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die hard doonhamer

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40 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

The Miami track is already producing some banter.


Hope I'm proved wrong but the first time I seen the track layout there were no obvious passing points 

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44 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Hope I'm proved wrong but the first time I seen the track layout there were no obvious passing points 

The tracks have stayed about the same width, newer ones included, but the cars are massive these days so there's just a lot less room to actually race.

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3 hours ago, scottsdad said:

This has been said before but the number of F1 champions who are not total bellends is extremely small. Maybe Vettel. Raikkonen? Not many more in the modern era, certainly.

Mika H is a decent bloke, Jenson Button is a bit anodyne and bland, but in so far as WDC's go he can hardly be accused of being odious. Same with Nico Rosberg.

I totally understand why a lot of people couldn't thole Schumi, he certainly had his moments with the attempts to run folk off the track, demanding unquestioned #1 status and so on, but there are a lot of stories about him that paint him in a totally different light. Gaston Mazzacane made a point of saying that when he was on his flying laps in his awful Minardi, the only driver on the grid who used to dive out of his way and make damned sure he never held him up was Schumi. Nobody else gave a shit, but he did because he was absolutely professional. The nature of his "retirement" from Ferrari shows him as a much more humane and compassionate soul than I think he ever got credit for. Again, I totally understand why a lot of people regard him as a complete shitgibbon but I honestly think he got a harder time in the UK from the media because he was up against darlings like Hill and Coulthard. Certainly in his Benetton days the hate in the UK media was palpable, and he was viewed with the sort of disdain that made you think he went out on track with a swastika painted on the car. I wouldn't deny that it's fair for some people to consider him a bellend, because he was certainly capable of being one, but there was a 'good egg' side to him as well that he never really gets credit for. He went all-in to try and get Eddie Irvine a WDC before he himself had ever won one at Ferrari, and considering how much blood, sweat, and toil he put into dragging that shitshow into respectability, I think that shows him as having a completely unselfish and magnanimous side. I could never see Prost, Senna, or Hamilton putting the same sort of whole-hearted graft into trying to win a WDC for a teammate.

Prost was just an unlikeable moaning wee cock, but Niki Lauda was a totally stand-up guy. Honest to a fault, and didn't really indulge in the playground stuff that the likes of Senna got up to. The single biggest reason I've never been able to warm to LH is the complete contrast with the genuine GOAT MS. MS drags a shit awful Ferrari into the points and pulls out unlikely wins again and again in '96-'97. Put Hamilton in an inferior car, and the entitled wee p***k, sulks, pootles round in the midfield, whinges down the radio, shits on his team and mechanics, and comes second best to Jenson Button, and now George Russell in the same car. If you want a biggest WDC bellend of all-time, look no further. Senna would have battered him.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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8 minutes ago, GiGi said:

The tracks have stayed about the same width, newer ones included, but the cars are massive these days so there's just a lot less room to actually race.

The difference in some is nuts when you see them live.Yas looks massive compared to Monza/ spa.Imola is tighter than a nuns chuff in fact apart from Monaco I can't think of a tighter track/actual tarmac.With Miami the track layout doesn't bode well for passing 

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31 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

I totally understand why a lot of people couldn't thole Schumi, he certainly had his moments with the attempts to run folk off the track, demanding unquestioned #1 status and so on, but there are a lot of stories about him that paint him in a totally different light. Gaston Mazzacane made a point of saying that when he was on his flying laps in his awful Minardi, the only driver on the grid who used to dive out of his way and make damned sure he never held him up was Schumi. Nobody else gave a shit, but he did because he was absolutely professional. The nature of his "retirement" from Ferrari shows him as a much more humane and compassionate soul than I think he ever got credit for. Again, I totally understand why a lot of people regard him as a complete shitgibbon but I honestly think he got a harder time in the UK from the media because he was up against darlings like Hill and Coulthard. Certainly in his Benetton days the hate in the UK media was palpable, and he was viewed with the sort of disdain that made you think he went out on track with a swastika painted on the car. I wouldn't deny that it's fair for some people to consider him a bellend, because he was certainly capable of being one, but there was a 'good egg' side to him as well that he never really gets credit for. He went all-in to try and get Eddie Irvine a WDC before he himself had ever won one at Ferrari, and considering how much blood, sweat, and toil he put into dragging that shitshow into respectability, I think that shows him as having a completely unselfish and magnanimous side. I could never see Prost, Senna, or Hamilton putting the same sort of whole-hearted graft into trying to win a WDC for a teammate.

