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BBC bias

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Simon Schama programme Tribes on BBC2 last night. Sizeable portion devoted to sympathetic view of romantic Scottish nationalism. Episode signed off with footage of the ugly faces of nationalism including Viktor Orban, Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage and ...Nicola Sturgeon.  Thank you Simon and the BBC for opening our eyes. to the true nature of Sturgeon and the SNP. Looks like "The beast that bore him is in heat again"...in Bute House.




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Simon Schama programme Tribes on BBC2 last night. Sizeable portion devoted to sympathetic view of romantic Scottish nationalism. Episode signed off with footage of the ugly faces of nationalism including Viktor Orban, Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage and ...Nicola Sturgeon.  Thank you Simon and the BBC for opening our eyes. to the true nature of Sturgeon and the SNP. Looks like "The beast that bore him is in heat again"...in Bute House.
The irony of this post appearing in a thread called 'BBC Bias'. Priceless.
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1 hour ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
3 hours ago, Thane of Cawdor said:
Simon Schama programme Tribes on BBC2 last night. Sizeable portion devoted to sympathetic view of romantic Scottish nationalism. Episode signed off with footage of the ugly faces of nationalism including Viktor Orban, Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage and ...Nicola Sturgeon.  Thank you Simon and the BBC for opening our eyes. to the true nature of Sturgeon and the SNP. Looks like "The beast that bore him is in heat again"...in Bute House.

The irony of this post appearing in a thread called 'BBC Bias'. Priceless.

I think we may have suffered a breakdown in communication. I have just, for the first time, submitted a complaint to the BBC on this subject. Still, I see irony is indeed dead.







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1 hour ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

I think we may have suffered a breakdown in communication. I have just, for the first time, submitted a complaint to the BBC on this subject. Still, I see irony is indeed dead.


I think you may have misjudged it.

I watched the final few minutes of the programme and I thought Simon Schama was making a decent point that of course there is comfort in nationalism and it's up to the good sense of the politicians and the populace not to let the darkness dominate.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
2 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

End of days stuff


I've been pointing out this sort of thing for months now.

The Cummings/Johnson revolution is not one of huge proclamations or sweeping changes. It's a silent drip, drip behind the scenes. The BBC, the civil service, Westminster committees, the Judiciary, government departments, devolution. 

All of the above have been deemed by Cummings as not fit for purpose, and all of the above are being dismantled as we speak. 

Johnson is a pathetic PM and will be forever remembered as the failure that he is, but his legacy will have a far reaching and devastating effect on the country. And people have almost no idea that it's happening right here, right now.



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Speaking of legacies, has there ever been a PM who was quite as much of a nothing as Theresa May? You’d think a second female PM would have attracted some sort of buzz, even if she was unexceptional, but May came and went (kicking and crying) without making any sort of impression on anyone.

Recent history seems to lurch from the cavalier twattery of the toff so liberal he indulged in inter-species sex right into EDL territory under the cancer that is Boris Johnson. May might as well not have existed and I can’t imagine even historians of feminist history will have absolutely anything to say about her other than that she ... was ... briefly.

It’s hilarious that a hatchet-faced personality vacuum whose entire life hinged on her membership of the Tory party made it to the top job only to do absolutely nothing before being swiftly kicked in the pie by her fellow snakes - who were and apparently are the only “friends” and social circle she’s ever known.



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21 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Speaking of legacies, has there ever been a PM who was quite as much of a nothing as Theresa May? You’d think a second female PM would have attracted some sort of buzz, even if she was unexceptional, but May came and went (kicking and crying) without making any sort of impression on anyone.

Recent history seems to lurch from the cavalier twattery of the toff so liberal he indulged in inter-species sex right into EDL territory under the cancer that is Boris Johnson. May might as well not have existed and I can’t imagine even historians of feminist history will have absolutely anything to say about her other than that she ... was ... briefly.

It’s hilarious that a hatchet-faced personality vacuum whose entire life hinged on her membership of the Tory party made it to the top job only to do absolutely nothing before being swiftly kicked in the pie by her fellow snakes - who were and apparently are the only “friends” and social circle she’s ever known.



She wasn't Brexity enough for the ghouls who really run things. Emptying her also helps the press manufacture the narrative of Johnson and the Tories running as the anti establishment candidates, despite being in power for 10 years. Watch for the same trick being pulled when they get fed up with Boris.

Zero sympathy though. The architect of the hostile environment and windrush can get in the fucking bin. Grenfell was also on her watch. Cuntress.


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13 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

I've been pointing out this sort of thing for months now.

The Cummings/Johnson revolution is not one of huge proclamations or sweeping changes. It's a silent drip, drip behind the scenes. The BBC, the civil service, Westminster committees, the Judiciary, government departments, devolution. 

All of the above have been deemed by Cummings as not fit for purpose, and all of the above are being dismantled as we speak. 

Johnson is a pathetic PM and will be forever remembered as the failure that he is, but his legacy will have a far reaching and devastating effect on the country. And people have almost no idea that it's happening right here, right now.



Kind of heard that somewhere before.

Shades of 'Drain The Swamp'

And look how far that got.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
21 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Kind of heard that somewhere before.

Shades of 'Drain The Swamp'

And look how far that got.


Maybe not the right thread for this, but it's simply another example of the drip, drip, drip that I referred to. 

This is a totalitarian government, and by the time people realise this I fear it will be too late. 

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Some newsreader, whose job is to keep tidy and be able to read out loud, fired a question about covid spending to some stuffed suit prefaced with "obviously the government will need to balance the books" 

Firstly, this is actually meaningless. Assuming the accounts are right the books will "balance" . 

I doubt she meant "balance the books" and more likely meant reduce the deficit or the debt. That's certainly what the public would hear. This is a hugely politically loaded statement and is the sort of framing that got us into the austerity mess. 

Any amount of interviewing gobshites with opposing views can't give a balanced view when the whole game is rigged from the start. 

I no longer care if the etonians get their way and shut down the bbc. It seems like an enormous act of self harm to close down the main mouthpiece for their cunty system, so should be encouraged. 

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