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What is the point of Labour ?


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12 hours ago, Left Back said:

For the reasons I already stated.  In the UK we also have the complication of our relationship with the US to consider.  Again like it or not we still have to do business with them in the future and don’t want to alienate them. 

Our existing relationship with the US and Israel is what makes it more important to take a moral stand over one of them committing genocide, not something to be shrugged off by the very sensible grown adults who understand nuance and realpolitik unlike the stupid babies who think tens of thousands of civilians being deliberately slaughtered is bad.

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45 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Anas Sarwar "standing up to Starmer" like the spineless b*****d he is.


Sarwar is a lapdog, he just does precisely what Sir Keith tells him.

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There was an utterly pathetic Labour patsy on Newsnight last night. When pressed on why now he actually said it's because Israel are talking up a ground offensive in Rafa. At that point it was put to him that his stance and the reasoning made it look like the senseless slaughter of 30,000 Gazan residents was acceptable to them as he used the phrase "a step too far". Victoria Derbyshire was left visibly shaking her head in disbelief at him after he failed to backtrack from what was obviously a pre prepared party stance.

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9 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

There was an utterly pathetic Labour patsy on Newsnight last night. When pressed on why now he actually said it's because Israel are talking up a ground offensive in Rafa. At that point it was put to him that his stance and the reasoning made it look like the senseless slaughter of 30,000 Gazan residents was acceptable to them as he used the phrase "a step too far". Victoria Derbyshire was left visibly shaking her head in disbelief at him after he failed to backtrack from what was obviously a pre prepared party stance.

He looked slightly uncomfortable when delivering it


But only slightly 

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Palestinian consul to UK last night on c4 news, saying of course Labour should have backed snp wording 

C4 news Labour cheerleaders Murphy saying what does it matter as wouldn't be passed 

Palestinian pointing out of course it matters as the genocide of number of decades would never have been possible without tacit UK and US approval 

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It is not the job of the Speaker of the House of Commons to avoid potential embarrassment for the Labour Party.

As a pal of mine put it last night... "That, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't f#ck about with procedures."

According to LBC, 50 MPs have now signed the motion calling for Hoyle's head. IMO he has to go.

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2 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

It is not the job of the Speaker of the House of Commons to avoid potential embarrassment for the Labour Party.

As a pal of mine put it last night... "That, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't f#ck about with procedures."

According to LBC, 50 MPs have now signed the motion calling for Hoyle's head. IMO he has to go.

He's toast.

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8 minutes ago, Highlandmagar said:

Interesting to see who would replace him. Would it be the Deputy Speaker to get through to the election or some other mug being dragged to the chair?

She's murder, the ridiculous way she allowed that vote to proceed yesterday shows she isn't up to it.

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59 minutes ago, GHF-23 said:

Of course the moon howling political media influencers have immediately interpreted that as "our democracy is unsafe and at the whims of the dangerous Muslims". To be so cynical, to chuck a minority under the bus, to attempt to delegitamise protest and, lets be honest, mass politics as a whole, to make a mockery of those who do and have suffered from political violence. For what?

Aye, this. It is utterly shameful. The kind of behaviour straight out of the UKIP /Farage playbook. A total embarrassment.

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I think it's starting to dawn on a few Labour that yesterday wasn't as good a day for them as they thought. Starmer reached straight for the Boris Johnson playbook, and people have noticed. Paul Sweeny lying about a hateful mob kicking his door down on twitter last night was a particular low as well, but I think what's really getting to folk is the smugness. 30,000 people dead in a horrific ongoing genocide that they have backed, then ignored, then basically bullied and cheated their way to not having to vote on, and they are walking around with shit eating grins accusing everyone else of playing politics. This is just another bunch of Lee Andersons or Jonathan Gullis clones with different coloured ties. Pathetic.

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