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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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Don't we literally plan and guide the Saudis on how best to blow the shit out of the Yemenis ? I.e we're up to our necks in it ?
Nothing really to do with Boris Johnson though as we were happily doing it before he got in and have been happily sooking the boaby of one or the worst regimes in the Middle East for decades.

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The Financial Times acknowledging that direct fiscal financing from the central bank QE aka PRINTING MONEY is the only way out of the economic hole the UK (and world) is in.

@stricheneryou better write them a letter and get them telt!


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7 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

Don't we literally plan and guide the Saudis on how best to blow the shit out of the Yemenis ? I.e we're up to our necks in it ?
Nothing really to do with Boris Johnson though as we were happily doing it before he got in and have been happily sooking the boaby of one or the worst regimes in the Middle East for decades.

Saudi buys the planes and provides the pilots. The RAF does everything else.

It's not Boris's fault individually but as Foreign Secretary he bares responsibility and would be on the end of a rope if Nuremberg principles were applied.

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1 hour ago, roman_bairn said:

I’d also point out that if his thought process was all money and power, to the detriment of welfare of people, we would not find ourselves in lockdown at present.
Frankly, I’m getting concerned that you guys are roping me into defending the Tories....emoji15.png

Don’t you remember the herd mentality idea? I suspect we might not be in lockdown like this if it wasn’t for the pressure being put on us from experts in the country and also probably other countries. 

There are also people crediting the Tories for the economic measures they are taking but I suspect there is a lot of self-preservation in that as well. A collapsed economy harms them as much as anyone. The tenants renting all their other properties can’t pay their rents if they are all unemployed and have no income. 

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Nothing but respect for the people on this thread who appear to have no politics or interests other than tone policing those who fucking hate the Conservative Party and their ideologically driven punishing austerity programme that they've implemented for the last decade.

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Given that the Tories rely disproportionately on the elderly vote I doubt the strategy is entirely altruistic. Maybe a bit over cynical, but I doubt Stanley was too keen on the early Cummings strategy of let it run rampant and cull the pensioners.

Was that genuinely a Cummings strategy? I thought that was the view of our highly esteemed CMO’s?
I believe it was only when the Prof. Neil Ferguson Imperial report was provided that showed that it could kill up to 250k if we don’t change course that the strategy was altered.....
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Nothing but respect for the people on this thread who appear to have no politics or interests other than tone policing those who fucking hate the Conservative Party and their ideologically driven punishing austerity programme that they've implemented for the last decade.

I’m actually with you on this but I don’t support those who find it funny that someone is dangerously ill in hospital and hope that he dies for a laugh....
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1 hour ago, roman_bairn said:

Was that genuinely a Cummings strategy? I thought that was the view of our highly esteemed CMO’s?
I believe it was only when the Prof. Neil Ferguson Imperial report was provided that showed that it could kill up to 250k if we don’t change course that the strategy was altered.....

Allegedly Cummings said  “herd immunity, protect the economy and if that means some pensioners die, too bad”.



The government went ahead with "herd immunity" while other countries were starting their lockdown. They were never following WHO guidelines or scientific concensus, they went with the scientists they liked best to suit their ideology. Then the Imperial report came out with a potential massive death figure and they shit themselves. If it was only 100k thye might have done nothing.

Remember the government did f**k all. Sport cancelled itself, pubs were only recommended to close, Cheltenham went ahead as usual. Boris was shaking hands in hospital.

Culminating in "The science has changed!" was used as cover when it was clear as day the govt was fucking it. And we are going to have the most deaths in Europe by the look of it.

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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Nothing but respect for the people on this thread who appear to have no politics or interests other than tone policing those who fucking hate the Conservative Party and their ideologically driven punishing austerity programme that they've implemented for the last decade.

Only punishing the folk not willing to give a bit. SNP anti austerity measures have done what ? Killed Scots by not opening hospitals during a pandemic ? whats their contribution to furloughed workers in Scotland ? Whats their contribution to small business, self employed etc etc. Keep voting SNP, a wasted vote is a Tory vote.

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5 hours ago, Detournement said:



The Financial Times acknowledging that direct fiscal financing from the central bank QE aka PRINTING MONEY is the only way out of the economic hole the UK (and world) is in.

@stricheneryou better write them a letter and get them telt!


Here you go again with this shite.  Just so we are 100% clear, the UK can print money and buy debt from the private or public sector at will.  What is impossible economically is for this to be a zero sum game.  I will repeat what I said previously which was that we cannot continually print money with impunity.  QE is just kicking the problem down the road.

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26 minutes ago, Hymlick Manouvre said:

Only punishing the folk not willing to give a bit. SNP anti austerity measures have done what ? Killed Scots by not opening hospitals during a pandemic ? whats their contribution to furloughed workers in Scotland ? Whats their contribution to small business, self employed etc etc. Keep voting SNP, a wasted vote is a Tory vote.

I haven't voted SNP since 2015 lol

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7 hours ago, ali_91 said:


His (and his parties) views and his solutions willingly sacrifice the most vulnerable in society, make it a hostile environment for those not white British and have helped maintain a vast level of deep poverty in the UK. 


Bloody Tory racists front bench.

Never seen so many White Faces etc.

Oh! Wait a minute. 


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The suspense is killing me.

I'm 50/50 on whether he dies or not. He's a fat racist cretin, but whomever takes over if he pops his clogs will likely be worse tbh.

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12 hours ago, ali_91 said:

I don’t want him dead, but this is a nonsense.

His (and his parties) views and his solutions willingly sacrifice the most vulnerable in society, make it a hostile environment for those not white British and have helped maintain a vast level of deep poverty in the UK. 

Tories are abhorrent, and we shouldn’t forget that just because he happens to be ill.


Not 100% sure I got your point, but if it is that no one wants him dead then look back and immediately above.

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50 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

The suspense is killing me.

I'm 50/50 on whether he dies or not. He's a fat racist cretin, but whomever takes over if he pops his clogs will likely be worse tbh.

Disappointed to see that Paddy Power don't have a will he snuff it bet going yet. 

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Hopefully* the hospital has a psychic shield protecting poor Boris from all these totally serious posters who are willing him to die.


* not really; f**k the callous p***k.


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