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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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14 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Detailed list of DoH waste/failed projects relating to the pandemic as procured by the Good Law Project.


Firstly, Good Law Project. Is that not the chap that keeps crowdfunding for failed causes and tends to lose.

Also, did he not deliberately kill a fox.

Anyway, the biggest - job retention bonus £2.6bn

As I recall, that didn’t happen because Covid came back with a vengeance and furlough was kept on.

I don’t think it was needed as I can’t recall getting anything for any of my staff?


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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Firstly, Good Law Project. Is that not the chap that keeps crowdfunding for failed causes and tends to lose. I wouldn't trust anyone funded by lots of different people with diverse interests. All the best think tanks have opaque funding arrangements. Big business and landowners, that's who should fund things. Last judicial review i saw, about tendering public research, they won. 

Also, did he not deliberately kill a fox. He humanely despatched an injured fox trapped in chicken wire. 

As far as ad homs go, that was a pretty shit attempt. 


Anyway, the biggest - job retention bonus £2.6bn

As I recall, that didn’t happen because Covid came back with a vengeance and furlough was kept on.

I don’t think it was needed as I can’t recall getting anything for any of my staff?



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You might hope that a man of Johnson's superior education would be able to distinguish between an encouraging rallying call to the troops and an exhortation to ejaculate on the nation. Perhaps 'Spaffer' isn't as patriotic as he makes out.



Edited by Thane of Cawdor
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Debate on the international aid budget cut today. No doubt spinning the line that the money earmarked for the poor abroad is better spent on the poor here.

Except if you are claiming Universal Credit, of course, whereby your extra £20 a week is also for the chop.

At least their hatred of the poor sees no creed or colour. 

Total. Fucking. c***s.


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1 hour ago, speckled tangerine said:

Debate on the international aid budget cut today. No doubt spinning the line that the money earmarked for the poor abroad is better spent on the poor here.

Except if you are claiming Universal Credit, of course, whereby your extra £20 a week is also for the chop.

At least their hatred of the poor sees no creed or colour. 

Total. Fucking. c***s.


He will play the fairness card.  “If we have to make cuts for the poorest here it’s only right that we balance it and also make cuts for Johnny Foreigner”.



Sadly if he were actually to couch it in those terms he’d get huge support.

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The 0.7% of GNI is currently met by how many countries?  I could understand the outrage if we were cutting this from a universally excepted level and yet only Germany and the UK for the G7 contribute 0.7% and Germany only last year.

The US for example contribute 0.17%, Japan 0.31%, Canada 0.31% and Australia 0.19%.

How about that great Irish economy that I read so much about on here?  0.31%

It is never going to be popular to be cutting any budget, particularly when we appear to be able to find large chunks of money for COVID spending however the reality is that even with this cut we are still at the top end of contributors based on GNI.

Personally, I would have preferred the budget to remain at 0.7% but I am pragmatic enough to see that we are still contributing a higher proportion of income than almost all the rest of the world.

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2 hours ago, strichener said:

The 0.7% of GNI is currently met by how many countries?  I could understand the outrage if we were cutting this from a universally excepted level and yet only Germany and the UK for the G7 contribute 0.7% and Germany only last year.

The US for example contribute 0.17%, Japan 0.31%, Canada 0.31% and Australia 0.19%.

How about that great Irish economy that I read so much about on here?  0.31%

It is never going to be popular to be cutting any budget, particularly when we appear to be able to find large chunks of money for COVID spending however the reality is that even with this cut we are still at the top end of contributors based on GNI.

Personally, I would have preferred the budget to remain at 0.7% but I am pragmatic enough to see that we are still contributing a higher proportion of income than almost all the rest of the world.

Data from oecd


Exactly as you said, but i don't think that other countries' shitebaggery should excuse ours. 

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