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My Facebook seems to be full of folk writing posts along the lines of "I know I've slagged him off and I don't like his policies but I wouldn't wish this on him."

It'll be surreal/hilarious if he somehow manages to drown in a laughably small volume of his own phlegm.

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Guest Moomintroll
That'll fall on many pairs of deaf ears, Keithgy, but well done anyway.
Yeah, people will have strong opinions on him & his party but I wouldn't wish it ony anyone & remember he has an unborn kid on the way, shit for anyone to be born never knowing their father.
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1 minute ago, philpy said:

Folk bringing politics into it, as expected. The guy's fiancee is pregnant FFS, I Hope he pulls through so he can be fit and healthy when the kid arrives.



Very true. He’ll need to be fit and healthy to run as far away from the kid as possible, like he’s done with all his others. 

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1 minute ago, philpy said:

Folk bringing politics into it, as expected. The guy's fiancee is pregnant FFS, I Hope he pulls through so he can be fit and healthy when the kid arrives.




Fingers crossed none of the wankstains on here see any of their loved ones in an intensive care unit with this disease.

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1 minute ago, philpy said:

Folk bringing politics into it, as expected. The guy's fiancee is pregnant FFS, I Hope he pulls through so he can be fit and healthy when the kid arrives.

Will he even remember the kids existence 5 minutes after it's birth?

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1 minute ago, Moomintroll said:
5 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:
That'll fall on many pairs of deaf ears, Keithgy, but well done anyway.

Yeah, people will have strong opinions on him & his party but I wouldn't wish it ony anyone & remember he has an unborn kid on the way, shit for anyone to be born never knowing their father.

Yep, he's done such a sterling job with the 5 kids he alllegedly already has.

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Him and his ilk are responsible for many more deaths than Coronavirus in the UK.  What’s become abundantly clear is that the austerity project was just that. Pulling billions out their arse to bribe the bigots in Northern Ireland while essential services are slashed right, left and centre.

If he does croak it commiserations etc but the biggest tragedy will be that he will just be replaced by another pernicious c**t.  They have successfully hoodwinked enough people that by buying enough shite on tick they are a ‘middle class citizen’.

Edited by Alert Mongoose
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Folk bringing politics into it, as expected. The guy's fiancee is pregnant FFS, I Hope he pulls through so he can be fit and healthy when the kid arrives.
Well if you don't bring politics into it then it's only as newsworthy as any of the other thousand folk in his position.
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  On 27/03/2020 at 12:57, Mark Connolly said:

You've got to admire his commitment.

He's going to be dead in a ditch rather than failing to deliver Brexit.

18 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:



Dead in a bed, perhaps.

  If he croaks, all his lying and scheming to become PM and do brexit will have been for naught.     How sad.

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13 minutes ago, keithgy said:

Folks as much as Boris is a buffon please let's be sensible and think before you post.

Imagine being so frothing at the mouth about politics that you actually hope someone dies. What a ‘journey’ the cybernats are on. Delicious. 

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4 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

I hope he doesn’t die, but this ‘thoughts and prayers from a Labour man,’ is absolutely nauseating. 

He’s an absolute c**t, with a long history of making people’s life’s absolutely miserable. 

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe approves this post 

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The recent financial bailout showed that the whole austerity policy wasn’t driven by economic necessity but was politically motivated.

It is a policy that has led to real suffering particularly amongst the most vulnerable.  

If Johnson, Gove, Raab, Patel and the rest of them dropped dead tomorrow I wouldn’t shed a single tear.

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As someone who lost a very close friend to this pox of a virus, he was 31 years young and having to watch his family unable to even give him a funeral I honestly wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.. Boris is a c**t but still wouldn't wish this on anyone

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