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c***s on the road

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33 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

Is this the bit  where I come in and say there's nothing wrong with speeding (when conditions permit of course. And they do occasionally, go on, admit it ;) ) then some of you get all high and mighty on your high horses because you rigidly believe that the speed limit + 1 mph = instant death to all the nuns and kittens??? Or something? 





Obvious troll is obvious..................

Teatime, I'm off to the Mess. 

One out of two isn't too bad...

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  • Taxi drivers: given they drive for a living, they are fucking atrocious at driving. 
  • Lazy parking: parents at schools are dreadful for it , especially when you consider they run the risk of endangering the kids (*insert Helen Lovejoy gif*), as are people who happily block off a lane of traffic while they wait for their takeaway (usually a takeaway but could vary) to be ready, instead of actually using car parks.
  • Traffic jams: the c***s who deliberately go into the wrong lane to skip cars, only for them to indicate right at the turn-off, rendering them lazy (not willing to wait like everyone else) and selfish (blocking off others' route). 
  • c***s who use their phone while driving: pretty self-explanatory.

Addendum: taxi drivers fall into all of these complaints. 

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Van drivers can be lumped in there with taxi drivers too. Without a doubt some of the most aggressive and dangerous c***s on the road.

Also folk that don’t seem to remember the rule about giving way to ALL lanes when joining a roundabout. Just because I’m not driving on the exact lane you’re about to join doesn’t necessarily mean I wasn’t planning on changing lanes to exit the roundabout, you stupid b*****ds.

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Arseholes who park at the side of the entrance road into the Tesco Metro car park at East Calder. Just so you can park literally 20 metres closer to the entrance of the shop you make it much more difficult and dangerous to get out onto the main road and much more difficult running the gauntlet of parked cars on the entrance road praying that no cars turn into the road coming the other way. Utter ignorant lazy b*****ds 

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I had some c**t go through a red light on the raigmore interchange roundabout on the way home from work today. Luckily managed to stop about 6 feet from smashing into the side of me but somehow it was my fault. He was going mental at me from behind the wheel.

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I had some c**t go through a red light on the raigmore interchange roundabout on the way home from work today. Luckily managed to stop about 6 feet from smashing into the side of me but somehow it was my fault. He was going mental at me from behind the wheel.
The Raigmore interchange is brutal, it's a massive roundabout and clearly marked/signposted yet half of Inverness seem to lose their shit over it.
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4 hours ago, accies1874 said:
  • Lazy parking: parents at schools are dreadful for it , especially when you consider they run the risk of endangering the kids (*insert Helen Lovejoy gif*), as are people who happily block off a lane of traffic while they wait for their takeaway (usually a takeaway but could vary) to be ready, instead of actually using car parks.

If you follow the "Angry People in Local Newspapers" Facebook page, 3/4 of the people angry about parking are parents who get tickets for being lazy when taking their kids to school and whine to the local newspaper how it's not fair they got a ticket for parking illegally while doing something with their kids

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40 minutes ago, WeAreElgin said:
2 hours ago, PB1994 said:
I had some c**t go through a red light on the raigmore interchange roundabout on the way home from work today. Luckily managed to stop about 6 feet from smashing into the side of me but somehow it was my fault. He was going mental at me from behind the wheel.

The Raigmore interchange is brutal, it's a massive roundabout and clearly marked/signposted yet half of Inverness seem to lose their shit over it.

Think he's talking about the one at the stadium and you're talking about the Inshes one. 

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15 minutes ago, WeAreElgin said:
19 minutes ago, Rugster said:
Think he's talking about the one at the stadium and you're talking about the Inshes one. 

Inches is even worse, the fact that the lanes are all over the place doesn't help. At least the traffic at Raigmore interchange moves..

The Inshes roundabout is entering the twilight zone, don't understand how anyone can approach it confidently. The other two are only worrying because they can't decide whether to have the traffic lights on or not, can be a bit of a shock when you're used to swinging round looking for your exit to face a red light that hasn't been there before.

Edited by welshbairn
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Think he's talking about the one at the stadium and you're talking about the Inshes one. 

On about the one between them both! The one you use to go up to Tesco at the retail park.

Both of the ones you mention are also horrific for c***s it has to be said.
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The Inshes roundabout is entering the twilight zone, don't understand how anyone can approach it confidently. The other two are only worrying because they can't decide whether to have the traffic lights on or not, can be a bit of a shock when you're used to swinging round looking for your exit to face a red light that hasn't been there before.

I actually think the inshes one is very easy to use, the lines are pretty clear for where to go imo, though I can see why people get confused if you don’t lose it a lot.
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3 minutes ago, PB1994 said:


I actually think the inshes one is very easy to use, the lines are pretty clear for where to go imo, though I can see why people get confused if you don’t lose it a lot.


You have to cross lanes in the swirl every couple of yards and if you aren't certain about what your exit looks like it's a nightmare. It does get easier when you get used to it though.

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I actually think the inshes one is very easy to use, the lines are pretty clear for where to go imo, though I can see why people get confused if you don’t lose it a lot.
It'd be absolutely fine if it wasn't for the Tesco exit, take that out and the place would be a dream. Not sure if the issue now lies with the road or with Tesco patrons.
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Probably put this up here before but the fact that every time I drive home I need to use the bellsmyre and lomondgate roundabouts in Dumbarton I genuinely take my life in my hands. Bloody tourists going to balloch that don't stick to the lane, clearly marked with white lines but they still feel the need to drift across 2 lanes of traffic. When you sound your horn to inform them of their stupidity you get abuse as if it's your fault!

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