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c***s on the road

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5 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Had similar. Virtually side by side with an old guy in a two lane section, left lane turns left, right goes right, at the end. I could see through his back windows to give you an idea of how close we were, my car is a burgundy colour and it was midday.

Halfway down he swings left and swaps lanes. No indication, no apology, nothing, I'm still utterly convinced he had no idea I was even there. The lack of accident there was entirely down to how good the brakes were, and the fact old drivers are constantly doing this shite around me so I'm wary of them now.

My dad got his license back a year after his stroke and was scary as fuk to be driven by.  I refused to let my boy and I do so for years. He improved and was near to his best when reassessed and deemed incapable.

3 hours ago, Mr Pikey said:

I'm beginning to think you get a big bag of cannabis when you get a works van nowadays.  The amount of guys who think it's  ok to drive into my work,  smoking joints  and reeking of dope is astonishing .

Best virtual reality game ever

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10 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Had similar. Virtually side by side with an old guy in a two lane section, left lane turns left, right goes right, at the end. I could see through his back windows to give you an idea of how close we were, my car is a burgundy colour and it was midday.

Halfway down he swings left and swaps lanes. No indication, no apology, nothing, I'm still utterly convinced he had no idea I was even there. The lack of accident there was entirely down to how good the brakes were, and the fact old drivers are constantly doing this shite around me so I'm wary of them now.

Me - convinced old folk are the worst drivers out there 

Stats - Allegedly pensioners are the safest.

Me - constantly spend my days avoiding accidents with old duffers who didn't even notice what they've just done.

In future I say we just crash into them. f**k em. They've been getting away with this shit for too long.

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I know a guy who s 90-odd, has been driving for decades despite never sitting a test (he learned during the war) and has only one working arm. I think he may have given up now but how he stayed on the road so long is a mystery to me.

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13 minutes ago, nsr said:

I know a guy who s 90-odd, has been driving for decades despite never sitting a test (he learned during the war) and has only one working arm. I think he may have given up now but how he stayed on the road so long is a mystery to me.

Didn't he just go around in circles?

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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

Didn't he just go around in circles?

Quite possibly. His right arm was the working one so he had to reach across himself whenever he wanted to change gear.

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41 minutes ago, nsr said:

Quite possibly. His right arm was the working one so he had to reach across himself whenever he wanted to change gear.

FFS - one armed, 90 years old and taking drugs when driving.  Pensioners eh!

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A set of traffic lights at a junction near have for years, caused massive tailbacks, particularly on the busy summer weekends with people heading home from the high country.  There were installed years ago, long before the massive population growth the area has seen over the last 20 years or so. After years of complaints; the local authorities recently replaced them with a bridge and underpass which predictably, caused the government haters to go into meltdown. The expense, the length of time it took, why are we pandering to city folks, let them wait etc etc.

One auld git took exception to the gub'mint neglecting to remove several million additional tons of hillside, resulting in the on-ramp approaching the highway at too narrow an angle.

Why is that a problem?

Because he has fused-vertebrae and is unable to turn his head and therefore can't enter the highway safely. 

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My wife's grandpa is 98, can hardly walk, has had 2 strokes. Still has his driving licence and still drives. Father in law has taken the keys off him numerous times but he keeps getting them back. Only drives about 1 mile a day to the shop and back and at about 3mph but madness that hes still allowed to drive

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16 minutes ago, pleslie99 said:

My wife's grandpa is 98, can hardly walk, has had 2 strokes. Still has his driving licence and still drives. Father in law has taken the keys off him numerous times but he keeps getting them back. Only drives about 1 mile a day to the shop and back and at about 3mph but madness that hes still allowed to drive

On a similar note; my wife's grandmother, well into her eighties and blind as a bat, failed her eyesight test when renewing her licence in California The helpful employee simply told her to go a different office where "they're a bit more lenient." This she did and was subsequently let loose on the populace.

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Had similar. Virtually side by side with an old guy in a two lane section, left lane turns left, right goes right, at the end. I could see through his back windows to give you an idea of how close we were, my car is a burgundy colour and it was midday.
Halfway down he swings left and swaps lanes. No indication, no apology, nothing, I'm still utterly convinced he had no idea I was even there. The lack of accident there was entirely down to how good the brakes were, and the fact old drivers are constantly doing this shite around me so I'm wary of them now.

