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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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13 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Boris Johnson taking the credit for leading the way on vaccine. Its fucking American/German., And led by a Turkish man.
Unbelievable neck on the c**t

Boris was born in the States & his family has German & Turkish roots his middle name is practically Pfizer so he pretty much deserves all of the credit.



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39 minutes ago, sophia said:

"the searchlights of science have picked out our invisible enemy and give us the power to stop that enemy"

Its all getting a bit silly.

Tbf Johnson wouldn't be using this sort of bullshit war-referencing if the Conservative base support weren't such utterly gullible morons, still obsessing over something the rest of the western world barely gives a passing thought to these days. 

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33 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:
5 hours ago, sophia said:
"the searchlights of science have picked out our invisible enemy and give us the power to stop that enemy"
Its all getting a bit silly.

The Thick of It thread for this pish.

I fear that it is the end of the beginning for him and it won't be long until Johnston feels the hand of history grabbing him by the shoulder.


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1 minute ago, peternapper said:

He will hang on a wee while yet so he can claim he got Bexit done & he has got the greatest deal ever done. Some may even believe him, mugs.

The one ‘good’ thing about Brexit is whether we end up with a marginal deal or no deal the effects are going to be felt almost immediately.

If he decides to go he’s not going to have time for a lap of honour before the sit hits the fan.


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25 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Not sure what’s funnier, Johnson being so low or the fuckwit that is Liz Truss being at the top!


Riddie for DRoss being behind Gove.




Is that Tory party members being polled? If it was the general public you'd think everyone but maybe Slimey  Sunak would be on the negative side.

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A reminder that these peoples constituents who enable them are also fucking rats

It’s Jacob Rees-Mogg that baffles me, the guy is an utterly entitled p***k who is on a different planet to the rest of us, who the hell votes for him. At least Boris has his bumbling buffoon act that appeals to many people but Mogg is just an arrogant arsehole.
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10 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:


It’s Jacob Rees-Mogg that baffles me, the guy is an utterly entitled p***k who is on a different planet to the rest of us, who the hell votes for him. At least Boris has his bumbling buffoon act that appeals to many people but Mogg is just an arrogant arsehole.


Yes. Absolutely agree with this. Mogg looks and acts like the product of a satire writers imagination. 

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19 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
20 hours ago, beefybake said:
Bit like a vote for whose sh*te is least smelly.

Kind of get what you're saying, but surely Mogg's jobby would smell the worst.

I have it on good authority that he gets nanny to give him a sandalwood fragranced enema every night after she's put the children to bed. 

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