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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Germany, for example, had a 7 day rolling average new cases figure this time last month of around 750. Its now 257. A drop of just over 65%

If a country which has gradually eased more and more restrictions can reduce their new case load by 65% in that time, I don't see why we can't do the same.

I also find it hard to believe that had they kept in place the same restrictions we have that they would have achieved a much, if any, greater reduction

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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


This is a great political answer. Lot of 'detail' but avoids actually answering the question asked.

So i'll ask it again.

Why does Scotland need to be much more cautious in easing restrictions, despite evidence from across Europe showing that restrictions can be eased and cases continue to fall?

It really isn't a political answer. Its an engineering answer. There is no right answer, simply a series of trade offs. I've replied as to how I see the effective balance of those trade offs. I am genuinely torn as to which I think is optimal for Scotland.

Suffice to say it doesn't "need" to go slower than others subject to the obvious caveat that R is not allowed to jump back above 1. That said, there are merits to a more aggressive suppression of the virus, something tending towards eradication through a more cautious relaxation. Whether or not you think those merits are outweighed by the strategy favoured by the UK government is up to you, but we shouldn't pretend that there are not benefits to trying to crush it now, if possible.

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5 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Your second sentence hits the nail on the head, though - obviously being tied to the rUK kind of retricts decision making, but surely it would make more sense to look at what's worked elsewhere, rather than try to mitigate the effects of the WM clusterfúck.

Absolutely this. When setting out the route map NS said the SG would do this.

All the evidence so far suggests this wasn't entirely honest

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2 minutes ago, Hard Graft said:

Tesco Falkirk this morning have removed all their queuing barriers. Just walk straight into the shop .

For the first time in about a month I walked straight into a Tesco yesterday, got what i needed, and was back in my car within 10 minutes.

Was very refreshing.

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How will social distancing at school work? When i was at school few folk could afford a fag to themselves and we had to share one or “get twos” as we called it . Is this safe? Do they need to disinfect the fag end before passing it on?


On a more serious note, places which have ran with a reduced number of staff due to distancing with the rest on furlough might find that they managed the workload just fine with 8 instead of 12 staff on the floor and that’s how they’re gona do it from now on. Would make me apprehensive voluyfor furlough anyway

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17 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

How will social distancing at school work? When i was at school few folk could afford a fag to themselves and we had to share one or “get twos” as we called it . Is this safe? Do they need to disinfect the fag end before passing it on?


On a more serious note, places which have ran with a reduced number of staff due to distancing with the rest on furlough might find that they managed the workload just fine with 8 instead of 12 staff on the floor and that’s how they’re gona do it from now on. Would make me apprehensive voluyfor furlough anyway

Said this away at the start.

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7 minutes ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

Not particularly related to anything in the last few posts, but In the week before schools closed you would be shocked/horrified/aghast at the number of parents who sent their child to school with a hacking cough/high temperature (that they knew about beforehand).

This has been going on for as long as I've been a teacher. I've had pupils sitting in front of me with chicken pox, slapped cheek, the 'flu, you name it.

"Oh we knew he wasn't well, but we thought it might clear up" - meanwhile the next few days see infections and absences amongst pupils and staff rise dramatically.

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I'm maybe inventing things in my head but I've quite strong memories of being told it could come to this sort of stretch when this started in March. Chatting with work colleagues about how we'd need to re-think the entire summer workload etc.
Yip we were told on day 1 of home working to be prepared for a min 3-6 months of it.
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58 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

How will social distancing at school work? When i was at school few folk could afford a fag to themselves and we had to share one or “get twos” as we called it . Is this safe? Do they need to disinfect the fag end before passing it on?


On a more serious note, places which have ran with a reduced number of staff due to distancing with the rest on furlough might find that they managed the workload just fine with 8 instead of 12 staff on the floor and that’s how they’re gona do it from now on. Would make me apprehensive voluyfor furlough anyway


41 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Said this away at the start.

Yep, there will be many and varied changes in workplace practises. There will even be new, unforeseen, jobs created, and even new industries/services/profit opportunities. The net result/bottom line, though, is unlikely to be an increase in jobs.

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Re shopping, folk seem to be forgetting that you arent even considered a contact unless you have been within 2 metres for 15 mins.

I'd suggest theres absolutely no requirement to limit numbers in store on that basis. If anyone is within 2 metres of me for 15 mins at tesco, they are going to have to fight me.

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2 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:


Yep, there will be many and varied changes in workplace practises. There will even be new, unforeseen, jobs created, and even new industries/services/profit opportunities. The net result/bottom line, though, is unlikely to be an increase in jobs.

Most likely this, unfortunately.

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15 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Most likely this, unfortunately.

Also, plenty employers will be looking upon this as a godsent opportunity to have a bonfire of decent terms and conditions. British Airways appear to be in the vanguard of this.

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1 hour ago, Hard Graft said:

Tesco Falkirk this morning have removed all their queuing barriers. Just walk straight into the shop .

Is this fact?

Find it strange this has happened. Considering the store I work in has this in place until December ( have taken on people to man the doors because we cant trust humans ,or our own staff) 

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Morrisons have patched the one way system and let it be a free for all again.

I realised I quite like the one way system.

Edited by Ludo*1
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