I'd say it's more down to the fact that he is German than anything else. Same with Seb until recently.

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Just now, Mr. Brightside said:

I'd say it's more down to the fact that he is German than anything else. Same with Seb until recently.

Oh yeah, undoubtedly. As I said, there was a palpable degree of outright hate and contempt for him the UK media around 94-95 that even Senna at peak 'arsehole' years never got treated to. Absolute 'One World Cup and Two World Wars' level stuff.

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Went to Imola for the race on Sunday. Had a great day apart from getting drenched an hour before the race started. 

Highlights-Our seats being right in front of the pit lane exit so watched the practice starts. Some energy emitted from those cars

                   -Being at the end of the straight so seeing the cars go full pelt

                   -Picking the right car park so not getting stuck in mud on the way out

                   - Very good organisation at the track and effective stewarding

                   -Reasonably priced food & drink

                   -The aerial display team before the start. What a show!

Low Points-Paying 270 sheets for a ticket to have no cover from the rain

                    -Queuing for a pee

                    -Seeing Ferrari make an arse of the race

                    -Overly zealous stewards telling folk to sit down.

Overall a great day out for anyone who likes the sport. Thoroughly recommended although I saw Silverstone is £550 for general admission! The "prato" tickets at Imola were 50 euros.


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I'd say it's more down to the fact that he is German than anything else. Same with Seb until recently.
I'd say the hostility toward Schumey in the British media was about 5% the Hill incident, 5% because he was so good and 90% because he was German.
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It would be fantastic if true. The two guys who replaced him have tested positive for Covid and so FOM are all out of qualified race directors. 

Imagine the seethe from the Hamilton and Mercedes fans if this came true. 


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Hopefully it the whining wee turd gets lapped again there will be a Safety Car period followed by a 'backmarkers and enormously overrated former world champions can now unlap themselves' instruction over the radio. Would be even better if Seb was still on the lead lap at the time.

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1 minute ago, Boo Khaki said:

Hopefully it the whining wee turd gets lapped again there will be a Safety Car period followed by a 'backmarkers and enormously overrated former world champions can now unlap themselves' instruction over the radio. Would be even better if Seb was still on the lead lap at the time.

Better still , " all lapped cars up to but not including car 44 can now unlap themselves."

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11 hours ago, Snafu said:

Lots of rumours doing the rounds about Hamilton leaving Mercedes, but not mid season.

Hamilton and Sereena Williams involvement in a Chelsea takeover bid.

Hamilton could become a citizen of Brazil pending Parliament vote???

However there does seem to be a rumour going around that Gasly and Ricciardo are going to swap seats for the rest of the season. Gasleeee!! Pea-ayr Gasleeeee!!

Another is Vettel moving to Williams in a swap for Albon, can't see that happening just yet. Albon's just in the door and I see Vettel finishing his career maybe end of this season or next.

Another one with the media panic button attached - The suddenly crash prone Latifi could be out and Williams could 'borrow' Oscar Piastri. Roy Nissany will be wondering if he will ever get a chance. Mind you that is a bit like the Luca Badoer could have been wondering when Barrichello left Ferrari his chance only for Massa to pinch the seat. gutted. Maybe Williams can bring back the Italian Jesus?

Neighbours complaining that Lewis Hamilton has not been seen at his London home despite having had a tree cut down.

I watched a lot of other people doing career on the F1 2021 game and Lewis Hamilton drops like a stone to the back of the field in every game, bit like real life. Now that when the former team mate he had in his pocket is now faster and both Haas cars are ahead of him in the race maybe its time to re-evaluate options. I'd say retire end of season or retire after the British Grand Prix and let say Nyck de Vries drive the car for the rest of the season, he's 27 now and might not get another chance and the self promoting Lewis Hamilton can pretend he's Brazilian, have a short dodgy film and singing career and run Chelsea FC into the ground from Los Angeles.

I get this - it all depends on his hunger. Does he still want to win an 8th title? And if so does he trust Merc to deliver a car within the next season or two to do this?

He certainly seems unhappy - for the first time in his career he is in a car that doesn't look capable of winning a race. Most other drivers start in cars like this one. 

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It's always good to have some new names involved. I imagine that will improve the chances of Nurburgring or Hockenheim being added back to the calendar full time.

I wonder if the popularity of Drive to Survive n the States could tempt one of their car makers to join F1? It would be nice to see Ford or Chevy on the grid.

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