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9 hours ago, hk blues said:


 " but they said i can't go canvasing other people to backup my story".

Was the "I" you or HR in this situation?  If it was HR then the have got it wrong but if it was you then I agree with them.  


I said to HR i can provide names of people who have had similar experiences who they should speak to. Could have been this that prevented them? but otherwise how would they know who to speak to

Edited by red23
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3 hours ago, The Moonster said:

I'm probably in a position where I could be department manager within a couple of years and I don't really see many people in the company who would challenge me for the post, but recently I have been looking at options of starting my own business instead (a full career change, not even in the same industry). It was a cleaning business I was thinking about starting but when I told some of my mates I've been ridiculed about it, one asking me if I was having a mid-life crisis, another saying "whit do ye want to be daft cleaner fur". It made me feel quite down for a while and it made me realise that I was caring about the perception of my career more than the enjoyment I get out of it. I've very quickly developed a "f**k you" attitude to these sorts of choices now. Don't make them for anyone else, make them for yourself and if folk don't think it's ambitious enough, f**k them. We should have ambition for happiness, not the perception amongst our peers that we've done well in life. 

One of my good mates is a window cleaner. When I first met him about 10 years ago I must admit, I thought "f**k that". He used to work for someone, then started a business with someone, let them buy him out and runs another, highly successful company. He's not a franchise and won contracts for the likes of the Overgate which pay scarily well. He now basically pays somebody else about a quarter of what he is paid and barely does any work himself. This is with absolutely no drug money - he's dead against them. 

People like him I look up to now (especially when he's up a ladder lololol) who just go and make a success of things and couldn't care less what their job title is. Go smash it, mate. You'll never know unless you try. 

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2 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Funnily enough, it was that oven cleaning discussion on here that made me think about it. I've signed up to that online course too, just not set aside time to do it yet. 

Just don't reply to people that they could do it themselves no problem as @Abby Normal did.

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2 hours ago, Abby Normal said:

Started using LinkedIn recently. Enjoy reading what all these ambitious folk have to say. Having run a busy business for about 15 years I’m so glad to see the back of it. Work in a humble job now and can enjoy mountain biking or walking the dog whenever I want. Life is so short and precious we’re as well spending as much time enjoying ourselves as we can. 

Some utter walloper posted this on Linkedin the other day. Tbf, most people called him out on it, but it's scary the number of people who think like this.


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I also think there is a strange obsession with ‘ambition’ in this country. If someone is happy just doing their current job because they like it, and aren’t desperate to climb the ladder to get as much money and power as possible, they are looked upon as one of life’s losers who lack any ‘ambition’ by people above them.
They’re often ostracised/made fun of for not wanting to move up into management roles despite them knowing it wouldn’t suit their skillset, and would undoubtedly make them miserable as they wouldn’t enjoy the role.

What some people dont realise is that every company needs people like this. They have a lot of retained knowledge which is important. Much the same as the company needs people to want to progress. No fault in either view
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Some utter walloper posted this on Linkedin the other day. Tbf, most people called him out on it, but it's scary the number of people who think like this.
That sounds more of an undiagnosed mental illness than success
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9 minutes ago, Empty It said:
29 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:
Some utter walloper posted this on Linkedin the other day. Tbf, most people called him out on it, but it's scary the number of people who think like this.

That sounds more of an undiagnosed mental illness than success

You can add a few more things onto the board, such as booze/substance abuse, exercising too much, relationship problems, isolation.. 

Can’t say I regret having been that person though but it was a means to an end. 


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23 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Some utter walloper posted this on Linkedin the other day. Tbf, most people called him out on it, but it's scary the number of people who think like this.


Maybe just me but.... It doesn't fucking sound worth it

3 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Sellotape a brush to a pole

Haven't they suffered enough with Brexit etc... You monster!

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Very very busy at the moment, and a stock take due next week. Management are expecting us to work 3 late nights next week, on top of the late finish on the friday of the stocktake. All because they say yes to every order that comes through, knowing fine well that it's putting added pressure on me and the other 2 guys in the yard. 

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19 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Reading between the lines I imagine that the person involved there is a member of organised crime. 

possibly with that one yeah, i can mind a thread or post on here - likely by your own good self - about this guy which i think was a bit more along the incompetence route than anything nefarious


edit: what an absolute champ

The tribunal concluded that the water board had believed García was the responsibility of the city council for most of the period of his employment, while the city council thought he was working for the water board.

The engineer made the most of the confusion, becoming an avid reader of philosophy and an expert on the works of Spinoza, the Dutch philosopher credited with laying the foundations of the Enlightenment.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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20 minutes ago, philpy said:

Management are expecting us to work 3 late nights next week, on top of the late finish on the friday of the stocktake. 

How was this information brought about? 

Did they just walk upto you and say "Right lads, working late 4 nights next week"? 

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

How was this information brought about? 

Did they just walk upto you and say "Right lads, working late 4 nights next week"? 

Not a problem to most folk to work until 4.50pm. 

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2 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Some utter walloper posted this on Linkedin the other day. Tbf, most people called him out on it, but it's scary the number of people who think like this.


Is this from Toby Young? 

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I'm probably in a position where I could be department manager within a couple of years and I don't really see many people in the company who would challenge me for the post, but recently I have been looking at options of starting my own business instead (a full career change, not even in the same industry). It was a cleaning business I was thinking about starting but when I told some of my mates I've been ridiculed about it, one asking me if I was having a mid-life crisis, another saying "whit do ye want to be daft cleaner fur". It made me feel quite down for a while and it made me realise that I was caring about the perception of my career more than the enjoyment I get out of it. I've very quickly developed a "f**k you" attitude to these sorts of choices now. Don't make them for anyone else, make them for yourself and if folk don't think it's ambitious enough, f**k them. We should have ambition for happiness, not the perception amongst our peers that we've done well in life. 

I have a friend in Belgium who played professional football over there, before starting his own cleaning company (some career change) in Brussels. He now owns several cleaning companies, does all the high rise and government buildings and is phenomenally wealthy. f**k what your so called mates say, if it’s what want to do then do it.

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3 hours ago, red23 said:

I said to HR i can provide names of people who have had similar experiences who they should speak to. Could have been this that prevented them? but otherwise how would they know who to speak to

No it shouldn’t have prevented them, should have been the exact opposite and prompted them to conduct an investigation and request to interview each of the people you have quoted. They could obviously refuse, but it’s up to them to decide, not HR to just ignore/bury your complaint.

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