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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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36 minutes ago, jakedee said:

Who the hell honestly believes that this clown is the best way forward. Even Corbyn ran circles around him.


Anna Soubry really rattled his cage regarding a phone call he is alleged to have made to the editor of the Telegraph concerning Dominic Cummings' description of EU negotiations as a sham.

The way he reacted to her question suggested he was guilty as charged.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Gollum Gove fair showing up the bumbler in his mastery of his brief. Total conman, but there must be a few Tories thinking they voted for the wrong leader.

Boris is just a committee made caricature with a few mates and the ability to be mildly amusing who has somehow stumbled into office.

I get that somewhere like America could set up someone like Trump to become President with efficient press control strategies but usually our PMs and opposition leader have been long-time students of the parliamentary system and even with all the sound bites, they do have to demonstrate some sort of intellectual rigour on that stage to give their teams something to work with.

He may well win an election but I would be astonished if he lasts in the job very long. It doesn't really bode well for him that we're like a month or two in and he's declaring war on very well established members of his party and things are already at a point where they are speaking out against him in public and leaking that he's a lying b*****d whilst he is rattled on TV.

The Tories seem to be polling very well now but if Corbyn manages to work through the legislative process to avoid no-deal in advance of an election, he's going into it having finally achieving something of consequence and his party looking more unified whilst Tory candidates will spend hours being asked about their infighting and then potential alliance/threat with/from Brexit Party. It is Brexit Britain after all but I can't bring myself to believe those huge approval rating numbers we see will last the next few weeks.

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10 minutes ago, harry94 said:

Boris is just a committee made caricature with a few mates and the ability to be mildly amusing who has somehow stumbled into office.

I get that somewhere like America could set up someone like Trump to become President with efficient press control strategies but usually our PMs and opposition leader have been long-time students of the parliamentary system and even with all the sound bites, they do have to demonstrate some sort of intellectual rigour on that stage to give their teams something to work with.

He may well win an election but I would be astonished if he lasts in the job very long. It doesn't really bode well for him that we're like a month or two in and he's declaring war on very well established members of his party and things are already at a point where they are speaking out against him in public and leaking that he's a lying b*****d whilst he is rattled on TV.

The Tories seem to be polling very well now but if Corbyn manages to work through the legislative process to avoid no-deal in advance of an election, he's going into it having finally achieving something of consequence and his party looking more unified whilst Tory candidates will spend hours being asked about their infighting and then potential alliance/threat with/from Brexit Party. It is Brexit Britain after all but I can't bring myself to believe those huge approval rating numbers we see will last the next few weeks.


Blackford described him this afternoon as "This temporary Prime Minister"


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18 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
46 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:
Blackford described him this afternoon as "This temporary Prime Minister"

They are all temporary at the end of the day.


Some more temporary than others.

I suspect this current one will prove to be the most temporary in Westminster history.

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Guest Bob Mahelp

Well, after having a month to spout whatever pish he wanted and controlled by Cummings' hand up his arse, Johnson well and truly got his tatties handed to him in his first serious debate this afternoon.

Made to look like the bumbling, stumbling, clueless clown that he is, even the right-wing newspapers that are cheering him on must have been cringing in embarrassment. 

If the vote goes against him tonight (and it will), it could all unravel for him even quicker than most had predicted.

I notice that even the Express....the right-wing fascists propaganda rag of choice.....are reporting that a snap GE will lead to the Tories (and Labour) losing seats, with the distinct possibility of a Corbyn government propped up by the SNP and LibDems.

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32 minutes ago, Comrie said:

How on earth has Gavin Williamson ever been elected or promoted? He's barely got a clue about anything he's talking about.

Punted by May for leaking; brought back into government by Johnson.

Patel punted by May for having secret meetings with the Israelis; brought back into government by Johnson.

Over a hundred Tory MPs defied the whip on Brexit under May, including Johnson himself; Johnson now threatening ‘rebels’ with deselection.


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5 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Boris is 2 for 2 on votes in westminster...2 votes 2 losses emoji23.png

It’s not going how he thought is it?

He’s probably had a vision for years of becoming PM and commanding the HoC, it would be beyond hilarious if he becomes the shortest serving Prime Minister in history.

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I'm not sure what the correct thread for this is, but I suppose here is as relevant as anywhere.

I really enjoyed PMQs today. There were obviously the usual areslickers with the "Will the PM tell us how wonderful he is" type questions, but the vast majority of it was a game of "Who wants to call Boris a c**t".

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