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...link a patriotic pro-British organization that backed the No side in the Referendum to Nazism on a tenuous basis despite Britain (with apologies to the Czechs) being the Nazis fiercest enemy all the way through from 1939 to 1945. Same old same old. The Orange Order merits criticism over many things such as chronically bad dress sense and taste in music and still banging on about differing brands of sky fairy worship well over 100 years on from the voyage of the Beagle and the works of Nietzsche, but splashing this all over the front page of a newspaper was all about generating an eye-catching headline to temporarily boost an ever sinking circulation in a "Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster" sort of way rather than serious journalism.


Did Mr Starr ever face criminal proceedings for his over zealous appetite? That's the real story here


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...link a patriotic pro-British organization that backed the No side in the Referendum to Nazism on a tenuous basis despite Britain (with apologies to the Czechs) being the Nazis fiercest enemy all the way through from 1939 to 1945. Same old same old. The Orange Order merits criticism over many things such as chronically bad dress sense and taste in music and still banging on about differing brands of sky fairy worship well over 100 years on from the voyage of the Beagle and the works of Nietzsche, but splashing this all over the front page of a newspaper was all about generating an eye-catching headline to temporarily boost an ever sinking circulation in a "Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster" sort of way rather than serious journalism.

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What's that even supposed to mean? My guess would be that Franco Begbie rather than William Ulsterman is the stereotype that I am supposed to fit for this guy, but who knows? Maybe some day people in Scotland will be able to move beyond all the backward tribalism and adopt a Jon Stewart mentality:


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Bizarre that people are still responding as if I am defending something, but par for the course on here.

I don't think you are defending it but the smart arse Freddie Starr bit of your post doesn't do you any favours.
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What catches the eye and pushes peoples buttons though at a visceral level? Whinhall flute band Adolf and family or Jean-Claude Juncker and Brexit negotiations? Which is more important and should be a lot more newsworthy in the big scheme of things in what purports to be a quality Sunday newspaper?  

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3 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

What catches the eye and pushes peoples buttons though at a visceral level? Whinhall flute band Adolf and family or Jean-Claude Juncker and Brexit negotiations? Which is more important and should be a lot more newsworthy in the big scheme of things in what purports to be a quality Sunday newspaper?  

I don't think it will be long before the Daily Mail prints a photo of Juncker photo shopped into a Hitler outfit so you can have the best of both worlds.


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Good to see the penny has finally dropped then and that people have moved beyond a posture that a fancy dress party at a private function in Airdrie five years ago actually matters all that much in the big scheme of things for anybody that isn't driven by highly irrational visceral level identity politics in which the "other lot" in whatever "them and us" world view they hold are routinely demonised as being latter day stormtroopers. I found both the Yes and the No sides in the Referendum deeply off-putting because of that sort of stuff and could live with either outcome just as long as this whole turgid kulturkampf finally comes to a definitive end, so more important matters like building a strong economy and socially just society can take central stage.

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8 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Good to see the penny has finally dropped then and that people have moved beyond a posture that a fancy dress party at a private function in Airdrie five years ago actually matters all that much in the big scheme of things for anybody that isn't driven by highly irrational visceral level identity politics in which the "other lot" in whatever "them and us" world view they hold are routinely demonised as being latter day stormtroopers. I found both the Yes and the No sides in the Referendum deeply off-putting because of that sort of stuff and could live with either outcome just as long as this whole turgid kulturkampf finally comes to a definitive end, so more important matters like building a strong economy and socially just society can take central stage.

The whole problem with that final bit is we control about 30% of our economy and a socially just society is never going to happen in Tory Britain. That's basically why i want independence.......full control, no more excuses.

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1 hour ago, LongTimeLurker said:

What catches the eye and pushes peoples buttons though at a visceral level? Whinhall flute band Adolf and family or Jean-Claude Juncker and Brexit negotiations? Which is more important and should be a lot more newsworthy in the big scheme of things in what purports to be a quality Sunday newspaper?  

Where there's a Loyalist, a bigot, or a fleg waver needing defended you're never far from the front of the queue.

This thread is another example of that.

You say you are not sympathetic to Orangeism or Loyalism, but given all you are to most people is a shoal of pixels on a computer screen, your first intervention after the Sunday Herald article was printed was:

to suggest it was a "photoshop job", dismiss it as "propaganda", make the fantasy claim that the Orange Order and Nazism were being presented as two cheeks of the same arse in the article (they absolutely were not) and then some truly bizarre whataboutery involving Prince Harry dressing up as a member of the Afrika Korps.

Your subsequent questioning of the news values of the Sunday Herald is another cloud of octopus ink muddying the issue- a fat bigot in Airdrie dresses up as Adolf Hitler, his kids as Jews, and the brethren think its a right old laugh and award him a prize. This may well indicate a disjunct between the values of a bigoted and sectarian organisation and the rest of contemporary society, which may well matter, given that they were amongts the most vocal opponents of independence, and were openly courted by Ruth Davidson in the run up to the general election.

Now, to people who have no idea who you are, it is not a huge piece of deduction, given the variables above, to think that you might be a raging bigot and staunch defender of the Brethren, just a bit more subtle about it than the likes of Red Rob.

If you're not, and your intention all along was to offer a nuanced Lowland-League-Noam-Chomsky-style analysis of the article in question, maybe 1. actually read it and then 2. do a better job of analysing it. I know you are consumingly obsessed with Northern Ireland politics (I'm not really quite sure why, but anyway, everyone has his hobbies). At the moment, how you come across on here, as you discuss that subject, makes people think you are a supporter of the kind of politics you claim to oppose.

People aren't flinging shite at you for no reason. I am from a Protestant background and grew up not too far from some of this type of behaviour. I recognise we live in a democracy and people have the right to associate freely as they wish, just as I have the right to condemn vocally these throwbacks and nenaderthals. I note, however, that others from a PUL background on here have condemned this nonsense immediately and unequivocally (jacksgranda) which for some reason you seem determined not to do. Instead, you have been focusing all your efforts in opposing the alleged "propaganda" of this story and trying to rubbish its credibility.

That may be something to reflect on. Or not, given how utterly stubborn / inflexible you are in your positions. Spare us the self-pity, at least.



Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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^^^This guy needs help.

9 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

The whole problem with that final bit is we control about 30% of our economy and a socially just society is never going to happen in Tory Britain. That's basically why i want independence.......full control, no more excuses.

Even with independence in an era of globalisation how much control does Holyrood really have? Obsessing over national sovereignty as both Holyrood and Westminster are doing at the moment belongs to another era. European integration is the better way to go.

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Just now, LongTimeLurker said:

^^^This guy needs help.

Even with independence in an era of globalisation how much control does Holyrood really have? Obsessing over national sovereignty as both Holyrood and Westminster are doing at the moment belongs to another era. European integration is the better way to go.

Ehm we would control the other 60% like every other European nation. You canny espouse that you want Scotland to have a better economy and have a socially just society whilst not giving a shite about Scotland not having the means to do so. That view is not compatible.

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1 minute ago, LongTimeLurker said:

^^^This guy needs help.

Even with independence in an era of globalisation how much control does Holyrood really have? Obsessing over national sovereignty as both Holyrood and Westminster are doing at the moment belongs to another era. European integration is the better way to go.

And the way for Scotland to follow this "better way to go" is.....?

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^^^This guy needs help.
Even with independence in an era of globalisation how much control does Holyrood really have? Obsessing over national sovereignty as both Holyrood and Westminster are doing at the moment belongs to another era. European integration is the better way to go.

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