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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:


There was a really weird, long running conspiracy theory in Russian media and social media of young female Ukrainian or Baltic snipers fighting alongside Chechens and Georgians against Russian troops. Probably some strange wish fulfillment going on.



I imagine a sniper battalion of British women would be called the fatty tights...

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13 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

One of the girls at work told me today that if it wasn't for her boyfriend she'd go to Ukraine and fight the Russians.

How long has the fight against her boyfriend been going on?

13 hours ago, philpy said:

Does anyone else have selfish c***s in the office at work?? We get a lot of reps/customers handing stuff in the office, but nothing ever gets handed out to me and my team in the yard. A few years ago a driver asked if he could join the lottery syndicate only to be told "no, it's for office staff only" the office staff might get the sales, but it's the yard guys that are busting a gut to get the orders out of the door. If was the boss in a similar place, I'd make sure everyone was treated the same.

I think that every workplace is the same, once they get above a dozen or so employees. People love to form weird wee cliques and look down on (usually) people earning less than them. Even worse when there are people working at different locations who never meet; some of the stories that get made up are unreal.

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14 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

One of the girls at work told me today that if it wasn't for her boyfriend she'd go to Ukraine and fight the Russians.

Also, that wasn't the real Eminem at the Superbowl last night.

She sounds a right laugh to have in the office. 

14 hours ago, ICTChris said:


There was a really weird, long running conspiracy theory in Russian media and social media of young female Ukrainian or Baltic snipers fighting alongside Chechens and Georgians against Russian troops. Probably some strange wish fulfillment going on.



Watched a documentary a couple of years after all this kicked off, it included an interview with a random Ukrainian woman, in her mid to late 30's taking up arms and getting involved in the fight. She wasn't massively attractive but, I must say there was a certain appeal about her, that I can't quite explain. 

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Does anyone else have selfish c***s in the office at work?? We get a lot of reps/customers handing stuff in the office, but nothing ever gets handed out to me and my team in the yard. A few years ago a driver asked if he could join the lottery syndicate only to be told "no, it's for office staff only" the office staff might get the sales, but it's the yard guys that are busting a gut to get the orders out of the door. If was the boss in a similar place, I'd make sure everyone was treated the same.
Its because most office workers are p***ks who have some sort of superiority complex even when they're not as important, more disposable and on less money.
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5 hours ago, Empty It said:
On 14/02/2022 at 20:45, philpy said:
Does anyone else have selfish c***s in the office at work?? We get a lot of reps/customers handing stuff in the office, but nothing ever gets handed out to me and my team in the yard. A few years ago a driver asked if he could join the lottery syndicate only to be told "no, it's for office staff only" the office staff might get the sales, but it's the yard guys that are busting a gut to get the orders out of the door. If was the boss in a similar place, I'd make sure everyone was treated the same.

Its because most office workers are p***ks who have some sort of superiority complex even when they're not as important, more disposable and on less money.

This exactly. One of the lads from the yard is now in the office, and has basically turned into an errand boy. Out every ten minutes, passing more work onto us, asking us to count stuff, and chucking empty boxes outside the showroom door rather than walking 300 yards to the skip.

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9 hours ago, thistledo said:

She sounds a right laugh to have in the office. 

Watched a documentary a couple of years after all this kicked off, it included an interview with a random Ukrainian woman, in her mid to late 30's taking up arms and getting involved in the fight. She wasn't massively attractive but, I must say there was a certain appeal about her, that I can't quite explain. 

It's Freudian and a lot to do with her rifle.

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On 11/02/2022 at 17:04, coprolite said:

Boiling more water than you need wastes energy. 

People who fill up kettles are personally responsible for polar bears going extinct. 

Some fanny at my previous office put up a laminated notice asking people to refill the kettle. I never did because I'm a maverick who makes my own rules. 

The main purpose of a tea break or coffee break is not the tea or the coffee - it is the break.  I have been in offices where you can get instant boiling water courtesy of the management - people get instant tea or coffee and return straight to their desk, with no real break at all.

I know this means more time at your desk and supposedly more work done but actually it is counter productive.

Therefore on a matter of principle I do not refill the kettle.  The next lot can get a proper break waiting for the kettle to boil.

I think I deserve a prize for this sort of insight.


Edited by Fullerene
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23 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

What work place doesn’t allow you to get up from your desk and get a coffee or tea whenever you want?

"Apollo 13, we have calculated the vector for safe re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.  Just let me grab a coffee and then I will tell you what it is."

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38 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

What work place doesn’t allow you to get up from your desk and get a coffee or tea whenever you want?


I worked in an office 4 or 5 years back where the office supervisor saw me getting up to make a coffee about half 9 one morning and asked if I was on a break.

'No I'm getting a coffee'.  

'But it's not elevenses (whatever the f**k that means) yet'

'Aye I know it's half 9 and I'm getting a coffee, we have a lunch hour that we can take basically whenever we want, so we can get a cuppa whenever we want'.

Why do some office supervisors/Gareth Keenan's think they work in a factory line where a big fucking hooter goes off when it's lunchtime or the end of the shift?


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45 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

What work place doesn’t allow you to get up from your desk and get a coffee or tea whenever you want?


"I have dissected the aorta and am ready to proceed with the graft. But I am spitting feathers here. Back in 15 everyone." 

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54 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

What work place doesn’t allow you to get up from your desk and get a coffee or tea whenever you want?

"Welcome to today's meeting of Caffeine Addicts Anonymous - we have some new members who'd like to introduce themselves, but first, can I interest anyone in an espresso?"

Seriously though, it amazes me how many people seem completely unaware of the conditions that millions of people are working under. Some folk get laid off for taking a pish during work hours, never mind having a drink. That'll become more common in the coming years.

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When I was a lot younger I used to work in IT job for a managed service provider, they had such fine margins, barely had the correct headcount for service desks so if you went for a piss the team leader would be giving you a look like what are you playing at. It was horrible, even lunches were so rigid, down to the minute. The sane team lead was absolutely furious one morning because I was "on a call too long" as missed another one and that we'd fail SLA for the day now, was a joke. 

Now I can get up and bugger off out for a walk during the day for 15-20 mins without any hassle. Which is nice. 

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Aye call centres are more like production lines than your usual office environment.  They aren't really 'office jobs', having worked in both call centres and your traditional office.

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6 minutes ago, thistledo said:

even lunches were so rigid, down to the minute

By which I assume you mean they gave you a bollocking if you were a minute or two late coming back. But you'd also get a bollocking if you hung up on a customer because it was time for your break. 

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I worked in a job in a call centre after leaving Uni but I wasn't on the phones, I did back office analysis sort of stuff.  If we were missing our SLAs one of the managers would just make loads of calls directly to an agent from his personal phone, all would be answered in 0.1s and it would get the average wait time down to below SLA.  A good early career lesson in the benefits of defrauding your customers, who were all huge companies and some government departments and never queried our numbers.

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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I worked in a job in a call centre after leaving Uni but I wasn't on the phones, 

Now we know whose job included holding a huge stopwatch, and clocking how long the worker bees were away pishing/eating/drinking coffee.

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