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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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22 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:
25 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:
Meh, I don't mind that. They are obviously doing it to maximise profit but if it's more expensive it might mean folk won't panic buy as many items. Though my pictures in the previous post certainly don't support that theory.

I really do hate the human race at times.

Somebody was saying about purchases going through the till ( only so many allowed ) still not happened. We however have wrote it so people stop being selfish c***s and leave some for others. Is working slightly but still had to argue to a gentleman who wanted to take 27 handwashes. Meh was pretty eventful


14 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

What was said? Details.

What was his justification?

Aye, this..

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8:30pm on a Sunday night during a global pandemic. Did you think you'd have your pick of the loaves and 45 different brands of toilet roll?
I'm well aware it would be like this. I'm not shocked, I'm highlighting how much people are selfish fucking arseholes.
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Most bog roll in the UK comes from either Swansea, Leicester or Chorley.
(Sorry to be so pedantic).

Oh don’t be sorry at all, I know that’s the case, it’s the diddies believing everything they read online that think the supply chain of bog roll is going to be fucked by China.
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What was said? Details.
What was his justification?
He wanted to stock up and if everyone is panic buying then why shouldnt i.
I then lost it and went on a small rant and was a customer to my left to then started to argue with him.
He went to the checkouts with the trolley and he got 2.
Came back in and went to different checkout with more and got knocked back.

I recognise him and could guess where it was away to end up. Reason I knew on the number of handwashes he had ( apart from the fact I counted them in his trolley) was because he cleared the whole shelf
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2 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:


Oh don’t be sorry at all, I know that’s the case, it’s the diddies believing everything they read online that think the supply chain of bog roll is going to be fucked by China.


As has been said previously on this thread, I'm quite enjoying the mass/social media fuelled hysteria.

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1 minute ago, carpetmonster said:


Given the amount of I'm all right Jack and f**k you currently on display, logic dictates they'd have won every single seat.


^^^ this. Greatest of respect to Corbyn and that Swinson bint but do you really think they’d have had the wherewithal to deal with this? At least Boris and his chums won’t wince at losing a couple of mill off the pension bill. 

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43 minutes ago, Lofarl said:

Do you think had the December election been delayed to say Summer that we would have a huge tory government?


And if after all this Corona nonsense  the population gets decimated by 60% and we go back to the stone age, Middle England will still elect a Tory government. 

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13 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Let us know tomorrow how you are. Hope your temperature gets back to normal by then.

On to the beatson atm. They're wanting me to go t Wishaw general. Last place I want to be is a feckin hospital. Will have to wait and see what's said. 

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Leaked Public Health England document shows that they expect 80% of the population to get the virus within the next year, which would mean around 7/8 million would need hospital treatment. 

Well aware this is how herd immunity works but it sounds utterly mental to see it written out like that. If the best tactic is to just accept that over a million will die (if the figures are to be believed) then f**k me. 

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It looks like every single victim to date in the UK had underlying medical conditions.  


Not sure what this means going forward but it will be interesting to see how long it is before it affects a wider demographic.

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On the "had it before", "no you didn't" stuff; I know someone who was ill in December who thought it was a heavy cold or mild flu and was told by the doctor that he had a Corona virus... it may not have been Covid-19 but it's certainly not outwith the possibility folk in Scotland have had a similar but not identical strain before this one was announced.

On schools closing - I don't quite get why say Dunblane closing is going to make a difference having had one pupil test positive? He/she will have been a carrier before being tested so anyone who will be infected by them will have already got it, and it would surely be more sensible for the pupil themselves to stay off along with any others who show symptoms but the whole school?

I'm hoping we stay in as long as possible but I'm fully prepared for a week of constantly being asked when we're closing, more and more pupils staying off (some as an excuse, some because they're heard someone at the school has it even if nobody does, some to protect older relatives and the like) and then an announcement that we're closing until after Easter.

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I’m currently moving house and there is about 2 1/2 weeks between moving out and moving into the new house.  The mother in law offered to let us move in for the interim which was just about bearable. Now work have told us to work from home - this is going to be a long couple of weeks...

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