Don’t mean to be too critical but you have to operate on the basis of the mantra of everyone else being an idiot. (I’ve posted this here before).

You assumed he was going right, he didn’t. You had nothing to gain by being that close to him on the split, sitting on his shoulder. His fault entirely but, ax you allude, you could’ve been a passenger towards your own accident. Why not hang back 30ft?
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8 hours ago, alta-pete said:

Why not hang back 30ft?

This seems to be a big thing these days. Loads of people do not leave themselves (any) space or time to react to what is or might be about to happen in front of them. 

It seems to be a case of "no way am I letting anyone in, gotta be close to the car in fron" with little (any) thought to giving themselves the space that they might need should something go amiss. 

Giving yourself more room also allows you to see further up the road, giving you the opportunity to perhaps react to what is happening up ahead even before the clueless fuckwit in front of you does. 



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This seems to be a big thing these days. Loads of people do not leave themselves (any) space or time to react to what is or might be about to happen in front of them. 
It seems to be a case of "no way am I letting anyone in, gotta be close to the car in fron" with little (any) thought to giving themselves the space that they might need should something go amiss. 
Giving yourself more room also allows you to see further up the road, giving you the opportunity to perhaps react to what is happening up ahead even before the clueless fuckwit in front of you does. 
I'm all for this, even if it means the odd absolute p***k or two squeeze themselves in for utterly no reason ahead of you.
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Not so much a "c***s on the road" comment as a "road traffic engineering c***s" question, but why at a 4 way junction where 2 main roads cross each other - do the lights only go green for about 5 seconds - enough to let 2 cars through (and only then if they're on the ball). There is a queue of traffic waiting to go so it's certainly not sensors deeming that there are no more cars waiting go through. 

Without exaggeration, it then takes at least another 5 seconds of the lights being red for everyone before the other main road is allowed to go again. Where is the logic in this? 


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Not so much a "c***s on the road" comment as a "road traffic engineering c***s" question, but why at a 4 way junction where 2 main roads cross each other - do the lights only go green for about 5 seconds - enough to let 2 cars through (and only then if they're on the ball). There is a queue of traffic waiting to go so it's certainly not sensors deeming that there are no more cars waiting go through. 
Without exaggeration, it then takes at least another 5 seconds of the lights being red for everyone before the other main road is allowed to go again. Where is the logic in this? 
Happens at Larbert Cross frequently. But also, the right hand filter light often doesnt come on. The lights just go red again leaving cars stuck in the middle of the junction whilst the cars coming from left and right of you have a green light.

Of course sensible people just nip across rather than sit there but some dont. And the filter seems to be total random
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1 hour ago, Trackdaybob said:

This seems to be a big thing these days. Loads of people do not leave themselves (any) space or time to react to what is or might be about to happen in front of them. 

It seems to be a case of "no way am I letting anyone in, gotta be close to the car in fron" with little (any) thought to giving themselves the space that they might need should something go amiss. 

Giving yourself more room also allows you to see further up the road, giving you the opportunity to perhaps react to what is happening up ahead even before the clueless fuckwit in front of you does. 



Everybody's in a hurry, so they tailgate like mad, particularly on motorways.

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3 times in the last 3 days I've been travelling from Larbert to Grangemouth via Skinflaps {(c) P&B facebook thread} and been stuck behind one of these c***s that sail along obliviously  40/40/40/40 despite the speed limit being 60/30/40/30.

Especially annoying as the 60 is by far the longest stretch.

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5 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

I have been guilty of tailgating but only when stuck behind someone doing 60mph in the overtaking lane and not overtaking anything.

I suppose this makes me a c**t on the road.

Tailgating someone doing 60 mph really isn't sensible behaviour. If they are stupid enough to be sailing along in the overtaking lane with the inside lane free, then they might brake sharply with or without good reason, leaving you little time to react. Better to keep a sensible distance and use other methods to encourage them to allow you to overtake...

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