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C**** on a Train

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I don't normally take trains (as ours are mostly shite here in Canada) but was recently in Paris and took the RER from CDG airport into town.  Guy sitting behind me had the most noxious cologne/aftershave on it stunk up the whole area.  It must have been sex panther or something but it was making me gag.  

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4 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

I agree, Bikes on trains are for cúnts.

I was however just looking at places I can take my bike and do a bit of wild camping etc. need to get trains. I get to be the cúnt.

Will you be a human and keep it in the doorway or full on lycra c**t and strap it to 4 chairs? 

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2 hours ago, itzdrk said:

Will you be a human and keep it in the doorway or full on lycra c**t and strap it to 4 chairs? 

I have nae lycra... but I will see what I can do

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Last time I was on a train was in the early 80s when I was a student, 2 suitcases, a bag and a ghettoblaster! I was that c**t (listening to the joys of Rush etc.)

The js of travelling from Aberdeen to Thurso, 7 1/2 hours on scabby ancient rolling stock. IIRC it was actually quicker to get to London train than Caithness!

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9 hours ago, Scary Bear said:

Woman across from me now is doing the bag by the window thing.

Saw this happen on a Lincoln to Nottingham train last month, but the bloke who had to stand in the aisle because of the selfish cow got his own back by serving a racous fart virtually onto the end of her nose.

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8 hours ago, senorsoupe said:

I don't normally take trains (as ours are mostly shite here in Canada) but was recently in Paris and took the RER from CDG airport into town.  Guy sitting behind me had the most noxious cologne/aftershave on it stunk up the whole area.  It must have been sex panther or something but it was making me gag.  

Trudeau must answer, imo.

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Folk who decide they must take picnic on a train and for some reason have egg sandwiches which on a warm day stinks and your enclosed in the carriage.

Also people with laptops who take up entire table and get annoyed when you open the beers as it might go near the laptop.

Trains from Glasgow to Haymarket when coming back from away games is full of arseholes every trip

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Anyone who uses their phone or tablet or laptop without headphones.
Only trumped by the single mum who gave their b*****d offspring a tablet to watch Peppa Pig at full volume for the whole carriage to hear while they ignore the situation by putting their own earphones in and playing on their phone.

This exact thing happened to me a few weeks back. Kids watching peppa pig full blast on an iPad while the dad with his earphones in.
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Being on trains all of the time has made me immune to most of the shit tbh. Especially getting last trains home from Glasgow, which is probably the ultimate way to numb yourself to every annoying train rider imaginable.

Yet folk playing music over the speakers, or having the earphones up so loud the music might as well be coming out of the speakers, gets me every single time.

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27 minutes ago, Randy Giles said:

Being on trains all of the time has made me immune to most of the shit tbh. Especially getting last trains home from Glasgow, which is probably the ultimate way to numb yourself to every annoying train rider imaginable.

Yet folk playing music over the speakers, or having the earphones up so loud the music might as well be coming out of the speakers, gets me every single time.

Best reaction to that I ever saw was on an Aberdeen to Glasgow train.

Idiot had earphones in but was so loud that eveyone within about 20 seats could hear it.

Bloke gets bag down from overhead rack, removes pliers from bag, walks over and cuts earphone wires and calmy returns to seat sayinig wouldn't have been so bad but your taste in music was shite as well as loud.



Music out of speakers,

Last train to Aberdeen from Glasgow, Hangover has kicked in and Angus idiots get on at Arbroath, Think I was about the only person in the middle cariage and they sat opposite me and the phone comes out and the music starts. They were offerd the choice of turning it off, moving to another carriage to continue or see their phone be hurled from the train at the next stop. They moved. Similar advise was given to Kilmarnock nedettes on a Kilmarnock-Irvine bus (the phone was offered to be launched from the window on the upstairs of the bus).

I am turning into a grumpy old git.

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15 hours ago, WeAreElgin said:

For anyone that is familiar with it, the train that runs from Gatwick airport to London Bridge is always horribly crowded due to the fact that there's no luggage space - it's the commuter train to/from Brighton. Suitcases and stupid oversized bags everywhere. It's carnage.

I have to get that train pretty much daily, luckily on it at Hayward's Heath so pretty much guaranteed a seat, but the amount of absolute imbecile c***s that get on it every day never fails to amaze me. 

My old man, still living in Scotland came down the other month and we were going to watch Portsmouth just for something to do. We were sat in a carriage with some hooray Henry who insisted on telling anyone who cared to listen his deal of the century. I knew this sort of person annoys the shit out of my Dad, and within minutes he was mimicking his yuppy accent. "Oh yah, great deal for the company yah". It raised quite a few sniggers from others which is unusual as my old man is an unfunny git, but it had the desired effect as the bloke got up and left the carriage. 

I think if I ever had any form of power, I would implement a phone ban on trains. Or possibly you are allowed a ten second call to inform someone time of arrival etc. 

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21 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Do you get the usual train arseholes on foreign trains?

I used the underground a lot when I was in Berlin and you'd get loads of gypsy bands playing fiddles and the like but no seat hogging idiots.  Same in Denmark, found everyone very pleasant on their trains.

Aside from my previous complaints, you do get an extremely high proportion of "Bags on seats next to them" wankers over here.

The other thing you get on the double decker trains over here is a "Family carriage", which is the upstairs compartment of the first carriage, which is half taken up by what is basically a childrens play park. I'll generally only risk that if it's late at night and there are unlikely to be families on the train, on account of the fact you need to leave your seat if someone with a kid comes in. I have no issue doing that, because that coach is there for that reason, but you get some amount of absolute fuds who mump and moan or simply refuse to move to another carriage when asked to move.

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Being on trains all of the time has made me immune to most of the shit tbh. Especially getting last trains home from Glasgow, which is probably the ultimate way to numb yourself to every annoying train rider imaginable.
Yet folk playing music over the speakers, or having the earphones up so loud the music might as well be coming out of the speakers, gets me every single time.

The last train to Lanarkshire is especially hellish on Saturday nights around Christmas time.

Fat middle aged disasters rubbing up against each other, screeching out Wizzard and Slade.
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15 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

It's actually more sinister than that.   I spent 10 months getting the 08.00 4 days a week from High Wycombe to Marylebone.  In true commuting style I got on the same carriage each morning.  The train was about 80% full at Wycombe but the same 2/3 c***s would put their bag(s) on the inside seat only to move it when asked when the train stopped at Beaconsfield.

How much of a c**t do you have to be to go through the same 'bags on the next-door seat, bags put overhead 6 minutes later' routine?  Every working day of your life.

Oh aye it's intentional and these wanks know what they are doing. I was getting the train back from Central one busy afternoon and there was a lass who had been shopping, she chose the middle seat and had bags at either side and at her feet, so effectively she had written off 5 seats with her selfishness because nobody could get in so sit across from her either.

14 hours ago, Dosser-fae-the-shire said:

I don't get folk who would stand if someone had a bag on a seat. They'd be getting told to move it.

Well aye, paying at least £100 a month to stand whilst these puddle drinkers have a nice cosy seat for their bag? Fck that.

12 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

Hen parties should be banned from all trains. 

Agreed but I don't think football fans will be too popular with the public on trains. Witnessed some total cringe in my time. 

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Scotrail are promoting #TakeYourDogToWorkDay which ultimately lead to dogs on trains. fucking c***s

Heavenly! Give me a train full of dogs (normally the case on the weekend last trains) over scumbags/fitba fans/buggie brigaders/drunks every day of the week.
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