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General Election 2019 - AND IT’S LIVE!

Frank Grimes

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2 hours ago, Malky3 said:

Your last few words betrays your lack of logic Gordon. The fact that you would class anyone as "human scum" just because they have a differing political opinion to you shows you aren't the resident IQ Champion. 

As for the rest of your post, it's silly. It proves you aren't listening. Nicola Sturgeon has been perfectly clear. She is not going into coalition with Jeremy Corbyn, and any support the SNP will give the Labour Party at Westminster would be completely conditional. More over she has stated many times that her wish is for another hung parliament at Westminster. 

Now lets consider what would happen if Jeremy Corbyn pulls off a bit of a shock on Thursday and Labour win the most seats but not enough to deliver a majority. How would the SNP play that one out? Well it's obvious - just as they did with Theresa May they would attempt to frustrate the new Labour administration by voting against budgets, against the acts they bring forward, and they would continue to criticise and harp on about Labours Brexit deal. There is even a possibility that they could either abstain or vote against a second Brexit referendum - just as they did when Ken Clarke tried and failed by a slender margin to lock the UK into a Customs Union with the EU - something the SNP always claimed they wanted! 

I probably shouldn't be exposing this cause if Labour returned to it's Scottish Heartlands it really would be catastrophic for the Conservatives. A late collapse in the SNP vote and a swing to Labour would clear the road for a majority Labour Government to bring about their mad policies like re-nationalising everything and bankrupting the country with careless, reckless borrowing. 

No Gordon, a vote for the SNP is completely wasted one if you want to see a communist terrorist loving traitor destroy the UK with crazy politics. As I said last night, you'd be as well drawing a cock and balls on the ballot paper. Just be careful though. My Sister who often works at these counts told last night of a wasted ballot paper at her count where next to the words "Alex Salmond" someone had written "is a w**k". However the K appeared in the box and the SNP spent 20 minutes trying to claim it was an X and a vote for Salmond! . 

:lol: Absolutely never happened.

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1 hour ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:


Surely you just wouldn't vote at all? If someone asked you to make a decision about something you were genuinely that clueless about, why would you attempt to impose your will on the outcome? That's not even a spoilt ballot paper situation, as you'd have no idea if there was a candidate who was right for you, so there's nothing to protest.

Think I'd vote for a well meaning no-hoper in that case, get them into 3 figures.

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2 hours ago, Snafu said:

They won't be Labour voters they would be former Labour voters or tactical voters. It's the shift further and further to the left that is losing Labour votes, a return to the more central ground they occupied during the New Labour years would readdress this. Where as the SNP cover the center left ground in Scottish politics which would appeal to the former Labour supporters.


Really? Centre left? Surely you've got that wrong. 

This is the party who bent all the planning rules to bring Trump to Scotland in Aberdeen and which ruined land of significant environmental importance in the process. This is the party who gave £millions in subsidies to big business like Amazon to bring their low paid, zero hour contracts to Scotland. This is the party who cuddled up to Sir Freddy Goodwin offering RBS all the support the nation can give when they were making their fatal bid to buy ABN Amro. This is the party who forced the closure of a ship building yard on the Clyde, to then hand ownership of it over to one of their major party benefactors and one of the richest men in Scotland. This is also the party that sold off publicly owned assets to the likes of David Murray for £1. The party who have made it a fundamental policy of the Scottish Government to pay land rent to some of the UK's richest families to put wind turbines on. And the party who nationalised Prestwick Airport so Donald Trump could use it to fly in American military and government staff so they could stay at the Trump hotel in Troon.

They might like to kid on they are slightly left centrists in politics but their record in government paints a very different picture. However whether you view them as right or left of centre, they are certainly authoritarian - dangerously so. This is the party that won't let it's elected officials talk to the press without first briefing central office. This is the party whom, if you disagree with them even slightly they cast you aside and attempt to humiliate you or ridicule you - as they have done to both Alex Neill and to Jim Sillars. This is the party who admit to using software that was similar to that used by Cambridge Analytica to utilize Social Media as their tool for fake news and propaganda. And this is the party who are quite happy to encourage their supporters to tell opponents that they should "f**k off to England" or to call opponents "Quislings" and "Traitors" without any word of condemnation. And this is the party that sends out it's army of supporters to threaten and intimidate journalists and broadcasters, just because the party isn't happy about the way the news is being reported. 

But don't let me talk you out of voting for them Snafu, the last thing I want is for the Scottish Electorate to wake up and to vote Labour instead. I'd be far happier on Friday morning if I can come back on here to gloating SNP voters happy that their politicians have ensured that the Conservatives have won another term in office with a huge outright majority. 

Edited by Malky3
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2 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

I assume they're waiting for some last minute bribe from one of the parties. A cut in income tax always works well for the Tories, perhaps a pay increase for public sector workers from Labour, if that affects them. Plenty of folk couldn't give a tinker's cuss about anybody but themselves, and refuse to believe that anybody else possibly could either, so they're waiting for the last-minute personal enticement.

On a related topic, there was an elderly woman on Radio Scotland last week who said that she didn't have a clue who to vote for, didn't understand any of the issues, and apparently had made some kind of effort to do so. She'd talked to friends about it, who told her that "you can't go wrong with the Conservatives," but she still genuinely had no clue.

Surely you just wouldn't vote at all? If someone asked you to make a decision about something you were genuinely that clueless about, why would you attempt to impose your will on the outcome? That's not even a spoilt ballot paper situation, as you'd have no idea if there was a candidate who was right for you, so there's nothing to protest.

Wow, that's you just cost the SNP about 800,000 votes in Scotland. 

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1 hour ago, the jambo-rocker said:

:lol: Absolutely never happened.

I'm relaying a story my sister put on Facebook last night about one of the counts she was working at. I have no reason to doubt the veracity of her story, particularly since she tends to waste her vote by voting SNP at these things. 

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Think I'd vote for a well meaning no-hoper in that case, get them into 3 figures.

Jesus, three figures? How many places are you registered to vote, WB?

Don't answer. Malksoft will ensure a visit from the Imaginary Police.

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