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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

NB: I've now looked up the criteria for 'priority' testing in England: it's absolutely fucking ridiculous.

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List of essential workers and those prioritised for testing (England only)

  • all NHS and social care staff, including:
    • doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, care workers, and other frontline health and social care staff including volunteers
    • the support and specialist staff required to maintain the UK’s health and social care sector
    • those working as part of the health and social care supply chain, including producers and distributors of medicines, and medical and personal protective equipment
    • NHS Blood and Transplant frontline staff (blood donation staff, specialist nurses for organ donation, staff running therapeutic apheresis services in NHS hospitals)
    • those providing ancillary support to NHS workers (such as hotel accommodation for NHS staff)
  • essential public services staff, including:
    • prisons, probation, courts and tribunals staff, judiciary
    • religious staff
    • charities and workers delivering critical frontline services
    • those responsible for the management of the deceased
    • journalists and broadcasters covering coronavirus or providing public service broadcasting
    • public health and environmental staff, such as specialist community public health nursing
  • public safety and national security staff, including:
    • police and support staff
    • Ministry of Defence civilians, contractors and armed forces personnel (those critical to the delivery of critical defence and national security outputs and critical to the response to the coronavirus pandemic), including defence medical staff
    • fire and rescue service employees (including support staff),
    • National Crime Agency staff, those maintaining border security, prison and probation staff and other national security roles, including those overseas
    • British Transport Police and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency
  • transport workers, including:
    • those who keep the air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport modes operating during the coronavirus response
    • those working on transport systems through which supply chains pass
  • education and childcare workers, including:
    • support and teaching staff
    • social workers
    • specialist education professionals
  • critical personnel in the production and distribution of food, drink and essential goods, including:
    • those involved in food production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery
    • those critical to the provision of other essential goods, such as medical supply chain and distribution workers, including community pharmacy and testing (such as PHE labs), and veterinary medicine
    • workers critical to the continuity of essential movement of goods
  • local and national government staff critical to the effective delivery of the coronavirus response, or delivering essential public services, such as the payment of benefits
  • public and environmental health staff, including in government agencies and arm’s length bodies
  • funeral industry workers
  • frontline local authority staff and volunteers, including
    • those working with vulnerable children and adults, victims of domestic abuse, and the homeless and rough sleepers (and hotel staff supporting these groups)
    • voluntary sector organisations providing substance misuse treatment
  • utilities, communication and financial services staff, including:
    • staff needed for essential financial services provision (including but not limited to workers in banks, building societies and financial market infrastructure)
    • the oil, gas, electricity and water sectors (including sewerage)
    • information technology and data infrastructure sector and primary industry supplies to continue during the coronavirus response
    • essential staff working in the civil nuclear, chemicals, telecommunications (including but not limited to network operations, field engineering, call centre staff, IT and data infrastructure, 999 and 111 essential services), postal services and delivery, payments providers and waste disposal sectors



I suspect that well over half of the people on this forum could make a bullshit claim to a test under one or more of the above categories. Its also unclear whether there's a limit to the number of tests that you can request: is it really the best use of resources to let some hypochondriac local journalist request a new test every 48 hours?

Unless we get to a situation in which we can hand tests out like Skittles anyway then we shouldn't be following this daft, media-oriented token gesture.

You don’t even need a b.s claim. There are no checks.

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If memory serves Granny Danger has served in office as a councillor and WRK is an active trade unionist.

Yep. They’ve got far more to do with “solving the problem” than internet trolls who pretend to be business owners.
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Raab really is something else, you'd think he was delivering the Greenkeepers Report at a golf club AGM - not a hint of solemnity, sincerity or contrition at what is unfolding on a daily basis.

This daily UK briefing has become a gross exercise in deflection, laden with propaganda padding and attempting to put the best possible spin on some disastrous outcomes from second-rate but malleable cabinet ministers.

Edited to add, the Daily Mail guy has just fellated his paper live on telly.

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Weirdest thing about VT's contributions here is his heart is an unextinguishable fireball of hatred for practically every other human being on earth, so I can't figure out why he's bothered either way on any of this.

Thing that could be missed here is that he's dead right about the pointless media driven panic about testing numbers. The time it makes sense is when the numbers are very low, at the start and at the end, so tracing and isolating contacts is actually possible. Testing someone now who's asymptomatic but carrying doesn't even work, and the results don't even come back for 5 days so you could have caught it when you get the all clear. Regular testing should just be for frontline workers, the hospitalised and care homes.

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13 minutes ago, H Wragg said:

Wetherspoons beginning to plan for pubs reopening in or around June.

Can't see it myself.

I'm not sure. As a massive player in the pub industry the CEO will be in contact in some way with the government.

I wouldn't be surprised if, atm anyway, end June / early July is being discussed as a realistic date for allowing pubs and restaurants to re-open, providing the current trend continues / accelerates and they can implement some form of social distancing measures.

That date won't have been plucked out of thin air.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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The South Korea election result should worry the Tories. Few deaths and well managed testing = landslide for the governing party. Lots of deaths and few tests early in outbreak =possible election calamity? 
The public will soon turn against the tories on COViD19 
Trouble is though that they won't, the only people who will be swayed are folk that were directly affected by losing a loved one.
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Just now, MixuFixit said:

It's Tim Martin. It'll have been plucked from the thin air around when he thinks his clout such as it is could realistically influence the government to dance to his tune.

I don't agree with that viewpoint, but there is no point arguing about it as neither of us really know for sure 😂

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27 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Weirdest thing about VT's contributions here is his heart is an unextinguishable fireball of hatred for practically every other human being on earth, so I can't figure out why he's bothered either way on any of this.

It's nothing to do with personal feelings, just a dedication to posting. 

To expand on this: the following is not a dedication to posting

6 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't agree with that viewpoint, but there is no point arguing about it as neither of us really know for sure 😂

Edited by NotThePars
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2 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

He's a microbiologist, not a virologist or epidemiologist. 

We've got more relevant folk than that to listen to (not the dentist bloke).

I’d rather hear auld Shug’s thoughts than probably anybody else being entrusted to keep us informed. Far more relevant than the lot of them combined.

45 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

In other words his opinion is meaningless.

Thanks for clearing that up.

It’s not meaningless though. Far more strings to his bow than you could nutshell under the general definition of a ‘microbiologist’. 

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You don’t even need a b.s claim. There are no checks.
Exactly and all this claim of (for example) 75,000 capacity falls flat on it's arse when we see the actual daily figures and hear that all available slots are booked within an hour of being made available. It's just total bollocks ! Also what's the point. It takes days to get a result and all it proves is you did or didn't have it at the moment you were tested ! You return to work if testing negative yet might have been infected in the interim.
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Restaurants will open before pubs and I assume they will be classed as such. They will have a better model for reopening with no table service and large floor spaces, might be in a better position than most (worse luck !)

Wetherspoons beginning to plan for pubs reopening in or around June.

Can't see it myself.
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9 minutes ago, 8MileBU said:

I’d rather hear auld Shug’s thoughts than probably anybody else being entrusted to keep us informed. Far more relevant than the lot of them combined.

It’s not meaningless though. Far more strings to his bow than you could nutshell under the general definition of a ‘microbiologist’. 

He's got some great tales about putting that newbie Alexander Fleming in his place.

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