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39 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

I think him conveniently forgetting Bullen dropped him before Brown is a bit wild. 

Being bombed out is a different level to being dropped. Think he was quite generous in that article considering his replacement had a few moments of madness also 

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18 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

Ex-Ayrshire Ace SLAMS ex-Celtic captain in SCATHING leaving rant.

How did I do?


Ex Man City Ace in interview ShockAYR.


I could easily get a job with one of the gobshite Scottish rags.

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4 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

Being bombed out is a different level to being dropped. Think he was quite generous in that article considering his replacement had a few moments of madness also 

I don’t think he can have any complaints. He was dropped by Brown after costing us a game we should’ve won and it was explained to him that someone else would be coming in. 

I don’t think Clarke made any errors that warranted being dropped. He wasn’t any more to blame than the defenders in front of him. 

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I think Charlie reads to much of the SRE facebook page some of them hero worship him on there like he's the second coming of Buffon, decent keeper but hes a standard bottom half championship/top of league one player, good luck to him except when he plays us.

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Albinson had a good 22/23 season but his form wobbled around September last year. His form seemed to plunge off a cliff when Timmins left. Timmins returning definitely a positive, be interesting to see how Harry Stone does with him. 


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3 hours ago, D'Jaffo said:

I think him conveniently forgetting Bullen dropped him before Brown is a bit wild. 

He might have had a road back to the first team under Bullen but it was obvious from early to Mid Feb that Albinson was 100% gone and would never play another game again. I’m sure  if Clarke continued to wave at efforts on the way by or got injured, Brown would get an emergency loan rather than play Albinson. 

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35 minutes ago, ayrunitedfw said:

Off to Germany today so a couple of rolls and slice for breakfast this morning. 

Been in Italy since tuesday and now driving up to Germany with the old man to be in Munich for the game (couldn’t get tickets for the game sadly)

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1 hour ago, ayrunitedfw said:

Off to Germany today so a couple of rolls and slice for breakfast this morning. 

Not going to Germany but same breakfast 🤝

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10 minutes ago, Claudia Gentile said:

Man, that's got 'posts that precede unfortunate events' vibes all over it 

Aye, the dark skys in the background. The “what’s the worst that could happen” 

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