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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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On 11/02/2021 at 21:29, Craig the Hunter said:

Asks me if I want to watch a couple of films tomorrow night. I agree and we pick the two films.

Spends the next twenty minutes looking up other films and going "ooh what about this one?" Followed by reading the synopsis of the films. No, we picked already, stop it. I don't want to hear about other films when we've already made the decision 


We used to do the *45 mins looking through films before choosing* thing constantly. It got so annoying that I set some rules in place.

During lock down, Saturday night is movie night.
We take a week each picking a film. That week is that persons pick, No arguments. Watch what yer telt to.
You have to have your film ready to go, if you haven't picked your film out by the agreed time then the other person can play a film of their choice if they have it ready.
No phones/laptops etc during the film. 
If it's your film week you get the munchies in. Persons are responsible for their own beverages of choice.


I know it sounds like something Hilter would have drawn up but we've had about 5 or so weeks at it now and not a complaint yet. 
I also know it's risky but she's picked a couple of belters but I know I am being set up for The Notebook or some shit in a couple of weeks. I also get to watch whatever I want without her moaning.



Edited by Busta Nut
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The wife said she fancied steak for dinner last night so I went down to the local butchers and picked up 2 cracking rib eye steaks.
Cooked them absolutely perfectly, tasted great, served them with some home made buttery mash which was so smooth you could have plastered your walls with it, some tenderstem brocoli and some shop bought peppercorn sauce.
Wife sits down and comments on how good the peppercorn sauce (which she knew was shop bought and just het up) and how nice the brocoli (which was cooked in boiling water for 3 mins) tasted. Not a fucking word about the steaks or mash!

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

Is it to fish for PMs about the best ways to dispose of bodies?

The current snowy conditions are fantastic for temporary out-of-sight cold storage on the edge of town.  Gives a rare opportunity to plan for the next steps without having to store the body indoors, and parked cars at the side of the road don't attract as much attention (plus fewer cars are out and about anyway).

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5 hours ago, Busta Nut said:


We used to do the *45 mins looking through films before choosing* thing constantly. It got so annoying that I set some rules in place.

During lock down, Saturday night is movie night.
We take a week each picking a film. That week is that persons pick, No arguments. Watch what yer telt to.
You have to have your film ready to go, if you haven't picked your film out by the agreed time then the other person can play a film of their choice if they have it ready.
No phones/laptops etc during the film. 
If it's your film week you get the munchies in. Persons are responsible for their own beverages of choice.


I know it sounds like something Hilter would have drawn up but we've had about 5 or so weeks at it now and not a complaint yet. 
I also know it's risky but she's picked a couple of belters but I know I am being set up for The Notebook or some shit in a couple of weeks. I also get to watch whatever I want without her moaning.





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1 minute ago, Hedgecutter said:

The current snowy conditions are fantastic for temporary out-of-sight cold storage on the edge of town.  Gives a rare opportunity to plan for the next steps without having to store the body indoors, and parked cars at the side of the road don't attract as much attention (plus fewer cars are out and about anyway).

This sudden thaw will have a few panicking.

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3 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

The current snowy conditions are fantastic for temporary out-of-sight cold storage on the edge of town.  Gives a rare opportunity to plan for the next steps without having to store the body indoors, and parked cars at the side of the road don't attract as much attention (plus fewer cars are out and about anyway).

Keep it in the group chat, FFS!


I understand that subzero temperatures can also make it difficult to establish a time of death, for anyone struggling to establish an alibi.


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On 11/02/2021 at 09:50, Funky Nosejob said:

My experience runs something similar to...

Mrs. Nosejob: ”I saw a post on a Facebook group and a thought it might be a fun thing for Funky Junior. Now, you don’t have to say yes, but I think it would be a fantastic thing for you two to do together. It’s on a Thursday evening so we would have to change our meal time, but I think if we plan it ahead that’s not a problem. Now it’s running for 8 weeks so that would maybe overlap with the start of his cricket season, but he’d probably only miss the first two weeks of that and I think that what he’d get out of it would be amazing. You might have to take him straight from school or you could come home but you’d probably have to set off again 5 minutes later. If you did take him straight from school you could always stop off for a snack at McDonalds, he’d really love that...”

After another 2 minutes of rambling discourse, she’ll finally reveal it’s a watercolour painting class and show me the Facebook post, which I’ll skim read and click through to the details.

Me: “It’s for adults only and the dates are for 2017”.

I'm sure Mrs. Nosejob has her finer points but that sort of guff is absolutely excruciating. Only two options - become addicted to Fentanyl or decree nisi.

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4 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

I'm sure Mrs. Nosejob has her finer points but that sort of guff is absolutely excruciating. Only two options - become addicted to Fentanyl or decree nisi.

We’ve been together over 20 years. Part of our success is her ability to see the big picture while I focus on the fine details, as exemplified by the given exchange. 

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The other week she decided to polish her work shoes at the bottom of the stairs. I innocently questioned whether that was the best place to do it, seeing as we have a garage, and any polish falling on to the wooden floor might be a bit more of an issue than it would be in said garage. I was promptly told "it's fine, I'm not dropping polish, I know what I'm doing".


Last night she polished them in the garage. 

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