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57 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Haha I had virtually the same thing for Asda about 25 years ago. Designing an advertising campaign for some washing powder in a group for a shelf stacking job. Mental.

That reminds me, The Apprentice is on tomorrow.

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Large organisations are bureaucracies and those questionnaires and tests will have been someone’s job to produce. Maybe it was an outside consultancy charging a fortune for a load of people in shiny suits to come up with complete bullshit.

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Guest Moomintroll
21 minutes ago, philpy said:

I told my assistant manager to "get on a fucking bus and give us all some piece" after a heated disagreement today. Tommorow should be fun...

oh, philpy!

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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Tom's a knob and you're a fanny Matthew 

Some of the shit companies do as a hiring process is mental.

For a job stacking shelves in Asda I had to undergon a 3 stage process.

First was the online application form, which wasn't just details of past experience etc but also questions about you would be the 'ideal candidate' for the role etc.

Second was a group interview where you had to do shit like build a tower out of straws and do a sales pitch for a sponge.

Third was a one on one interview where they gave you the usual grilling, with such classics as 'describe a time when you gave great customer service'. 

Remember, this was all for a job stacking shelves.

And yes, I got. Quit after one shift though.

About a year before I worked for Iceland. I sent in my application (just a covering letter and CV, no tedious online form) and the store manager called me. We had a brief chat then he asked if could start in a couple of days. Straightforward as it should be.

How bad was the job if you were prepared to leave after putting yourself through all that demeaning nonsense?

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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Tom's a knob and you're a fanny Matthew 

Some of the shit companies do as a hiring process is mental.

For a job stacking shelves in Asda I had to undergon a 3 stage process.

First was the online application form, which wasn't just details of past experience etc but also questions about you would be the 'ideal candidate' for the role etc.

Second was a group interview where you had to do shit like build a tower out of straws and do a sales pitch for a sponge.

Third was a one on one interview where they gave you the usual grilling, with such classics as 'describe a time when you gave great customer service'. 

Remember, this was all for a job stacking shelves.

And yes, I got. Quit after one shift though.

About a year before I worked for Iceland. I sent in my application (just a covering letter and CV, no tedious online form) and the store manager called me. We had a brief chat then he asked if could start in a couple of days. Straightforward as it should be.

Got a job then had another interview lined up, went along to see anyway.

Job was with a medical company making strips. First we were taken into a room and a fat belter in a tracksuit talked up blue sky thinking and lions.
Next we split into groups building paper aeroplanes and were observed. Problem was some loudmouth just took over my group.Then we sat tests in maths, English and an excel adjustment exercise. Break then we saw what we would actually be doing. Making fucking strips all day long in this dead end job and the people doing the tests were being wide-os already, totally unprofessional. We had to write a procedure after being shown how to do it. I think I’d already learned everything tbh. Had a nice lunch then afterwards we were told there would be more tests.

At that point I just said thanks for lunch and walked out. A whole day just to pick someone to assemble a few pieces together. Wtf


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A girl who was a nice person and good worker has quit because another girl (decent person, decent worker) and her pal  (shite person, shite worker) have been spreading rumours about her and just generally being arseholes. Why can't adults act like they are adults instead of characters from an American high school drama that got cancelled after 2 seasons cause it was just too dramatic?

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I had a surreal interview a few years ago when I went for a job with an oil company who had an office in an industrial estate in Dundee. One of the questions was if I knew how many millimetres was in an inch and I incorrectly answered 25.6 (it’s 25.4). The guy who asked the question agreed with me and moved on before an argument broke out with the other guy saying it was 25.4. They went and found a steel rule from the workshop and brought it in to settle the argument. 

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I had an interview with Aldi at Aberdeen Beach whilst at uni. This involved a small group introduction followed I think by some tests including maths. Utterly mailed teh maths one, was obvious that most of the people could barely count, never mind divide 50 by 5, wasn't hard stuff.

Then got taken onto the shop floor as a group and told to help out for half an hour, with no instructions. Meaning if there was stacking to be done, had to go ask someone if I could help, or taking empty cardboard away. Fucking incredibly dull, simple stuff.

Wasn't even offered a position, couldn't even tell me why. Started bar work again for a month before working at Morrisons for my last year in the beers and wines.

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My current job had an online application and a group interview.

During the group interview we were asked, as a group to decide who the 10 most influential people of the last century were.

Usual shouts came up, Obama, Churchill, Curie, however someone mentioned Hitler because “he influenced an entire country to hate the Jews.”

This person did not get the job.

Later on we were all individually asked what we thought of working in an office environment, another person said that they couldn’t do it and only showed up for an interview because they were told to by their mum, whether was was an attempt at humour or not I still don’t know. Unsurprisingly they never got the job either.

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I had a full day assessment centre for a finance job in London around 10 years ago. Most of the day was standard competency stuff, Maths, English and interviews based on your experience.
The last thing of the day was seeing how you would handle a disgruntled client (plus another couple of scenarios that ive forgotten). Basically they hired an actor to come in and lose the plot pretending that you'd done a shite job for them. Problem i had was that i couldnt suspend my disbelief and just found the whole scenario funny. So this actor's doing her best to give me a load of abuse and getting really irate but i just couldn't stop laughing.

Didn't get the job.

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1 hour ago, mizfit said:

My current job had an online application and a group interview.

During the group interview we were asked, as a group to decide who the 10 most influential people of the last century were.

Usual shouts came up, Obama, Churchill, Curie, however someone mentioned Hitler because “he influenced an entire country to hate the Jews.”

This person did not get the job.

Later on we were all individually asked what we thought of working in an office environment, another person said that they couldn’t do it and only showed up for an interview because they were told to by their mum, whether was was an attempt at humour or not I still don’t know. Unsurprisingly they never got the job either.

Not wrong though are they


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I applied for a job in Nice in France once. They paid for me to fly out the night before, stay in a hotel, then fly back the following evening. 

Of course, since they'd spent quite a lot, they decided to get their money's worth, and I must have received at least 6 hours of interview with various managers, HR, IT and God knows who else. 

Then they offered me the job at a fucking pittance and I told them to stick it up their cul-de-sac. 

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11 hours ago, philpy said:

I told my assistant manager to "get on a fucking bus and give us all some piece" after a heated disagreement today. Tommorow should be fun...

You sent him out for sandwiches?

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3 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

I had an interview with Aldi at Aberdeen Beach whilst at uni. This involved a small group introduction followed I think by some tests including maths. Utterly mailed teh maths one, was obvious that most of the people could barely count, never mind divide 50 by 5, wasn't hard stuff.

Then got taken onto the shop floor as a group and told to help out for half an hour, with no instructions. Meaning if there was stacking to be done, had to go ask someone if I could help, or taking empty cardboard away. Fucking incredibly dull, simple stuff.

Wasn't even offered a position, couldn't even tell me why. Started bar work again for a month before working at Morrisons for my last year in the beers and wines.

You should have got the post IMO.

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