy and got paid straight into the bank, instead of cash, the amount of lads that went beserk was unreal, their wives hadn’t a clue exactly how much they earned. 

The hilarious thing is that generation of people are the ones who routinely tell young folk they've got it easy and everything gets put on a plate for them when they're staggering around like pish stained jakeys waiting on their wives to tell them how much of their wages they can have. Minter doesn't cover it.

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This was a regular thing with fishermen, hilarious to watch. If they hadn’t done it they’d have had nothing to live on.  When we went all fancy and got paid straight into the bank, instead of cash, the amount of lads that went beserk was unreal, their wives hadn’t a clue exactly how much they earned. 
At Alexanders coachbuilders, seemingly one year they were offered 2 options for the pay rise. The higher one, but they would uave to get it paid into accounts, orbthe lower one but retain weekly cash packets.

The guy who told me this was tight as fucl and was still (decades later) seething that the lads picked the lower rise to comtinue concealing their wage [emoji23]
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5 minutes ago, Ross. said:

My old man was involved in running the social club of a well known engineering firm back in the 70's. At the time, it was a "men only" club and the wives weren't allowed in. He reckons that when they finally changed and opened it to all, it probably caused more domestics than any other event in history. All of a sudden the wives got to know each other and found out what all the other husbands had said they were earning!

It never bothered me and never quite understood why you would be so deceitful towards your wife 

1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

At Alexanders coachbuilders, seemingly one year they were offered 2 options for the pay rise. The higher one, but they would uave to get it paid into accounts, orbthe lower one but retain weekly cash packets.

The guy who told me this was tight as fucl and was still (decades later) seething that the lads picked the lower rise to comtinue concealing their wage emoji23.png


i have never opened a pay packet in all my working life, she even got every penny of paffle money

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6 minutes ago, Gaz FFC said:

I know guys now who have as much backbone as that and it wouldn't surprise me if their wife controls the money even today.

It's not a matter of backbone, it's the wife being responsible, getting enough to pay the rent, electricity, coal, feed and clothe the youngsters etc. Some (men) are/were totally irresponsible in such matters and would have drunk/gambled it all before they got home on payday. Similarly, Family Allowance was paid to the mother, to ensure she had some money.

I quite often passed the works van when I was going home on a Friday night, and it was parked outside The Pot Bar, could still have been there on Saturday morning.

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1 minute ago, Jacksgranda said:

It's not a matter of backbone, it's the wife being responsible, getting enough to pay the rent, electricity, coal, feed and clothe the youngsters etc. Some (men) are/were totally irresponsible in such matters and would have drunk/gambled it all before they got home on payday. Similarly, Family Allowance was paid to the mother, to ensure she had some money.

I quite often passed the works van when I was going home on a Friday night, and it was parked outside The Pot Bar, could still have been there on Saturday morning.

Bad wording from myself regarding the "backbone" comment that was more referring to 2019 men who shit their trousers at the mere mention of the love of their life.

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