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That final episode is 70min of some of the greatest TV I've ever watched. Absolutely riveting.

The attention to detail is at a level that I'm not sure anyone else has ever hit, particularly from the podcast about details on the court room setting replication. The time and effort spent researching,  understanding and conveying the look & feel of Soviet Russia is astounding.

Casting has been outstanding. Michael McElhatton (GOT's Roose Bolton) was tremendous as the military man in that final episode in court. Even smaller roles with little dialogue have been allocated perfectly.

For a TV episode to have a rating of 10 on IMDB, with over 22,000 ratings must be unheard of.

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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:


Bet you can’t guess what RT’s reviewer thought of the series?




Reminds me of the time that TV listings were opened up so that anybody could print them - before that, they were copyright so the BBC had the Radio Times and ITV had TV Times and didn't list each other's programmes. (Presumably newspapers paid a fee for their listings.) When the two main TV mags started printing programmes from the other side, Private Eye published a spoof film guide allegedly from the Radio Times in which all the films on BBC were complete dogs but given five stars each, while ITV and C4 were showing classics like Casablanca and Citizen Kane, described as not worth watching.

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One of the best TV shows I have watched.

Scene on top of the reactor roof with the soldiers given 90 seconds to clear rubble was terrifying. 


Edited by Jute
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Watched the entire series again last night, so many tremendous performances and scenes throughout.

That two minute long scene in episode four, when men were sent to the roof, is one of the most outstandingly directed scenes  I have ever seen on the telly. To do it in a continuous take, with a steadycam  and the static noise raging, ramped up the tension to an almost unbearable level.

Its ratings on IMDB are well deserved.

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Aye, agree with all the above.

Absolutely astounded reading the piece on Russian newspapers. Is that not how they got here in the first place? And still absolutely crazy that the official death toll remains at 31.


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Russia to make its own show about Chernobyl that implicates the US




Russian state TV is working on its own version of Chernobyl, a series based on the worst nuclear accident in history.

The NTV drama will deviate from the acclaimed HBO series - and from historical reality - by claiming that the CIA was involved in the disaster.


"There is a theory that Americans infiltrated the Chernobyl nuclear power plant," he told the paper. "Many historians do not rule out the possibility that on the day of the explosion, an agent of the enemy's intelligence services was working at the station."


FFS, nothing has changed. Just like they did when they shot down a Dutch airliner over Ukraine, they lie and obfuscate. 

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Still lying all these years later despite what happened. It's a disgrace to the thousands who died to save millions of others.
Theres no doubt the CIA were probably active in Russia but to counter claim this now seems pathetic. Why would you jail people who worked there?

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On 06/06/2019 at 11:44, Fide said:

If this doesn't win all the awards, I'll be astonished.

From the reaction I've read on Twitter from people who lived through it, Craig Mazin captured the feel of 1980s Soviet Union perfectly.

It's incredible that the Soviets were so obsessed with their pride and how they were perceived in the rest of the world that they sacrificed human lives through constant denial of what was happening.

Whilst the blame can be laid at several doorsteps, you can't help but feel that, had Anatoly Dyatlov not been so determined to push the test through that night, abusing and berating those who tried to reason with him, the accident might have been averted.



That was a tremendous line. I said as much to the wife when we watched the final episode today. 

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Funny the attention to detail and everyone praising it's authenticity and no mention of the lack of Russian accents on show, and yet it works probably better than if they'd try to put it on.

Aynyway, the miners were the mvp's of the show for me, proper dgaf baws oot men. No one had the bottle to order or bullshit them around.

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That was fucking sensational television. I've already re-watched the whole lot with my other half. It's difficult to pick out a best moment but the standouts for me were the folk gathering on what would later be named the "bridge of death", divers' torches running out,  those poor c***s lying in hospital whilst their bodies decayed around them, the roof scene and Legasov's testimony in the final episode.  The final episode was superbly done though with the testimonies perfectly worked in with the flashbacks of Dyatlov's incompetent arseholery. There was no turning back from the moment he told that curly-haired c**t "the test will be completed. I'll see to it personally".

Also saw on Twitter some folk hoping for a second season. Erm.... :lol:

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8 hours ago, UpInTheAyr said:

Funny the attention to detail and everyone praising it's authenticity and no mention of the lack of Russian accents on show, and yet it works probably better than if they'd try to put it on.


made up accents really are unnecessary if you aren't portraying more than one side,eg germans/allies in a war film(and even then the need for them is questionable).these were all soviet citizens,the programme was in English and the range of English accents will have portrayed the variations in their Russian accents

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9 hours ago, UpInTheAyr said:

Funny the attention to detail and everyone praising it's authenticity and no mention of the lack of Russian accents on show, and yet it works probably better than if they'd try to put it on.

Aynyway, the miners were the mvp's of the show for me, proper dgaf baws oot men. No one had the bottle to order or bullshit them around.

The thought was that the accents may turn into parodies of Russian accents and may take away from the seriousness of the subject matter.  I fully agree.

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made up accents really are unnecessary if you aren't portraying more than one side,eg germans/allies in a war film(and even then the need for them is questionable).these were all soviet citizens,the programme was in English and the range of English accents will have portrayed the variations in their Russian accents

Read something the other day about the regional accents and how despite being spoken in English, the regional accents added to the authenticity as there wasn’t a ‘stock accent’.

A few folk mentioning they’ve watched the series back already but personally I’m going to leave it a while and hopefully forget a lot of it before I watch it again.
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