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17 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

When’s the shit going to hit the fan here like it did in Italy with hundreds  of deaths per day? 

Disclaimer - hopefully it won’t happen 

To kick off proper in 2 weeks time

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1 minute ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
2 hours ago, ayrmad said:
Everybody should be looking at how they're being treated during this crisis, no point moaning about it if you ain't going to take action. 
Hopefully key workers in certain companies will club together and try to compete against their employers in the future. 

Like form/join a Union, you mean? That's damn' near communist,I tells ya!

No, like starting a company in direct competition and using their strengths and weaknesses against them. 

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7 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

I keep reading comments along the lines of ‘we’re about two to three weeks behind Italy’, the inference being that in two to three weeks time we will be seeing about 600 or so deaths per’ day, same as them. Can someone tell me why the UK, or indeed any nation, in about three weeks time, necessarily has to be in the same spot that Italy are in? Seems to me there are shitloads of variables and nothing is certain in any of this.

There are obviously variables in every country - different healthcare systems, different ways of treating the population, different patterns of the virus spreading.  Factors for the Italian disaster that i've seen that seem plausible (not necessarily true) is that more people there are smokers, that they have a more elderly population, that they have more intergenerational households (assymptomatic young 'uns give the virus to grandparents), that they responded poorly and allowed the virus to circulate untracked in Northern Italy for weeks, that the outbreak there is heavily geographically concentrated leading to a more overwhelming response from healthcare.

These might all be factors but equally they might not.  We might get it worse than Italy, maybe we won't.  

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7 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

I keep reading comments along the lines of ‘we’re about two to three weeks behind Italy’, the inference being that in two to three weeks time we will be seeing about 600 or so deaths per’ day, same as them. Can someone tell me why the UK, or indeed any nation, in about three weeks time, necessarily has to be in the same spot that Italy are in? Seems to me there are shitloads of variables and nothing is certain in any of this.

I keep wondering that too. Why “2 weeks” behind them? Surely it didn’t take 2 weeks to spread from there to here

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Yeah I know have read about that. It affected Mrs B first and I thought I had got away with it as the rest of my symptoms were calming down.

The fucker better come back or I am taking bodies. I dont know who, but I am.

The 18/19 Falkirk squad?

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8 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

I keep reading comments along the lines of ‘we’re about two to three weeks behind Italy’, the inference being that in two to three weeks time we will be seeing about 600 or so deaths per’ day, same as them. Can someone tell me why the UK, or indeed any nation, in about three weeks time, necessarily has to be in the same spot that Italy are in? Seems to me there are shitloads of variables and nothing is certain in any of this.

I think it’s just that as fact. We are 2 or 3 weeks behind when the first case was confirmed and once all the variables come into play we work out whether we’re doing better or worse than other countries when we get to the equivalent stage. The only fixed measure available is the time. 

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2 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Chap in London makes £2m by selling the kits for £375. 3 times the normal price.

If the NHS is paying £120 each then forget about everyone getting tested.

“Entrepreneurial spirit”


1 hour ago, G_Man1985 said:
1 hour ago, Jack Burton said:
Asda in Cumbernauld are only letting so many in at a time, was a queue to get in. Only letting one in when another shopper had left.

Yup we are looking to do same. Some stores I believe are doing this already. The one I'm in his second biggest in Scotland

Ah the SevcoTesco. 
Where is the CelticTesco?

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25 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

They have said we may need to apply to the furlough scheme if the closure is extended, which means we should get 80% of our wages from that point on. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how the 80% thing works, but surely if my work closed for that second week, the company have the choice to apply to to the government for 80% of the wages and then pay us the additional 20% out of the apparent healthy bank balance the company has?  I.e. there is no actual need for us to use holidays here?

As an employee you don't need to apply to anything. You will receive pay (80% or above) as normal, and the employer claims it back.

Whilst it is true that to 'guarantee' 100% pay annual leave would be necessary, forcing employees to take holidays would also mean the employer responsible for 100% of that wage.

It makes no financial sense for an employer to do that, unless they were planning on fiddling the system to be responsible for only 20% of your paid holiday entitlement that week, which would be cunty

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Very unprofessional of me but i'm going to copy and paste an email I just got from one of my Italian customers.  NB These guys are very close to Turin in the North

We are all ok. Unfortunately the disease started here in Italy first, and we’re living very a difficult moment.

Do not underestimate this virus, because the situation here is very serious, and not only for elderly people.

All our cities are impacted, the numbers are probably much bigger than the official ones…

I heard and read about UK’s (Boris) point of view… and I really hope you change idea and approach quickly. UK must strongly fight against it, as has always done in the history with all the problems.

Don’t let it go, because then you cannot stop it!

Please do not exit from home and take all the possible precautions when you have to… it is the only way at the moment to reduce its impact…


As company we all work remotely since one month. We did invest in the past in the Smart Working approach and we have now benefit from that.

Unfortunately the installations and the business, at European level, is stucked, but we’re all working in increasing our services and do what we didn’t had time to do while we were all busy.

Our developers are fully operative and working even more than usual, so we’ll be in a very good shape when this story will be over.


I hope we’ll exchange some positive message in a short while.

In the meantime, please take care of yourself and your families!

Edited by superbigal
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17 minutes ago, true_rover said:

Pretty much 2 weeks behind Italy based on when we reached 400 confirmed cases - based on that we're growing slightly slower than they are (and considerably slower than Spain at the same point).

Those would suggest that from tomorrow the figures will start to increase a bit sharper.

It's hard to make comparisons, we're not exactly testing loads of folk, I just follow the death numbers at the moment, that gives me an idea where we are. 

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Also, the Lombardy region of Italy appears worse hit than other Italian regions, so there must be tons of variables at play in each region. Seems clear that London and New York are worse that most other places in their respective countries. That’s easy to get your head around, due to the highly concentrated populations, the underground systems, a ton of factors. The phrase ‘two weeks behind Italy’ though. It gets aired so many times, and definitely in the context of ‘start shitting yourselves, what happened there is coming here’.

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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I also just saw someone claim that Italy has a particularly bad strain of bacterial pneumonia that is present in Italy.

This could be true tbf. Everyone who tests positive for Covid-19 and subsequently dies is added to deaths caused by the disease. The pneumonia could in theory have been caused by something else, attacking whilst the body is fighting the coronavirus.

The similar figures seen in Spain, however, make that scenario look unlikely.

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5 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


It’s not an inevitable course, though.

I sincerely hope that’s the case. Its what’s they’re prepping for though and they won’t be far wrong. 

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Sainsburys have got the boxed lines on the floor you have to follow and disinfectant at the door to wipe down the baskets and trolleys.

A massive coincidence, my local Aldi shut down a few weeks ago for three months for renovations. I'm sure the Sainsbury beside it were delighted for all the extra business

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