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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

Talking down to other people in a shitty tone after having it patiently explained as well. Pure Tory behaviour.

There are around 400 accidental drowning deaths per year in the UK too yet he cracks open the booze with his cornflakes and posts pics of himself by the pool. That’s an unnecessary NHS interaction waiting to happen. 

Scotland’s most wreckless man IMO. 

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Just had a quick look for the records of actual coronavirus deaths. Scotland's announcements seem to be fairly accurate. Albeit with a wee bit of a lag. No doubt a bigger jump on Wednesday, when it's updated.
But the picture in England is quite interesting. ONS seem to have stopped counting at around 700 in hospitals. With all coronavirus deaths at double that. Trying to cover up the actual figure?

Channel 4 News running this as the top story tonight, saying that the figures are not being properly reported and some Covid 19 deaths not being recorded as such.
Also saying that English figures relating to care Home deaths are weeks behind though strangely go to their Scottish corespondent to discuss this!
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9 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

There are around 400 accidental drowning deaths per year in the UK too yet he cracks open the booze with his cornflakes and posts pics of himself by the pool. That’s an unnecessary NHS interaction waiting to happen. 

Scotland’s most wreckless man IMO. 

Shandon, I think that means exactly the opposite of what you intended.

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5 hours ago, Adders said:

Not martyrs at all just listening to guidelines from a government who are clearly clueless n not giving any trust worthy information, a bunch of people who pick n choose what part they want to listen to suit there own needs, facts are we are heading into this disaster as clearly the worse nation in Europe as a ratio of deaths, n one of the very few with a kind of relaxed lockdown, don't make much sense, until it gets to a point where maybe even stricter rules are forced, so do we sit tight as we watch the numbers soar, we have already admitted we were to slow to declare lockdown, so will it be we were to slow to enforce a strict lockdown, the problem is the choices you make you make effect everyone, do we think we're the only country who suffers mental health problems?  Pathetic, arrogant, stubborn and slightly deluded, all of them traits will no doubt will turn to regret just before intensive care becomes your total lockdown! 

The government are saying you can go out once a day for except is enough though. I don’t see how people like me who are going a walk once a day are contributing to people being in intensive care? I was out a walk today, I went through the woods in my town, down the field and then onto the beach. I passed a couple and we stayed about 10 feet away, and a dog walker who was the other side of the road. Not sure how Im going to catch or transmit Coronavirus through that

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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

No it doesn't.

There are now several strains. Maybe they are immune to the one they had but not to the re-imported European strain? 

Maybe a small number of people don't develop immunity? 

Maybe no one develops immunity, but what's being reported isn't conclusive evidence of that. 


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5 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Dont worry lads, if the Covid doesnt get you, then the nuclear pollution being sent into the atmosphere by forest fires at Chernobyl will.

Some year.

Will that affect next season’s fixtures?

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