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Losing your virginity

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Was it an enjoyable experience? Any amusing anecdotes?

I was a late starter with my coronation not coming until shortly after my 17th birthday when, in a glorious fortnight I managed to get a blowjob in the woods by the river from a older girl who was a seasonal worker in a local hotel, then went home with a girl who was a hairdresser. Think she was about 26 or so at the time.  A tremendous night that had me strutting about the next day like a peacock.


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8 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:


I was a late starter with my coronation not coming until shortly after my 17th birthday when, in a glorious fortnight I managed to get a blowjob in the woods by the river from a older girl

Sailors used to mistake these for mermaids.  I suppose as a 17 year old you’d be likely to make the same mistake.


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16 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Was it an enjoyable experience? Any amusing anecdotes?

I was a late starter with my coronation not coming until shortly after my 17th birthday when, in a glorious fortnight I managed to get a blowjob in the woods by the river from a older girl who was a seasonal worker in a local hotel, then went home with a girl who was a hairdresser. Think she was about 26 or so at the time.  A tremendous night that had me strutting about the next day like a peacock.


Fire away...

Was this before or after you started torturing small animals?

Thank you.

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Aside from the fantastic hunchback story that I will laugh at on my deathbed there was another tale about someone going fishing in Falkirk and pumping two wee slappers.  That one will take some beating.


As for myself.  A bush near a train station at 15.  I was a proper romantic back then.  It wasn’t her first rodeo.

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Lunchtime at high school, not on school grounds.

The younger sister, who unexpectedly went home for lunch too, walked in on us with a surprising lack of surprise and simply said "It smells in here, open the window once you've finished otherwise mum will be angry".  Of course, like any good aspiring student should do, I cut the event short, had a quick shower and went back to school in good time for classwork with the promise of returning back later.  However, school was then then immediately followed by a trip home on the school bus (free) rather than a return to the scene of earlier events, which would have seen me have to fork out for a public bus home later on1.  This of course was a mistake as I had to reply to a series of somewhat disgruntled messages at a time when limited-character texts cost 12p a time, hence I eventually ran out of credit2 and then got accused of ignoring her.



Some may consider this to be 'tight-fisted', but one should note that I never got any pocket money and my only source of income was a Sunday paper round.  Therefore if you consider that I was saving what was half a weeks wage by getting that school bus home, suddenly it doesn't sound as bad.  This also saved what would have been a third shower in one day3.

see 1 above.  If I remember correctly, Vodaphone only sold cards in £10 bundles or more, and I wasn't going to be discussing sexy time using the non-private landline in my dining room with my own family around.

3 In retrospect, this was the environmentally responsible option.  Had the rest of you been as green back in the day then we might not be in the current mess.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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