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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

Working from home and on a work video call with a client and a colleague, trying to undo some damage done by my own incompetence, and it was going quite well and just wrapping up with some small talk. The wife had been out and starts shouting at me on her way through the front door then barges into the room still shouting, so i indicate clearly "1 minute". But that's not quick enough apparently and i need to be shouted at while she flashes the light on and off to get my attention. 

Turns out there was a life threatening sit.. Oh no, hang on.. turns out there wasn't anything that couldn't have waited a minute. Or till the evening in fact. Anyway, whatever it was hasn't stopped her going to her work. Which is nice. 

My wife is a psychologist and divvies up her time between her office in town and working from home.  She's got an office space in one of the spare rooms up in the attic.  I'm very mindful when I know that she's on calls with patients to keep the noise down as I think it would be pretty poor for people that are going through complex emotional issues to hear me clattering about in the background.

I am not a psychologist and don't have to have calls like that, thankfully, but when I am working from home, I do have to be on numerous calls with customers and the like.  These are more often than not punctuated by my wife bellowing in the background that "..I'M AWAY TO WORK NOW, SEE YOU LATER!!! or "...DO YOU WANT A COFFEE!!!!???" or (a particular favourite) when I was on with a very demanding customer "THERE'S NO FUCKING MILK!!!!"  

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4 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

My wife is a psychologist and divvies up her time between her office in town and working from home.  She's got an office space in one of the spare rooms up in the attic.  I'm very mindful when I know that she's on calls with patients to keep the noise down as I think it would be pretty poor for people that are going through complex emotional issues to hear me clattering about in the background.

I am not a psychologist and don't have to have calls like that, thankfully, but when I am working from home, I do have to be on numerous calls with customers and the like.  These are more often than not punctuated by my wife bellowing in the background that "..I'M AWAY TO WORK NOW, SEE YOU LATER!!! or "...DO YOU WANT A COFFEE!!!!???" or (a particular favourite) when I was on with a very demanding customer "THERE'S NO FUCKING MILK!!!!"  

Keeping you in your place, m8…she’s a psychologist, it’s all carefully designed to control you.

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9 minutes ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

I have now got to check before going to bed that the remote isnt between two cushions because if a button is pressed it can over heat and explode the remote. Where is she getting this shit from? 😵‍💫

Sounds a wee bit like OCD. A relative of mine suffers from it and has the same anxiety about remote control batteries on furniture. 

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46 minutes ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

I have now got to check before going to bed that the remote isnt between two cushions because if a button is pressed it can over heat and explode the remote. Where is she getting this shit from? 😵‍💫

My wife is a bit OCD about stuff like that so I'll be sure to mention it to her later tonight in case she hasn't thought of it already.



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2 hours ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

I have now got to check before going to bed that the remote isnt between two cushions because if a button is pressed it can over heat and explode the remote. Where is she getting this shit from? 😵‍💫

Why have you got to check and not her ? 

Sellotape ™ every f*cking one of the buttons down tonight and if it's all fine in the morning then that disproves her theory , she has nothing to worry about any more.  If it turns out she's right then just apologise and fill out the insurance form . 

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3 hours ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

I have now got to check before going to bed that the remote isnt between two cushions because if a button is pressed it can over heat and explode the remote. Where is she getting this shit from? 😵‍💫

Tape the remote to the TV?

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1 hour ago, FK1Bairn said:

Now that the darker (slightly) mornings are here, we need to have every light on in the house even if there's nobody in rooms

If you go round switching lights off and you aren't comparing the house to Blackpool illuminations then you're doing it wrong.

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I was on a Teams call this morning with a few people. I'd said beforehand that when it was finished I'd stay on the call with one guy to discuss something else. 

The meeting ended quite early, everyone said goodbye and left the call leaving me and one colleague looking at each other over our laptops. 

I said to the colleague about the previous meeting "well, that was quick and painless"

And in what seemed like a booming voice, my wife (who assumed the call had ended completely) said "Yeah, just like our sex life" and started laughing. 

When  she realised that I was still in a call, was she contrite? Nope - laughed even more. 

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5 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I was on a Teams call this morning with a few people. I'd said beforehand that when it was finished I'd stay on the call with one guy to discuss something else. 

The meeting ended quite early, everyone said goodbye and left the call leaving me and one colleague looking at each other over our laptops. 

I said to the colleague about the previous meeting "well, that was quick and painless"

And in what seemed like a booming voice, my wife (who assumed the call had ended completely) said "Yeah, just like our sex life" and started laughing. 

When  she realised that I was still in a call, was she contrite? Nope - laughed even more. 

She can afford to laugh, she's getting plenty elsewhere.

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23 hours ago, FK1Bairn said:

Now that the darker (slightly) mornings are here, we need to have every light on in the house even if there's nobody in rooms

On the subject of shortening days, only another couple of months of the anodyne observation that "it's getting dark earlier" like it's a massive surprise 

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On 26/09/2023 at 15:28, RH33 said:

No! Just seems to think disaster imminent 

My wife's like that.

Then again, she's married to me.

On 28/09/2023 at 11:52, hk blues said:

My wife is a bit OCD about stuff like that so I'll be sure to mention it to her later tonight in case she hasn't thought of it already.



Good man.

9 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

If you didn't need them why did you take them?


6 hours ago, welshbairn said:

It's handy having tins of soup and mince on standby.

I think we've jars of coffee we got with our Covid lockdown parcels. They're maybe out of date now.

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8 hours ago, scottsdad said:

I was on a Teams call this morning with a few people. I'd said beforehand that when it was finished I'd stay on the call with one guy to discuss something else. 

The meeting ended quite early, everyone said goodbye and left the call leaving me and one colleague looking at each other over our laptops. 

I said to the colleague about the previous meeting "well, that was quick and painless"

And in what seemed like a booming voice, my wife (who assumed the call had ended completely) said "Yeah, just like our sex life" and started laughing. 

When  she realised that I was still in a call, was she contrite? Nope - laughed even more. 

On the plus side, apparently she'd prefer it long, lingering, and painful, so enjoy your weekend!

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Only takes 2 hours to buy a pair of fucking jeans meaning I'll miss at least the first half of the game now. f**k off.

Do I want to come for a drink to meet her pal too? Naw. f**k off. Knows fine well the only thing I ever ask for is to watch the game at the weekend but conveniently forgets. f**k off.

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