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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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4 minutes ago, SANTAN said:

The defense of what though? 

Random posters on a scottish football forum that don't like him because of his politics? I'm sure he'll survive! 

am sure he will survive also. But for a random poster on a Scottish football forum, as you say,  to respond to criticism of Neil by referring to him as Andrew and then repeating the phrase that he "is doing very nicely" in the same response is quite bizarre......


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Just now, KingRocketman II said:

am sure he will survive also. But for a random poster on a Scottish football forum, as you say,  to respond to criticism of Neil by referring to him as Andrew and then repeating the phrase that he "is doing very nicely" in the same response is quite bizarre......


I don't think so. Comparatively to probably every poster on here he's living his best life. DPB is just pointing this out to the little gossip gang. 

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Lovely to see even Brillo can be white-knighted by people that he wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

Someone start on Piers Moron next. Let's see where the line is.

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3 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

He's quickly burning his gammon bridges.


I think Neil clicked that ultimately he as fallen on the wrong side of the argument and he is seen as a spent figure and history will not look kindly on the horses he has backed.

The above is all part of his walk back from the cliff edge as he'd see it.

Guys like Neil and Oliver were once regarded as some of the top guys in their field. Now folk just look at them as total lunatics. Years of building up reputations pissed against a wall for whatever reasons. 

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2 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

I think Neil clicked that ultimately he as fallen on the wrong side of the argument and he is seen as a spent figure and history will not look kindly on the horses he has backed.

The above is all part of his walk back from the cliff edge as he'd see it.

Guys like Neil and Oliver were once regarded as some of the top guys in their field. Now folk just look at them as total lunatics. Years of building up reputations pissed against a wall for whatever reasons. 

I’m intrigued.

What has A Neil said that marks him out as a lunatic?

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10 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

I’m not sure Andrew Neil has any right to be criticising people for not believing facts given the whole him reckoning climate change isn’t real thing. 

I’m not sure that’s quite right.

Ive heard him challenge some of the more extreme projections of the climate change lobby but not the facts that the climate is getting warmer and there appear to be more extreme weather events.

Thats more or less agreed but the big debate is how to transition from a fossil fuelled economy to a more environmentally friendly one.

Moving too quickly will just trash the economy and living standards and help no one.

Also, what to do about China and India?

Without them on board, not much can be done.

I can well remember the big theme in the 60’s and 70’s was ‘global cooling’ and the new ice age.

Just like with Covid, scientists need to be challenged.

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Just now, Dawson Park Boy said:

I’m not sure that’s quite right.

Ive heard him challenge some of the more extreme projections of the climate change lobby but not the facts that the climate is getting warmer and there appear to be more extreme weather events.

Thats more or less agreed but the big debate is how to transition from a fossil fuelled economy to a more environmentally friendly one.

Moving too quickly will just trash the economy and living standards and help no one.

Also, what to do about China and India?

Without them on board, not much can be done.

I can well remember the big theme in the 60’s and 70’s was ‘global cooling’ and the new ice age.

Just like with Covid, scientists need to be challenged.

Please refrain from trying to converse with me in future, you dreadful c**t. 

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31 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

I’m not sure Andrew Neil has any right to be criticising people for not believing facts given the whole him reckoning climate change isn’t real thing. 

Also had a great tenure at the Sunday Times denying the link between HIV and AIDS. 

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6 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Also had a great tenure at the Sunday Times denying the link between HIV and AIDS. 

Not only that, but denied responsibility even this year, blaming an underling.


He wrote that The Sunday Times had been vindicated in its coverage, "The Sunday Times was one of a handful of newspapers, perhaps the most prominent, which argued that heterosexual Aids was a myth. The figures are now in and this newspaper stands totally vindicated... The history of Aids is one of the great scandals of our time. I do not blame doctors and the Aids lobby for warning that everybody might be at risk in the early days, when ignorance was rife and reliable evidence scant." He criticised the "AIDS establishment" and said "Aids had become an industry, a job-creation scheme for the caring classes."

In a 2021 interview Neil said that he now regretted certain aspects of the paper's coverage of HIV and AIDS, but he was unwilling or unable to accept any personal responsibility for the falsehoods published while he was editor. Neil chose instead to blame an employee, stating that he had placed faith in a trusted correspondent who was found to be wrong.


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I think Neil is just a contrarian tbh, in much the same manner as Piers Morgan. He'll argue with, contradict, and attempt to belittle whoever is put in front of him no matter what their take on any given issue.

To be honest, I'm ambivalent about him. I used to enjoy 'This Week', not particularly because of Neil but in spite of him. It was always funny watching him get paddled on matters of fact by Michael Portillo of all people.

It's self-evident he's a vain, insecure, narcissistic personality, and that part of him I do find amusing in a point and laugh way, but beyond that, couldn't care less.

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Under the chairmanship of Andrew Neil, The Spectator has published articles in support of the Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn, an article called "In defence of the Wehrmacht", Taki, Rod Liddle's numerous nonsense (including a piece where he said he couldn't be a teacher as he wouldn't countenance not being able to shag the students), Julie Bindel after her Islamophobia as well as numerous trans baiting articles. 

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2 hours ago, doulikefish said:

Neil is not going back to gammon news seemingly as it's gone to wack job even for him 

If Neil put a fraction of the time into his vanity-project news channel that he puts into ranting and raving like a cartoon grandparent on Twitter, GB News might be slightly less of a train wreck. Drunken old dilettante is what he is: a grotesque parody of himself.

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