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Sex Dungeons

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4 hours ago, NJ2 said:

Couldn’t pay me enough to shag you though. SLAM!
For avoidance of doubt, I am was not paid nor did I pay to sleep with this conservative voting individual.

It must have been difficult for I'm Rodger to avoid banging his tefal heid off the low ceiling usually found in a cellar/sex dungeon..



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10 hours ago, NJ2 said:

I believe Shandon’s tale. Folk are in to all sorts and alcohol can lower the inhibitions etc.
I speak as a man who has once “been to bed with” a Tory.

Hiya Ruth Davidson’s baby daddy, hiya pal!

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It must have been difficult for I'm Rodger to avoid banging his tefal heid off the low ceiling usually found in a cellar/sex dungeon..

Not really my concern though was it
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I am always looking for new business opportunities that would run parallel with my core business.

I reckon I could put together a new build sex dungeon for £18k-£25k sans accoutrements (excluding the cost of Building Warrant, Planning Permission and  architect fees, if required) or upwards of £8k if it was a garage conversion.*

If posters can let me know how much they have spent on their sex dungeons it would help me to see if this is a matter worthy of further investigation.

* supplements will apply to higher levels of soundproofing.

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20 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Many moons ago... had a run in with my then girlfriend and sought solace in the affections of a girl who had made it clear she would like to lie with me in the biblical sense in a note she had left for me in class. Seemed a very quiet. mousey type but quite pretty.  Called her up and she told me to come over. Her bedroom door was plastered with pictures of men with erections (from playing cards and cutouts from pornographic mags). I'd had a hard evening so this didn't strike me as unusual. She pointed to the ones she imagined would look like my manhood. It still didn't strike me as unusual when she chatted to her flatmates to describe to them in detail what she was up to as she made a number of trips to the fridge to find foodstuffs to consume from my boaby. 

She then brought out a pair of new and quite fetching pvc pants and told me how much she enjoyed lovemaking with a full bladder.  

Having been waterboarded and chained to a radiator like Terry Waite, sleep finally came to us. In the morning she said she had plans to have my girlfriend killed so that she could have me to herself and that she would never wash her face again (having had it splashed with copious amounts of ejaculate). 

Might start a support group for P&B posters who have escaped sex dungeons. 





I bloody knew I recognised you from somewhere! 

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20 hours ago, G_Man1985 said:

She wanted to kill your girlfriend ? So were you cheating on your girlfriend?
And for the record she covered you with her piss ?

When you put it like that it just sounds sordid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When it comes to sex dungeons, you have to tip your hat to Frank Bough really. Up all night in various Soho S&M dungeons, followed by a few wee burners then straight round to the Good Morning Britain studios to wake us all up.

There's legend status, then there's Frank fucking Bough!

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In the 90’s my boss in London would visit a dungeon every Friday. He would return after a couple of hours, stinking of carbolic soap, and either would stand up for long periods or very gingerly try to sit.
Poor fucker.

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