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10 minutes ago, philpy said:

Shared by someone on FB...  If true, jesus christ, they'll be queuing in their hordes just to have a burger and chips and feel hungry an hour later... 


It's pretty obvious that it's a fake. Like, really, really obvious.

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

I’m sorry for introducing the generational discussion about boomers and shit like that to this thread. It only ends one way, with complete eye bleed.

Can we just get back to discussing the best Indiana Jones films?

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11 minutes ago, philpy said:

Shared by someone on FB...  If true, jesus christ, they'll be queuing in their hordes just to have a burger and chips and feel hungry an hour later... 


Interesting McDonald's have rebranded to MC Donald's. She canny be the brightest spark, I guess that's what scraning McDonald's does to you

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9 minutes ago, philpy said:

Shared by someone on FB...  If true, jesus christ, they'll be queuing in their hordes just to have a burger and chips and feel hungry an hour later... 


"if true"

Let's have an extension of the dab twat from earlier and consider this rationally, philpy.

"we will have a limit of 2 customers inside each restaurant."


Leave aside the erroneous space in the use of McDonald's (and the missing apostrophe), the terrible comma use on the fourth line, the excessive use of exclamation marks, pretty much leave aside all the formatting.

Leave aside the fact that if it doesn't come from an official McDonald's account - easy enough to check, you should be independently verifying that anyway.

Do you really, really, really think that in a situation where the country's had everything bar hospitals and supermarkets shut for weeks, that the country's most popular fast food restaurant would open all of their outlets at once? Do you think this news would reach you first via some zoomer from Facebook? And most importantly, do you think this would occur with two people inside a restaurant at a time? Picture it. Go on. Chances are you've been in a shop over the past few weeks that you've had to queue for. Now imagine what it would have been like with them only letting two people in at a time.

Is this where civilisation is in 2020? Where people look at this and don't immediately roll their eyes and ignore it?

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1 minute ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

"if true"

Let's have an extension of the dab twat from earlier and consider this rationally, philpy.

"we will have a limit of 2 customers inside each restaurant."


Leave aside the erroneous space in the use of McDonald's (and the missing apostrophe), the terrible comma use on the fourth line, the excessive use of exclamation marks, pretty much leave aside all the formatting.

Leave aside the fact that if it doesn't come from an official McDonald's account - easy enough to check, you should be independently verifying that anyway.

Do you really, really, really think that in a situation where the country's had everything bar hospitals and supermarkets shut for weeks, that the country's most popular fast food restaurant would open all of their outlets at once? Do you think this news would reach you first via some zoomer from Facebook? And most importantly, do you think this would occur with two people inside a restaurant at a time? Picture it. Go on. Chances are you've been in a shop over the past few weeks that you've had to queue for. Now imagine what it would have been like with them only letting two people in at a time.

Is this where civilisation is in 2020? Where people look at this and don't immediately roll their eyes and ignore it?

I've been saying for a few years that my favourite day of the year is April 1st, because it's the one day of the year people read things online and ask themselves "hmm, I wonder if this is true?".

The other 364 days of the year (365 this year) just seem to be "Believe Whatever Shite You Read Day".

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15 minutes ago, philpy said:

Shared by someone on FB...  If true, jesus christ, they'll be queuing in their hordes just to have a burger and chips and feel hungry an hour later... 


Pretty sure when they open it will be at 24 hours notice with no social media promotion 


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55 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


I don’t know why I can’t quote your first post.

Yeah I’m sure it isn’t the only reason but I think it was a big part of it. I remember those elections and 2001 in particular was a procession. It’s almost surreal to look back on those elections where you had centrist New Labour SDP-types fighting with a harder right Conservative party, albeit one with reminding pro-EU tendencies. Both of those groups in British politics are very marginal now but they were kind of the only shows in town then. The left were completely irrelevant but now you’ve got an opposition even under Starmer who are far to the left of anything Labour out forward in the 90s and 00s.

I do think it’s interesting though that lots of people complain about “everything being political” now but the measure of basic political engagement was far higher 25 years ago when people didn’t say that, at least as far as I remember it.



I think there was a natural sense of incumbency but also a sense that New Labour didn't live up to the hype. That decline hasn't been arrested ever since and I think you can only put so much down to whoever's been leading the party at the time. As someone 'inside the tent' so to speak the party's fucked as well at outreach. Millions left between 1997-2010 and nobody really knows how to get them back.

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A few households on my street have been flaunting the rules over the last week or so. Tonight I saw the old granny of the family across the road standing in the kitchen and  then out the back for a cig. The daughter told me last week she goes and picks her up and they go to Silverburn for shopping. I don’t care what people do tbh, but these guys are so blatant about it 

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Including the red zones?
The whole of Italy has been closed as a red zone since the lockdown. It will be up to the individual regions to decide how to come out of lockdown but that's what Conte suggested will happen this evening. Shops to open from the 18th May, schools in September.
Obviously that's not set in stone, but it's what the government expect to happen.
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15 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Can we just get back to discussing the best Indiana Jones films?

Apparently boomers really like the second film while millenials prefer the fourth.  Everybody likes the first film but Generation X don't like the third one (with Sean Connery).


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11 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


I think there was a natural sense of incumbency but also a sense that New Labour didn't live up to the hype. That decline hasn't been arrested ever since and I think you can only put so much down to whoever's been leading the party at the time. As someone 'inside the tent' so to speak the party's fucked as well at outreach. Millions left between 1997-2010 and nobody really knows how to get them back.

Beyond that the difference between now and the 90s is that it's much easier to live a life that is completely disconnected from political discourse. Only watch Netflix and or sport, play video games, never read a paper or listen to the radio and have primarily non political social media like Insta, Snapchat and Tiktok. 

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2 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Apparently boomers really like the second film while millenials prefer the fourth.  Everybody likes the first film but Generation X don't like the third one (with Sean Connery).


Fake news.

Nobody likes the fourth.

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