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5 hours ago, Im_Rodger said:

Likely to increase taxes. 

Very high chance Scotland would elect a left wing party post independence and I believe it would become evident that the first 5-10 years would require a higher influx of cash to get the whole thing up and running. There will be a lot of new departments needing created post independence. 

After the transitional period Scotland will be fine, reason I don't want independence is because I don't fancy going through a transitional period at all. 

Tell the truth, its cause you're a raging British nationalist.  Its as simple as that, you're convoluted pish doesn't do a great job of masking the truth.

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5 hours ago, Im_Rodger said:

Scotland has not voted for a right wing or centrist party for 100+ years. 

A centrist party has been in power in Scotland for 12 years, winning 11 national elections in a row.  Absolutely shocked to find your views don't stand up to even the slightest scrutiny.

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1 hour ago, MixuFixit said:

Here's hoping it's Jeremy Hunt just because the number of folk accidentally calling him Jeremy c**t will go through the roof

But will be exceeded by the number of folk doing it deliberately.

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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

If we can't have rational discussions with Tories who are contemplating ditching the party, and not full scale trolling for a change, then we'll be stuck with the 45%  again next time around.

Bullshit, he's never going to vote yes, and his disgusting views are worthy only of ridicule.

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59 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Did you see the brief Laura Kuenssberg interview with dodgy Rory Stewart tonight, he was giving it the big man pose sitting on an armchair with his legs wide open, honestly the dude is suspect as feck, plus I see he was born in Hong Kong and now I know why he wouldn't look out of place in a chinese takeaway.

Stewart is the least offensive of the candidates.

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22 minutes ago, Crùbag said:


Raab :lol::lol:5cfece8d02af0_toryleadership.thumb.jpg.b86a18c235024743aba7cfd53ccb50ed.jpg



Based on this picture I want Dominic Raab.

Based on who seems the most competent? Jeremy Hunt, probably. Although I don't know much about a few of the lesser candidates ie, McVey and Hancock.

Best for Scottish independence? Has to be Boris, surely? Or Javid.

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2 hours ago, Bold Rover said:

Stewart is the least offensive of the candidates.

I'd agree, and that Javid is the most competent. Neither of them have a chance though, looking a bit funny or foreign is a no no for the current Tory membership, especially if they don't promise to take Britain over the cliff on October 31st.

Edited by welshbairn
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3 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Not so, with all of the Scottish Islands included  Scotland is geographically larger.

No it is not.

Area of England  = 130,395 km2 (53.6%)
Area of Northern Ireland = 14,130 km2 (5.8%)
Area of Wales = 20,735 km2 (8.5%)

Area of Scotland = 77,933 km2 (32%)

Area of Scottish Islands = 10,372 km2

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5 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

No it is not.

Area of England  = 130,395 km2 (53.6%)
Area of Northern Ireland = 14,130 km2 (5.8%)
Area of Wales = 20,735 km2 (8.5%)

Area of Scotland = 77,933 km2 (32%)

Area of Scottish Islands = 10,372 km2

Typical Britnat ignoring Rockall, Darien and Corby.

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43 minutes ago, tirso said:

Is there any dirt on Rory Stewart?  The opium thing aside.

He seems like a reasonable chap, you wonder why he's in the conservative party.

He's a fuckin Eton educated Tory, isn't that enough dirt?

Edited by SandyCromarty
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10 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I'd agree, and that Javid is the most competent. Neither of them have a chance though, looking a bit funny or foreign is a no no for the current Tory membership, especially if they don't promise to take Britain over the cliff on October 31st.

I think Javid has a wee outside shout.

Boris is the front runner in terms of getting on the ballot with the most pledged votes. It gets very tight after that with Gove and Hunt neck and neck then Raab and Javid. Once Gove or Hunt collapse, their votes will have to go somewhere and there's a decent shout that it could go to Raab or Javid and put them into second.  Stewart, Leadsom, McVey and Harper are the only ones who I'd have some confidence of saying that they are completely out of it. 

Boris is the favourite as he starts with about a third of the party membership backing him but he's a divisive figure and Davis entered the race in a similar position. He's still got a bit of work to do to get over the line with the members. For me, we've got a wee war between Hunt, Javid and Raab to be the competitor and that's where the battle is right now; Hunt is edging it but it could all change in a week or so with very few MPs.

I do get the impression that Javid probably has the most skeletons in his closet given his history working for a bank that's run by Bond villains. The others people already know are c***s.

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Boris will win if it goes to the membership so it’s about stopping him before then. Robert Peston seems to think many Remainer Tories have already accepted he’s the favourite and are backing him in the hope of being in the room when he becomes PM so it’s already looking poor for the others. Normally would be sceptical of what folk like Kuennsberg or Peston have to say but given they do a good job of running comms for the Conservatives they’re probably very reliable for once.

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