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Irn Bru

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The Irn Bru recipe change is about to happen. People are stockpiling on the good stuff and a petition has been started to stop the change, a change which will see the sugar replaced with some vile sweetener.


Are you stockpiling Irn Bru for the future?


Is it all a sham and we’ll still get to drink our beloved drink as it is?


Do you think it will taste the same anyway and you’re not concerned?


Or are you currently freaking the f**k out?

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It was on the BBC new, Scottish and national.


Personally I prefer the diet stuff (same with any juice/ginger/pop) as I find 'full fat' too sweet. Unless I'm hanging out my hoop then full fat 'Jock juice' is the very ticket. 

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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Xtra is fucking disgusting. Tastes nothing like Irn Bru and standard Diet, whilst pish compared to the real deal, is much better.

Can't drink the sugar-free Bairnardo. Even down here when the proper stuff and Xtra is sold out, there is always sugar-free left.

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They're between a rock and a hard place. While sugar is certainly less damaging to the human body than the artificial shite in the diet stuff, there is the equivalent of eight teaspoonfuls of sugar per can. That's actually shocking and needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. I normally prefer the educational route myself, but sometimes a harder line needs to be taken...

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I’m tempted to ask hedgecutter where Gman lives (he’ll even tell me what bus to get), stealing his stash (it’s no doubt plentiful after Christmas) and selling it back to him at a premium. Anyone wanting in needs to put in cash up front but I will split the takings.

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The sugar-free stuff has been my drink for years, but I can only feel for @G_Man1985 during this dark time.

Hopefully this is just Barrs pulling a New Coke type stunt to increase sales. Hang in there, brother.

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